I am starting to get excited more often as the wind starts to blow more often, i think we are defin
getting our summer pattern!! bring it on
has anyone else seen all the euros starting to appear or is it just me ???????????
Well it`s about time. I kited pretty regularly all through winter and I can`t wait for these "summer winds" everyone is telling me about. Being quite dedicated all through the winter, putting up with the cold, gusty conditions and ureliable winds (only because I was , am a beginer and wanted to improve somewhat for the summer) I think I deserve it.
I`ve already stopped wearing my boardies over my wet suit. I might take my wet suit off next.
Are the summer conditions that good?
There was a sale on tickets to Perth from Sydney last night on virgin for $250 return (yes you read that right and that was with taxes). I'm pretty sure it's not going to be the last one of it's kind so be warry or east coast kiters heading west to bogart your wind
The latest forecast is Guaranteed awesome wind until Sunday.
This will start from around 1pm today.
I know this, because this is the time I fly to Melbourne, you guessed it back on Sunday.
Expect Monday to be crap.
Happy to be the human sacrifice.
I looked at the graphs and couldn't move from behind my desk for quite a while in case colleagues noticed my tent pole!!
Finally the breezes have been strong and steady like a good Perf SB should be!
Bring on the chrissy hols!!
Good winds to all and a swelly new year!
Looks like the 2:01pm forecast got a bit of an upgrade for this arvo, might have to make a dash to the beach after work after all.
Alex Sanz is coming over for the weekend and staying at Beerbongs house. He said he will be sailing in front of the trees at Melville if you want to go and try some of his new sports.
Were you guys all out in the thunderstorm!
I am a girl so allowed to be a girl and that's my excuse for today, but roll on tommorrow!
I need to rephrase it looks like 10-15 days & looking good
with sun as well !!! cant wait for the 20-30 knots to turn up. yee haa!!!
dont forget safety always, as more people get down to the beach with the sun coming out