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Forums > Kitesurfing General

is anyone actually impressed by wave riding?

Created by flapjack > 9 months ago, 23 Nov 2007
NSW, 238 posts
24 Nov 2007 10:41PM
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sex on a stick. as they say..

WA, 205 posts
24 Nov 2007 11:01PM
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puppetonastring said...

jquigley said...

Try and think of it in terms of when you take a long overdue dump flapjack.

It's one of those supremely satisfying moments, when everything is as it should be. A zen moment if you like.

May not be impressive to anyone else but that's not the point.


Classic Gold - how good is that
Laurie should award prizes for replies like that

If prizes are in the offing, and it's not too much to ask, could we have some green arrows in WA tomorrow Laurie?

I wanna try some sick new tricks

QLD, 498 posts
25 Nov 2007 6:01PM
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I can only wonder what the Right Honourable Mr Ben Wilson would answer to your question flapjack

WA, 883 posts
25 Nov 2007 6:36PM
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i'll tell you what is less impressive viewing

watching pkra ****e on foxtel yestrday morning, these guys best in the world doing dingle dangle crap - exactly that - crap watching, and the females - well there is better entertainment at peli point each arvo as beginners try to kill all and sundry- and they get higher too

for me kite surfing a world class wave in the arvo after surfing it in the morning. pretty hard to beat

couldnt give a toss who is watching - its extreme fun for me

kite surfing has different aspects, can do aerials, power over/around close outs and make the most of what can be a very long ride, and then no paddle out

WA, 78 posts
26 Nov 2007 2:01AM
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but it just doesnt look very cool

WA, 883 posts
26 Nov 2007 11:22AM
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looking cool

the only time i look cool is in the mirror

at 44yo, looking cool is not a consideration

perhaps you should bolt the board to the roofies, cover the car in stickers, peroxide your hair and sit around making excuses, not enough wind, too small (your dick) blah blah

WA, 2782 posts
Site Sponsor
26 Nov 2007 12:07PM
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Hey Flapjack,

You seem to be obsessed with how you appear to others and looking "cool" is obviously a high priority to you too. Pity!

Pretty funny 'cause in about 15-20 years, you'll see what cool really is... Impressionable people with low self esteem being fleeced of every spare cent to conform to a societal "norm" set by your low self esteem peer group.

Meanwhile the 40+ YO capatilists in charge of hyping the cool and pumping out product to con you and your low self esteem out of all your money. They sit in their counting house, counting all your money laughing their arses off at the people desperatley trying to be cool whilst making them multi millionaires. Now which boat should they choose, the 48 or the 50 foot gin palace? Hmmmmm. While you barely have the money left over for pizza and beer. But at least you're cool eh?

Being cool is over rated, just shut up and ride for your own amusement and choose lifestyle, freedom and fun by carving your own groove. Find what lights your wick and instead of looking around to see what everyone else thinks, just go out and do it anyways. Sticking the middle finger to the masses and being an individual.
Damn!, Maybe thats cool?

Good winds,

WA, 4485 posts
26 Nov 2007 12:18PM
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Rrwwrrrr Ffft Ffft Rrrwwrrrr...

What kind of a poossy gives two figs about whether the style is cool or even deamed to be by anyone else???

Whatever floats ya boat and leaves a grin onya chin. If that is wave - cool. If that is wake - cool. If that is slalom - cool. If that is air etc etc...

Go back to your cool lunchbox... yawn

VIC, 701 posts
26 Nov 2007 3:27PM
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Kitehard said...

Hey Flapjack,

Meanwhile the 40+ YO capatilists in charge of hyping the cool and pumping out product to con you and your low self esteem out of all your money. They sit in their counting house, counting all your money laughing their arses off at the people desperatley trying to be cool whilst making them multi millionaires. Now which boat should they choose, the 48 or the 50 foot gin palace? Hmmmmm. While you barely have the money left over for pizza and beer. But at least you're cool eh?

'king hell Kitehard!!!


QLD, 4087 posts
26 Nov 2007 2:49PM
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Charlie don't surf.

NSW, 1520 posts
26 Nov 2007 4:12PM
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bolgo said...

for me kite surfing a world class wave in the arvo after surfing it in the morning. pretty hard to beat

Agree entirely.

WA, 164 posts
26 Nov 2007 5:13PM
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Just Stumbled across this pic in the Gallery.
Completely Unimpressive!

QLD, 200 posts
26 Nov 2007 6:22PM
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Skwinty said...

Just Stumbled across this pic in the Gallery.
Completely Unimpressive!

That was insane that day. If I remember correctly, the wind was ultra flukey and the surf was absolutely macking. At one stage there was not a single kite in the sky except Felix and Jose out the back of One Eye. A crowd had gathered to see if they would make it back in. Each time they would start heading in, everyone would assume that the would just try and milk the wave and wind to get to shore. However once on the wave in the ****tiest of wind Felix would start waving that 7.5 Generator around like a mad man and solidly tag the lip on some real waves of consequence. That dude was definately all business in the waves.

WA, 221 posts
26 Nov 2007 7:05PM
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I swear there's something in the water in S.A. Get a life and Smack a lip with a board and a kite pulling you along. There nothing better than a five to six foot wave with a cross wind and ripping massive bottom hand turn. you carn't tell me thats boring. Dude you need to get off the couch a bit more.

WA, 4263 posts
26 Nov 2007 7:39PM
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Kitehard said...

Hey Flapjack,

Meanwhile the 40+ YO capatilists in charge of hyping the cool and pumping out product to con you and your low self esteem out of all your money. They sit in their counting house, counting all your money laughing their arses off at the people desperatley trying to be cool whilst making them multi millionaires. Now which boat should they choose, the 48 or the 50 foot gin palace? Hmmmmm. While you barely have the money left over for pizza and beer. But at least you're cool eh?

Kitehard playing hardball delivers the quote of the week.
I dig it.

All that smarmy, helpful, kiting jive-talk from Kitehard in the past was ok I guess.....
but I think I like the Kitehard with the acid-tude, dude.

SA, 2288 posts
27 Nov 2007 12:00AM
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F*ck me flapjack your over the bag limit. I'm reporting you to fisheries.

But you chose only the most succulent bait, deep down these beat up failed freestylers know that they are only kidding themselves. Defensive much.

WA, 78 posts
26 Nov 2007 10:56PM
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WA, 598 posts
26 Nov 2007 11:25PM
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flapjack said...


QLD, 50 posts
27 Nov 2007 12:36AM
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I am.

WA, 572 posts
26 Nov 2007 11:37PM
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dude fix ur nose (not cool)!!!!!

QLD, 1245 posts
27 Nov 2007 2:29PM
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kitehard said...

Pretty funny 'cause in about 15-20 years, you'll see what cool really is... Impressionable people with low self esteem being fleeced of every spare cent to conform to a societal "norm" set by your low self esteem peer group.

Man these two replies made me piss myself... go the poostance. And Kitehard... farking LOL.

QLD, 1628 posts
27 Nov 2007 2:53PM
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Just thought i would comment on this one . Being a windsurfer i don't usually post in the kite section .
BUT the only thing that i find impressing about kitesurfing is when i see guys ripping it in the waves .Either doing massive cut backs in an evil shore break or some down the line reef breaks... awsome!! When you think about the word "kite-surfer" it is just that "kite" and "surf" If you only kite on the flat and do dangly teabagging tricky things you can only call yourself a kite-boarder.
It's plain to see that kiting in waves takes some skills ..kite position, when to turn ,timing etc.etc.Where as learning to kite on flat water only takes a few months, from what i've seen.
Anyway my thoughts on the subject i'll get back in my box

WA, 78 posts
27 Nov 2007 1:57PM
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TAS, 778 posts
27 Nov 2007 5:39PM
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the problem with that shot is that you can't see the mega 15ft bomb that 1ft wave is turning into
But seriously laugh at me all you like, I enjoy kiting and I really don't give a F&CK what you or anyone else thinks.

TAS, 778 posts
27 Nov 2007 5:45PM
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Rwwwoowww Ffft ffft Rwwaaww Fttt

QLD, 1245 posts
27 Nov 2007 4:49PM
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Flapjack... obviously you were dropped on the head as a kid. You are basically posting photos of nOObs... you can do this with surfing by itself too champ...

You really should be posting pics like this...

Oh and if you dont think surfing with a kite is dangerous you have obviously never been picked up by a solid 8ft+ wave and slammed on top of your lines getting tangled in nylon thin wirelike rope capable of chopping your wetnose little head off... Being oblivious to these dangerous speaks volumes of how much of a nOOb you really are (perhaps you were hiding behind mummies hairy boob when the big swell hit?)

WA, 78 posts
27 Nov 2007 3:55PM
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WA, 4263 posts
27 Nov 2007 4:14PM
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flapjack said...

hey guys noticed that people think wave riding is now the progressive side of the sport, is it really? i recall seeing the same riding of waves 5 years ago on awake.

If you read the initial post....
What Flapper is implying is that wavekiting really hasn't progressed with the introduction of the surfboard directional.
He's suggesting twin-tip (awake) wavekiting of 5 years ago was equal to current wavekiting on surfboard directionals.

Carry on.

WA, 4263 posts
27 Nov 2007 4:37PM
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In defense of their chosen discipline,
a lot of the wave crew jumped on poor Flapper like flies onto a turd.
Initially, I don't believe Flapper began the topic as a flatwater bandit vs wavehead thread.
But it morphed into one.

But once Flapper realised he had a live one,
he milked it for more mileage by posting lame pics.

QLD, 2776 posts
27 Nov 2007 5:43PM
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yep, definitely hit a nerve there flapjack. a lot of people are obviously feeling inadequate about wavekiting and think they are needed to defend it from any scrutiny.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"is anyone actually impressed by wave riding?" started by flapjack