Forums > Kitesurfing General

auckland crew

Created by CODY > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2010
WA, 56 posts
4 Oct 2010 1:50PM
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WA, 1877 posts
5 Oct 2010 8:25AM
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Hey yous fallas still wearing them double fronted wooley Ug boots at 2mins Baaa haa haaa

Hmmm not very patriotic but if you new how cold that water is - youd wanna cow pac them boots first ay bro Baaa haa haa

Just kidding fallas n fallesses

P.s yous should come over to Perth - 25 knots & 30 degrees, you will like it here - they even named it after home W.A ( West Auckland ) sweet az


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"auckland crew" started by CODY