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kite looping...updated link..are bows for wousies

Created by max_ob > 9 months ago, 20 Oct 2007
QLD, 187 posts
20 Oct 2007 9:38AM
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found a new vid on youtube of the DR boys having fun....from about halfway through the clip, the kite is getting below rider on the kiteloops....are they using shorter lines?

are there any common locals at your spot doing this stuff?

WA, 1012 posts
20 Oct 2007 8:47AM
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just about everyone in w.a can loop bigger than that ,but over here we like to through in double back rolls, unhooked just to make it interesting

WA, 2119 posts
20 Oct 2007 8:50AM
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double back rolls...Those girls have more than double back rolls

QLD, 187 posts
21 Oct 2007 10:10AM
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an updated link to kiteforum vid ....better quality,com_videos/task,show/id,1910/Itemid,30/

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Oct 2007 11:24AM
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hmm there is like zero pull in those loops. wen i compare the loops my waroo gave me to the loops the torch is giving me im bored of the waroo ones and still looking for fresh underwear after the torch ones

prety sweet video though, it looks like they are flying on 15m lines maybe? 15 - 18m lines for sure. looks hell good when they loop the kite below them though. but the vid from woodies dominates that good ol carbine

VIC, 600 posts
21 Oct 2007 3:02PM
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Anyone can loop a kite like that compare that clip to a ruben lenten clip and you'll see what i mean. and as for short line's not sure if all of them had short lines but most of the pkra boy's ride 20m to 22m lines and pretty there is some heaps better clips of Bo Bo around to and that guy can rip looks like there on pretty big kites.

1338 posts
21 Oct 2007 3:06PM
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Have a look at the video again, this time don't just watch the subjects... there is no froth, white-caps, or wind spray... basically it isn't very windy at all, yet they are still pulling relatively big moves.

Read the title, see the words "ultra-flat"... the kites do appear to be big, but that's just because you're more used to seeing a kite with more arc. Shift your paradigm and you'll realise you're looking at a kite that might be less than 10m2.

So, kite-looping a sub 10m2, and getting above the kite, before there's even any white-caps... kinda makes it all the more impressive. Huh?

(For those who don't mind a bit of technical talk, and can understand it, have a read of this... )


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"kite looping...updated link..are bows for wousies" started by max_ob