Forums > Kitesurfing General

kite stock ? any news ?

Created by buzingfridge > 9 months ago, 29 Jan 2012
WA, 147 posts
29 Jan 2012 12:27AM
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1130pm night shift.... and im thinking, im kind a glad i missed KS this year, or am I !
any word peeps has there been any wind at all !!

WA, 500 posts
29 Jan 2012 1:43AM
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Not unless you have a 15m fly surfer foil. 12knots max for about an hour. Tomorrow or next year.

QLD, 101 posts
29 Jan 2012 8:52AM
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What a good call to stay home

The $1500 I would have blown can be used for some new gear!!!!

I do feel sorry for the organisers - 2 years in a row ------

I would be reassessing the venue and time of year

This was taken during all the action yesterday

WA, 1094 posts
29 Jan 2012 7:42AM
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They did move it forward, last year was two weeks later.

Locations usually super windy but seasons been sh!thouse. maybe next year it should be canned if we are still experiencing La Nina or move it to Albany or Augusta if it's troughing out heaps.

WA, 1874 posts
29 Jan 2012 8:18AM
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obviously we could just blame that Cyclone on the N/W coming down....

****BUT the question is*****

Why is there no back up plan for a Windless event between all these great organisers to buggerise everyone (apart from the 250) and leave them with a big smile on their face at party time

I'll give yas an allday clue below

Oops sorry - a few W.A sandgropers jumped my shot

and then

QLD, 1855 posts
29 Jan 2012 11:06AM
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Lots of beers, flies and sunburns at sup stock.
Last nights party was fun.
Organization of event was good.

I reckon they shld put it on in nov or dec much better for winds up that way.
The organizer juddy officially retired last night.

WA, 96 posts
29 Jan 2012 10:27AM
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GPA Seaview indicates that it is currently blowing Southerly at 30 knots. Should be enough to get a kite in the air. Oh, did I mention the swell is 2 meters and building? For those with a kite small enough, today (and tomorrow) may well make up for this season's misery. Meanwhile, with a 5 and 6m kite in lying idle in the garage, I have mowing the lawn to look forward to.

WA, 89 posts
30 Jan 2012 1:34PM
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Guys I've just got back (Friday) from Augusta for 10 days, Kiteable only 3 days (2 days 7m and 3rd 12m+) so don't be thinking that that area is not feeling the cyclone effects also.

My mates and I used to go to Green Head a long weekend every year in Nov for years (10) and eventually gave up because of the effect of cyclones and it troughing out, so thats not the answer either.

If it aint windy it aint windy, no risk no reward as they say.

I would have gone this year only I had already booked Augusta, hopefully WAKSA will push the date out for next year so that it does not clash with the Aussie day holiday.

WA, 143 posts
30 Jan 2012 1:47PM
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we scored a great session on the way back from KS (which almost made up for the fark'n 130km detour due to bushfires south of Dongara!)...wedge was pumping!!

WA, 127 posts
30 Jan 2012 3:01PM
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sammyd said...

What a good call to stay home

The $1500 I would have blown can be used for some new gear!!!!

I do feel sorry for the organisers - 2 years in a row ------

I would be reassessing the venue and time of year

This was taken during all the action yesterday

Its not the place or time of year its just a terrible season
and bad luck with the dates.

It's normally the windiest place in Australia.

It's a great event but thats kiting.

WA, 724 posts
30 Jan 2012 4:51PM
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Pity about the wind but still had fun with the SUP's.

Good call for the WAKSA guys to bring in the SUPs this year, welldone. I think the SUP market has just trippled in WA. I was not bored once especially with the female SUP acrobatic team.

Welldone Juddy and the WAKSA crew, the nights enternainment was good and social and you could not fault the organization of the event.

The guys have been a bit harsh on Juddy (myself included) but like Phil said you have been the best so far and have done so much in keeping kiting open at a lot of places - and that is more worthwhile and valuable than any event (with or without wind).

Gud on ya Juddy!


WA, 3477 posts
30 Jan 2012 4:57PM
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markass said...

we scored a great session on the way back from KS (which almost made up for the fark'n 130km detour due to bushfires south of Dongara!)...wedge was pumping!!

Yep I had one of, if not the best session of the season so far, North of Wedge on the way home yesterday.
Clean head high waves, perfect cross shore wind, well powered on a 5mtr kite.
I am guessing it would have been great at Dongara yesterday arvo as well but it was fairly gusty in the morning so I decided to start heading home whilst it filled in a bit more, which turned out to be a great choice.

Absolute epic session!!!

WA, 35 posts
30 Jan 2012 4:57PM
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Despite the lack of wind, I had a wicked time hanging out on the beach SUPing and also kinda learnt how to surf

Great company, well organised and awesome tunes on Saturday night

Alot of my mates didn't come up this year as it was a four day event (extra dollars) and clashed with Australia day weekend.

My two cents, have a three day event, with the option to buy two or three day ticket for food and don't combine with Australia Day.

Hard to predict the wind but if you pack the ute and trailer with kites, sups, surf boards, snorkeling gear and cold beers you gunna have a good time one way

Cheers to all the guys and girls that organised and a big thanks to Leon for providing fun and games with the MC ing... I am biased off course

WA, 724 posts
30 Jan 2012 5:14PM
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Yea, thanks Leon for the lift

- and that slingshot chick is hot, you should marry her!

WA, 168 posts
30 Jan 2012 8:22PM
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Port Denison arvo on the day kitestock finished was not too bad. The wind kicked in late after blowing SE horribly 'on and off' all morning. I was comfortable on a 7.5 for a couple of hours of fun, choppy small swell conditions. The wind switched back SE again too early really and 'that was that....'

the gibbo
WA, 776 posts
30 Jan 2012 8:46PM
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In my previous post which will remain forever deleted, i was being sarcastic which obviously doesnt work in print, apologies to anyone who took it the wrong way, myself, missus and the kids had a ball see you next year

QLD, 295 posts
31 Jan 2012 10:56AM
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First time back after 4 years , no wind but great time , all off the knockers regarding wind need to look at the weather patern regarding cyclone iggy and realize it is what it is,time well done to the organizers . plenty of partying done by all.

671 posts
31 Jan 2012 9:12AM
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glad you all went to wedge, meanwhile a few in the know scored well over head heigh with a touch of SE just after morning tea

WA, 3477 posts
31 Jan 2012 11:32AM
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austin said...

glad you all went to wedge, meanwhile a few in the know scored well over head heigh with a touch of SE just after morning tea

A touch of SE hey, so still gusty as?
We had far enough to drive home due to the fire without heading North first.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"kite stock ? any news ?" started by buzingfridge