Bali continues to produce unusaully good trade winds - spoke to a local yesterday who said its been really consistent
I was overpowered on an 11 rev yesterday - could have switche to my 7 but it was back at the hotel
- this was at sminyak area not sanur
cheers - I need another bintang!!! or will i get another massage
Hi Bruce
Im currently at work... and outside it is cold and rainy with no sign of Bintang or small asian women giving cheap massages.
You suck.
ya killin me bruce... been back 3 weeks and had my first kite today. not a massage in sight... got a slab of bintang tho.
Get a job at long last will you! This eternal globe trotting to go kiting that you do is killing us all!
Waiting on wind here in Cairns that doesn't seem to be coming? I must be bored if I'm surfing your news.
when i was in bali, end of june start of july, i kited almost every day (apart from 2) and the days i didnt kite, there was still loads of wind but i was in ubud. i heard it was because there was some wierd weather system/ hurricane in the phillipenes, which was causing all the wind.
Thanks for that Bruce, your just trying to rub it in because I didn't get my act together to join you over there this year aren't you.
I setup one veeryyy drunk friend with one for $10. Man did he think he was 'The' stud untill we all started laughin uncontrollably at him Haaaaaaaa
Havin a good ol snog with her/him
One sure way to get rid of unwanted merchandise salesmen there is to accuse them of being Banchong. They'll soon be backpedalling their peddling.....
A man is in bed with his Thai girlfriend.
After having sex, she spends the next hour just stroking his penis,
something she had lovingly done on so many occasions.
Rather enjoying it, he turns and asks her, 'Why do you love doing that?'
She replies: 'Because I really miss mine'.