This is for all Perth kiters, new to the sport or been doing it for years, wake style, wave style, bow kite, c kite and foil kite riders... we don't care we just want to meet you all and have a BIG fun day where you families can meet other kiting families...
DATES wind dependent: 22nd - 23rd of dec...
This is not a COMP but a fun social day for the families of Perth Kiters...
if you have never done a down winder, this is the ride for you! We are having a support boat to follow along and help anyone the way...
CHOICE will give out some spot prizes for the kids- wives or husbands (boyfriends-Girlfriends) that are not kiters...
Also some prizes for kiters...
prizes will include gift vouchers for CHOICE kitesurfing.
and more....
this is not a big gig but we'd love to see as many guys and gals there as we can...
get your non-kiter partner to drop you off at woodies then you kite to sth beach and they drive back there and wait for you... at Sth Beach we'll have a BBQ, Salads and cold drinks... games for the kids and a fun time for the whole family...
call the shop to register your interest... 93367884
The more people that come the more prizes i will get from CHOICE for the event...
and tohelp me get more prizes out of OLD CHOICEY when you ring the store, tell what prizes you'd like to get your sticky little mits on..
cheers to all and windy to days...
Great plan Pos
count me in.
South Beach is excellent, good wind protection for the kids and ladies.
Hopefully we will get some support and the prize pool will grow.
I'd like a 7m Rev as my prize selection and a 9m for the wife!
Hi all , thanks for the calls , here are the details for you all.
We’ll have the conditions, you’ll have the support, CHOICEKITESURFING’S DOWNWINDA – DEPARTURE @ 15.00hrs from Woodman Point – your choice of beach. Finish point @ South Beach – barbeque area, some food provided plus BYO.
Friends and families, spot prizes included. Christmas fun day!
For those of you who may not have done an ‘ intentional ‘ Down wind run , then this is a nice easy cruise off the breeze. For those who are more experienced then you can have a ball jumping your brains loose , or buddy up with a few crew and have your own drag race, dress up as Santa, whatever. Take your time and cruise and it will take about an hour. I would be interested in times from those who do race.
Then come ashore and join the family. South beach is a great place to hang out in the afternoon with the kids, there is a café clean toilets, showers, grass, BBQs and plenty of shelter from the wind. So get dropped off at woodies , then get your partner go to south beach with your picnic . Please bring along cricket sets , and some balls’ , there will be some b2 land kites for those who are interested in learning to fly small land kites. It would be nice to see this as a regular thing. If all goes well, your wife and kids may be asking you “when are we going kitesurfing next ?”
Bring . Your family and friends,
BBQ foods and drinks (gas BBQ on site)
Beach sports stuff, Volleyball, Cricket set, footy
Christmas spirit.
For riders
Three do’s and three do not’s
Do not attempt to do this run if you are not competent at RIDING, WATER RE-LAUNCHING AND SELF RESCUE . (if this is you, your help will be appreciated, with launching and landing kites at both ends, taking photos and of course join in on the fun)
The Boat will make its way down around 3.30 if the first crew head off at 3pm
The boat crew will be observing kitesurfers down wind of the boat .
DO NOT JUMP OR DO ANY TRICKS BETWEEN THE GROYNES AT SOUTH BEACH. (This is a swimmers beach.) If you want to show off and get your pic taken from shore then do it at the crazy waves groyne end of C Y O’conner dog beach just to the south of south beach.
Do use a safety leash
Do check your equipment
Do ride considerately
If we get no wind then we go on the Sunday.
Cya there
i have picture of my GF on Choice home page ( for your viewing pleasure, so i see it only fair that all you lads bring your chickies to the beach for me to meet and greet...
i hear your lady is a hottie Puppet! may-be she can be then new Choice poster girl...
seriously guys, just because girls can multi task and learn to kite much faster than you ever did, don't keep her away from the sport... you've got the head start you need and surely she won't ever be as good as you... Then don't let your man ego be dented if she does get better than you...
also a good chance to introduce your kids to a great sport... Remember Aaron H and Giselle were both world champs at a very young age... maybe you loin spawn could be the next big thing...
keep the phone call coming to the store and we'll keep the prize pool growing...
"so far the REV is not a prize but i am sure we'll add it to the prize list if you all want to pay a entry fee of say $95each...[}:)][}:)] so far with the 17 people who are confirmed riders we should be able to cover a REV prize... NOT!!!
Hey Choicey, Pete and I will be there so bring lots of beer.
Found a board at woodies this arvo (wednesday) I think it might be one of your's.
Hi All Saturday still looks good , sunday looks to be no wind for us so its Saturday only.
See ya all at woodies from around 2.30.
Hi all, all is go for the down wind run tomorrow.
We will have a safety brief at 1430 hrs @ the end car park of Woodmans point.
I'm not sure if im going to cruise down on my 9'6 mal with a small kite , or blast down first on my mutant and a 12 HP Nemi and set a time to beat. anyone want a race?
I'll race ya Choicey
Not sure if I'll get there in time though - after lessons @ Peli Pt
If I don't make it have a great arvo.
If I do I'll be begging for a lift back to Woodies afterwards
i dont think i can take another full day of kiting but meh, should be good doing a dwer to a beach i dont know
can you kite at south beach? and secondly... where is south beach??!!
Edit: I mean can I start and end at south beach or are their swimmers ect
South beach is kitable, but not great as it is will want to stay out to sea, near Crazzy Waves....Crazzy Waves, just for you.
Full cred to Choicey & crew for a fantastic outing.
After looking seriously doubtful early on the wind kicked right on time.
Great organisation, great time had by all.
Great to see so many faces from near & far.
Well done Choicey, lottsa kites and family friendly. The rescue boat was a nice touch. Thanks for the fun, food and drinks.
When's the next one.
Pretty cool the way Hewie turned on a West Sou westerly.
Great afternoon, thanks man....and the exclusive photo of the winner himself...with board in hand and kite weapon par excellance.
Managed to be under 12 10 knots of wind....not bad. Seemed like most people were out in the water for a long long time.
Thanks again Graham for org. a cool afternoon.
Thanks Choicey for organizing everything - a fun arvo had by all Nice to meet some crew for the first time and always great to catch up with mates we haven't seen for awhile.
I didn't find South Beach that gusty at all - nice park with shop, BBQ, toilets, parking, etc and I don't think people get their cars broken into as often there either!
I echo the sentiments of all above - well organised great event - met lots of people, free beer & a hat! spent a solid hour on the water - bit sore but had a great day - cant wait for the next one - Thanks Choicey!
thanks choicey and crew for the fun day, and the hat!
3.08pm the sun was is it's most southern point before it heads north
how about that..
caz chiro
When i put this post up i forgot about a wedding i had to goto in Busso... DOH! so preyed that wind would not be good on sat and hoped to day would bring the fruit... i have got to keep the shop opened until 3 but after that i amped fore a kite...
So for any one who could not make it yesterday and wants to do a down winder today call me 9336 7884...
Glad you all had fun and i am sorry for my self that i was not there to join in the fun and festivities...
the thanks you guys have put up all ready is great and from such a wide range of people in the kite community... You're all such good ambassadors for the sport...
for those i was looking forward to meet but didn't, we'll be sure to run a few more of these before the summer is out...
hope to see you on the water soon...
windy days to all
Merry Xmas
Cheers to Choicey and all involved with the down winda! It was a great arvo and epic to see so many kites up together. Many thanks for the beers, tucker and pressies. Count me in for the next one Have a great Chrissy all, Steve Johns.