Forums > Kitesurfing General

kids kiting

Created by brucex > 9 months ago, 1 Jan 2010
QLD, 701 posts
1 Jan 2010 2:10PM
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Thought we'd give my mates kids a crack at flying a trainer thinking they wouldnt be able to
they were both able to manage flying it without assistance
I was pretty amazed

What experience have others had at what ages
this is rex - 31/2 and jack 5

NSW, 604 posts
1 Jan 2010 3:27PM
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This is my daughter aged 2 1/2.. shortly after this photo was taken she did a kiteloop with a huge tantrum

NSW, 70 posts
1 Jan 2010 11:28PM
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My Kids are Girl 10yrs, boy 8yrs, boy 4 yrs and they all fly the trainer kite. I want to train my kids to kite (may be just the 10year old) and what i need is to get confidence in seeing other 10 year olds doing it. So is anyone around sydney have their kids kiting and if so can we catch up and gain from your experience?

I'd love to hook up with fellow kiters with young families to share the joy of kiting with kids. So email me at to make a plan.

Happy and safe kiting to all.

Jr Walks
WA, 284 posts
3 Jan 2010 12:04PM
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i was 11 when i started flying a trainer but didn't get on the water till my 12th birthday. Most kite schools teach kids at the age of 11-12 minimum, but i wouldn't be surprised if younger kids have been taught by there parents. To sit on the beach for a year flying a trainer is excellent for kite skills, unlike people who fly 10 hours with a training kite and never fly it again.
My two cents

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
3 Jan 2010 2:38PM
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I started my son Tai on a 2m trainer when he was 9yo.

We then moved to a 5 line C-kite (4m), followed by another slightly larger C kite (6m).

This was flying in shallow water with me holding his harness.

The real progress came at 11yo when we moved to a 5m switchblade I, which he could fully depower and relaunch himself from deep water.

He was riding the board and getting upwind by about the 4th session. We did a fair bit of skurfing behind a dingy on his kiteboard too, to develop board skills.

He's now 13 and about 50kg, riding mainly on my SB3 8m, moving to a 6m above 20knots. He's progressing amazingly fast, now nailing a new unhooked trick almost every session, (and ridiculing his Dad's riding style.....that's teenagers for ya!).

Great fun to go and session together, calling each other into tricks and waves!

Train those kids safe and early, and they'll have an ocean sport to enjoy for the rest of their lives.



Forums > Kitesurfing General

"kids kiting" started by brucex