good hang time!, be interesting to see if anyone ever takes it all the way to the ground! (well water at least).
stoopid (not you ,the guys who did it).This has been posted before .you will notice that the board comes off and is flying around him .Luckiily it didn't hit him in flight or someone else when it landed.
A so called cool publicity stunt that could have gone horribly wrong.Have a nother look around on the net you will find others that have been well planned and don't potentially harm others . Eg salomon squirrel suit guy
I dont know how you can make such judgements based on a 20 sec clip?? how do you know if the Drop Zone hasnt been surveyed, templated and cleared?? were you the DZ safety officer that day?? and its quite normal to jettison items in flight as long as you clear away from them within a few seconds, monitor their location and "see and avoid". Its very obvious that if some one on this forum doesnt like a certain brand then everything suddenly associated with it is stooopid or crap, good to see how vulnerable people are to branding and advertising.....
This clip is old news - next folks will be posting Eric again as "new news"
But in other "new news": http://3493960174/w%61%74%63%68%3F%76%3D%62%6e%6c7ai%45-UB%63%26%66%65%61%74u%72e%3Drel%61ted[}:)]
Meh. Doesn't really count when you have a parachute and break away. I would have been impressed if he kited that all the way to the ground.
and this comment is just plain rediculous
its probally more to that fact that you are assuming that they have no clearance to conduct parachute ops including object jettison in that area which is clearly a rural area, the DZ has to be templated and airspace surrounding cleared, this includes the project trajectory (based upon flight characteristics and wind) of any known item to be jettisoned during flight, i couldnt give a rats ass if it is a doona or a warm cosy winter flannelette sheet of his mummy's bed he uses, i just find some peoples reactions very predictable in these forums based upon current fads, i can just imagine the change of reactions and comments if the guy happended to be Ruben Lenten flying a slingshot of that balloon, i suspect actually i would put my nuts on it that the comments would all be supportive, even though he (Lenten) has been the one to post stupid acts on video flying kites in urban areas more so bringing disripute onto the sport, (but wait we will all now assume he had clearance to do such acts and that he is just "promoting" the sport and all the streets were cleared of innocent people who could have got their heads cutt off)
that street kiting is old to but i'm pretty sure that dude had a go jo on his board so it goes down wind and easy to get back to.
its the one on the right not sure what the thing on the left is? any one seen one b4