can be sweet in the river mouth when there is enough wind to spare, but also very sketchy! don't really ever bother getting the kite out, when im up there though, cause the waves are always pumpin....
If your keen to kite while your up there, take a drive south to Pt Gregory. Nice flat water inside the reef and if you want a few waves you can drive north along the beach a little to a pass in the reef. Lucky Bay is good too if you have a decent 4wd.
Kalbarri itself isnt too flash for kiting, but it can be done.
Kiting in the River mouth was pretty dodgy when I was there. Wind is gusty and horrible.
If you make it out of the harbour mouth though it cleans up and there are some waves but if you stuff up there are rocks everywhere.
I did get one awesome session off the point break with overhead surf, but the locals don't like it much, so up to you if you wanna take your chances.
I would go surfing instead.
port gregory is your answer, as above, flat and waves and clean wind no peoples about
60k sth of kalbarri
search this topic here as discussed a few times in the past
river ok , best about the IGA store, but boats, moorings, other river users (families + kiddies) and gusts make it less than ideal, wind swirls from the headland
Plenty of options here. Can get to the main settlement (beach shacks) in conventional 2WD but to go any further you need 4WD.
Forget Kalbarri. Wind never blows there.
Same in Port Gregory
Only joking. Just make sure you have a kite small enough to handle the conditions... Was 40+ knots when I was there last year in Feb.
kalbarri region windiest spot on west coast i reckon
fn blows alright
been there oct school hols for a few years
plenty 25kn+ even then