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f-one tossers

Created by bennie > 9 months ago, 12 Jun 2009
ACT, 1258 posts
12 Jun 2009 8:41PM
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check out the Kartel vid on this site , well shot, great location, good riding, but fark whats with all the wankers, I mean riders standing around looking like complete tossers. Why do F one think people will find that cool, It just makes me laugh at them, and wrecks an otherwise good vid

VIC, 760 posts
13 Jun 2009 1:59AM
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Yeah i think i'm gonna have to agree with you on this one. Great angles on some nice riding, but damn the pose shots ruin it. I get they're trying to promote their riders and product but let the team riders ride instead of acting like Fabio.

F.One - All we do is stand around.

WA, 266 posts
13 Jun 2009 1:28AM
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very gay.... very dangle.....

but i wish i had that camera!!!!!!!

WA, 2119 posts
13 Jun 2009 9:34AM
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wish I could stand around like a tosser somewhere thats WINDY

QLD, 271 posts
14 Jun 2009 8:07PM
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is the bloke wearing the sunnies Alex Sanz???

QLD, 129 posts
14 Jun 2009 8:24PM
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reckon I'd end up with an assault charge if people started carrying on like that at my local

NSW, 120 posts
14 Jun 2009 8:48PM
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Don't knock the dangle! Check out 3:15, I didn't know the Taliban were into kiting Have to agree about the posing. Excellent film quality and it's always good to see kite films where you get to see what the kite's doing. I'm so sick of handle pass after handle pass... boring! Nothing wrong with a bit of old school.

WA, 45 posts
15 Jun 2009 2:54AM
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is one dude actually hugging himself in the end??? what were these guys thinking of...

VIC, 1159 posts
15 Jun 2009 9:25AM
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I prefer the Addickt (I think that's how they spelt it) video they put out last year. Better tunes, less posing, more variety. It actually pumped you up and made you want to get out on the water.

NSW, 4188 posts
15 Jun 2009 11:17AM
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yeah wow - wtf was up with all the euro style posing? Oh wait...

Shame really that looked like a kick ass spot with and some cool scenery.

Loved the dolphins though.

NT, 2177 posts
15 Jun 2009 3:15PM
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hey Benrama, you'd fit right in dude!!! hehehe

just joking!!!

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
15 Jun 2009 1:54PM
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For the camera junkies out there -

That red one cam is very nice - but total overkill for a webcam movie - something well shot on HDV or DVCPROHD will look the same.

the only benefit is the 120 fps - which you can easily get to in post if you with shoot something that overcranks 50 fps (Sony Ex 1 ,Panasonic HVX 200, HPX 170 ) and then make it slower again in post. Its nice to have slo mo without having to use Twixtor though..

those red cams are a total PITA to work with - you have to bolt on so much extra stuff (lenses , mics etc) to have a complete video solution. They breakdown , run out of batteries in record time and the post production workflow is still a beta. I can guarantee there would have been alot of missed shots on that shoot due to camera down time and long set ups - possibly why the action is so basic.


each frame is like a beautiful SLR full frame sensor Digital camera Picture - great for the big screen - and doing tricky post production compositing- but a complete waste for a web movie.

Looks like the makers of this movie got carried away with style over substance... Give a Red to Andy Gordon with some crane action, cool lense variety , awesome post production and his great concepts and he would smash that effort out of the water.

In fact i think he could make something twice as interesting with a $600 one chip camera.. because its the ideas and concepts that count - not having a fancy camera and same lame posing (blame the director / brand manager for that one - i am sure the riders were hating it!) by unknown riders. This effort is an embarrassing slap in the face for kiting culture .

SA, 142 posts
16 Jun 2009 10:39AM
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reflex films..............

I've been thinking about getting a camera for a while.... something reasonably inexpensive. I shoot still with all nikoin gear, so have an eye for quality.

If you get a camera that can overclock the fps, when you import from minidv into premier will the footage already be in slow-mo...... or does import at normal spead but with larger file sizes, (more room for editing/slowing down)

can you recomend a good camera/waterproof case combo?

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
16 Jun 2009 9:32AM
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premiere should be able to understand how to import the footage

- i work on apple which interprets DVCPROHD 50 fps footage no problem.

The cameras that do this sort of overcranking arent cheap - HPX 171 from Panasonic and Sony Ex 1 run to $10 000 and $12 000 respectively... housings for these cameras are alot of money as the cameras are reasonably large.

But to get a red one useable and up and running you are quickly into a $25 000 and more expenditure.

Some sony camcorders offer a quick burst slo mo effect but it really doesnt work - blurry and you only get 3 seconds at a time.

Sony make a housing for their smaller cameras- and its only $350 - i have been using one for 3 years with a small sony HC3 (doesnt shoot slo mo) and it works well - especially after some coor correction.

look at some of their def hdv / avchd range - but beware you need a grunty computer to edit avchd natively (and HDV for that matter it sucks as i codec due to interframe compression - i would transcode using something like cineform on a pc - i transcode all hdv to pro res on my apple - the files are much larger but it edits well) - pretty much anything coming off a memory stick / hard drive is a pain in the ass to edit.

QLD, 200 posts
16 Jun 2009 12:22PM
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Blue steel

SA, 142 posts
16 Jun 2009 12:39PM
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cheers man, i was looking at getting a full HD camera that records on mini dv..... I have imported that before onto uncompressed avi and it does take up a lot of room. I recently had to upgrade my computer for work - (3d visulisations) so hopefully it will do, maybe just more hard drive space.

Do you have an example of the type of footage you get from your camera with underwater houseing?

Does it fit the .3 or .6 multiplier fish eyes or wide angles under the cover?

WA, 572 posts
16 Jun 2009 12:17PM
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There u go some of Matts work!

NT, 2177 posts
16 Jun 2009 2:17PM
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Puetz said...

hey Benrama, you'd fit right in dude!!! hehehe

just joking!!!

Hedges, you out there, didn't mean to up set you.

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
16 Jun 2009 1:42PM
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Bellsy - thanks for posting that but i really really REALLY hate what youtube does to video (massacres it) -

Here are some exposure room links that give you an idea how the camera and housing is performing: (not so compressed) - if you really want to evaluate the video - click on the HD options

The land shots here were done with the Sony HC3 (HDv on mini dv tape):

The water shots here are all from the same Sony HC3 and my housing set up - the heli and land shots are mostly HVX 200 - so it intercuts well with a nice high end camera

same here: (but dont confuse them with the sd helmet cam shots)

The sony HDV to mini DV tape / generic housing solution is a good one - as long as you transcode in post.

Unfortunately the standard sony housing wont fit a WA lense - but that hasnt really been a problem for me with native 16:9 chips

Hope this helps.

Avoid memory stick and DVD camcorders like the plague ..

WA, 266 posts
16 Jun 2009 1:51PM
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im curious as to how u got the effect at 1:12 matt
was it a plug in or just a play with contrast and colour levels
its similar to gordons flick and looks sweet.....

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
16 Jun 2009 2:23PM
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i'm pretty sure it was a glow / bloom filter - if you are on apple Final cut look at your built in glow and bloom filters and have a play. If you are on Vegas / premiere they are probably called something similar

- Andy does a great job with his glows and looks - In fact all his work is insane!

I also use plug ins for Final cut from lyric (google it) -

and Magic Bullet looks is pretty sweet for getting a video look

but alot can be achieved with basic color correction of blacks , mids and whites with saturation tweaks - you can even make backlit bleached video look good using this basic tool.

and twixtor is ABSOLUTELY required for smooth slo mo. (if you cant do it in camera)

SA, 142 posts
16 Jun 2009 4:25PM
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cheers for the reply man. those vids look good
I had a loot at the twixtor site.............. **** - look amazing, I imagine you can get it pritty slow before you get too much noise and deteriation.

When you say, a lot can be done with white and black point adjustments - do you mean, working the levels, setting black and whites max and in values and whitebalance?

If so im sure I will be able to transfere what i know from RAW photo editing into video.

thanks for you help

ps - maybe we should start a video/photography thread

Fat Mike
65 posts
16 Jun 2009 2:58PM
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Myself and two mates purchased a Sony EX3 recently. Have to say it's hard to fault in any capacity. We've been filming in a wide range of testing situations from harsh mid-day desert sun to dark, stage lit clubs after midnight and it reads it all sooo well. Variable frame rate's on the fly is neat, as is not having to use tapes.

For kiting stuff, the EX1 would be a great bit of gear. Prob overkill though...

No idea on houses though.

You tube a guy called philip bloom to see what the EX and many other cameras can do in the right hands;

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
16 Jun 2009 3:36PM
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My big camera purchase choice was between the Panasonic HVx shooting to p2 cards and the The Sony Ex1 shooting to their flash cards

The Ex1 is VERY nice - except for 2 major problems:

1. It shoots a highly compressed format - i was looking at one before i purchased my HVX
BUT the performance of the codec with action (in my situation) lets it down.

The camera is VERY sharp on a tripod and with slow pans- but add some quick movement and that sharpness disappears very quickly due to the interframe compression - as i shoot alot from helicopters hand held (usually quite wide but getting in as tight as possible) this was a deal breaker for me

2. If you arent on the latest GRUNTY computer the codec is HIDEOUS to edit - due to its high compression the cpu on your computer has to work SUPER hard to decompress every single frame.

This means massive render times - and because editing can be a very trial and error process - this means a productivity and creative hit - especially when you have a project due in a deadline.

And for sure real time editing will be out of question unless you are running the latest intel Mac pros (or PC equivalent) - whereas transcoded HDV (apple pro res / cineform) and DVCPRO HD (its fine natively) edit in real time like butter on the timeline. Even on my 3 year old Power mac g5 . . So if you have awesome post gear and good camera stabilisation set ups ( Cineflex on a heli..) then the EX1 can be a good choice.

AS for color correction - photo experience wills serve you well - the concepts are the same.

Yes - this probably should be a separate thread!

VIC, 701 posts
16 Jun 2009 5:59PM
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Fat Mike said...

Myself and two mates purchased a Sony EX3 recently. Have to say it's hard to fault in any capacity. We've been filming in a wide range of testing situations from harsh mid-day desert sun to dark, stage lit clubs after midnight and it reads it all sooo well. Variable frame rate's on the fly is neat, as is not having to use tapes.

For kiting stuff, the EX1 would be a great bit of gear. Prob overkill though...

No idea on houses though.

You tube a guy called philip bloom to see what the EX and many other cameras can do in the right hands;

Off topic but GOD that made me homesick

Not homesick enough though

Nice camerawork, especially around Shell Centre and under Charing Cross Bridge.

Fat Mike
65 posts
16 Jun 2009 4:15PM
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Sorry still OT:

Another aspect to consider when looking at overly exy camera purchases right now is the looming Digital SLR revolution that's going to transpire quite soon.

Full of limitations right now, but the D90 and 5dmk2 at $2k and $5k respectively are pretty damn amazing for budget amateur stuff.

QLD, 6481 posts
16 Jun 2009 6:29PM
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canon just gave us firmware for full manual control of 5d2 aperture, shutter and iso for video. it's like a dream come true

home made porn's never looked so good (or bad?)

Reflex Films
WA, 1446 posts
16 Jun 2009 5:19PM
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600mm zoom on a full frame sensor video camera! - sweet

Low light is supposed to be insane on this one. Thanks to the massive sensor - the iso rating on the 5d mk II is off the scale!

Alot of the time lapses you see done on quality TV docos are actually done on digi SLR cameras and the frames are brought into a video editing program

shame its only 30 fps and a crappy codec - but transcoding is your friend...

QLD, 6481 posts
16 Jun 2009 9:56PM
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its working ok if you pop it in a mp4 container without having to transcode, but the blacks do get clipped a bit. its worked ok for everything i've done so far and makes it buttery smooth in premiere

SA, 2884 posts
17 Jun 2009 7:49AM
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maybe time to change thread title to "Digi Cam nerd Tossers"[}:)]

QLD, 6481 posts
17 Jun 2009 8:41AM
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is that like dwarf tossing?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"f-one tossers" started by bennie