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Forums > Kitesurfing General

la nina coughing and spluttering

Created by Mr float > 9 months ago, 20 Sep 2011
Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
20 Sep 2011 9:34AM
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the new la nina that started recently is struggling to get going and looks like it will have no where near the power of last years horror la nina .this is good news for the east coast of Australia weather and wind wise

QLD, 701 posts
20 Sep 2011 10:04AM
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Yep bring it on we had only 2 -3 runs last year . We, Me, Us needs a good seson this year on the east or we are all coming over to you guys and crowed out your spots

VIC, 1159 posts
20 Sep 2011 12:00PM
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Melbourne had a good early season last year, up until early December, then it was horrible.

Please let the cool, clear still mornings, with the sea breeze kicking in about 3pm happen this year!

VIC, 701 posts
20 Sep 2011 1:37PM
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lostinlondon said...

Please let the cool, clear still mornings, with the sea breeze kicking in about 3pm happen this year!

Amen to that!

WA, 1255 posts
20 Sep 2011 11:37AM
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^^we had the same in WA...was an epic start to the season up to xmas. Was on my 6 most days up til then.

It was around xmas when last years la nina really started to become a significantly strong one. Lets hope this one stays weak or at least mild. If so southern WA should be spared.

southern WA was like living in the tropics second half of last summer.

ewan kite
VIC, 928 posts
20 Sep 2011 2:02PM
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default said...

^^we had the same in WA...was an epic start to the season up to xmas. Was on my 6 most days up til then.

It was around xmas when last years la nina really started to become a significantly strong one. Lets hope this one stays weak or at least mild. If so southern WA should be spared.

southern WA was like living in the tropics second half of last summer.

please do us a favour and don't complain about WA wind, you couldn't have it any better, even in a bad a bit jealous

VIC, 1159 posts
20 Sep 2011 6:11PM
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junglist said...

lostinlondon said...

Please let the cool, clear still mornings, with the sea breeze kicking in about 3pm happen this year!

Amen to that!

You hooking up with the rest of the Junglist Movement and going to see Goldie on Saturday night? It's going to be well massive...

VIC, 701 posts
20 Sep 2011 7:32PM
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Yes mate, will be there......

Just look for the oldest guy in the room (who is not Djing)

WA, 9584 posts
20 Sep 2011 5:55PM
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ewan kite said...

default said...

^^we had the same in WA...was an epic start to the season up to xmas. Was on my 6 most days up til then.

It was around xmas when last years la nina really started to become a significantly strong one. Lets hope this one stays weak or at least mild. If so southern WA should be spared.

southern WA was like living in the tropics second half of last summer.

please do us a favour and don't complain about WA wind, you couldn't have it any better, even in a bad a bit jealous

From an earlier post someone was really upset when i bagged melbourne, he said you had awesome places and wind over there...he he he

WA, 738 posts
20 Sep 2011 8:11PM
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Don't understand why all the talk about "La Nina Returning"

Here are the data. La Nina = bars trending above the zero crossing.

Does someone see something that I don't?

Looks to me like it's trending down.

WA, 2119 posts
20 Sep 2011 8:34PM
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default said...

^^we had the same in WA...was an epic start to the season up to xmas. Was on my 6 most days up til then.

It was around xmas when last years la nina really started to become a significantly strong one. Lets hope this one stays weak or at least mild. If so southern WA should be spared.

southern WA was like living in the tropics second half of last summer.

The best days we had after the new year were bloody easterlies. But after 3 months of SOLID kiting, my body was sooo sore. When its windy kite, when its not we do all those other things we neglect to kite. If WA sucks, move to another state, leave the biggest waves outside of Hawaii 3 hours from Perth, and butter flat 25-30 knots 10 mins from my house to me.

VIC, 1159 posts
20 Sep 2011 11:37PM
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junglist said...

Yes mate, will be there......

Just look for the oldest guy in the room (who is not Djing)

I reckon I'll be the second-oldest guy in the room then...

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
21 Sep 2011 10:33AM
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Robbo2099 said...

Don't understand why all the talk about "La Nina Returning"

Here are the data. La Nina = bars trending above the zero crossing.

Does someone see something that I don't?

Looks to me like it's trending down.

As you can see from your graph Aug went up significantly and Sept spluttering downwards after the usual downward trend over winter after a la nina .There is cool water in the eastern pacific off Peru and warm water in the western pacific which is typical in a la nina year but there are a couple of strange occurences too such as warm water just to the north of the equator in the eastern pacific and also cooler than normal water off the QLD coast .Nevertheless it is good news

QLD, 701 posts
21 Sep 2011 12:55PM
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I just cant belive it i took up kite surfing for a bit of fun . Now everyone i know is nearly a full on weather reporter . This post it proves that we will do any thing just too get a little sign from mother earth She is gunner blow again . WE ARE ALL ADICTED . Please can we get some more wind on the east coast .

QLD, 319 posts
21 Sep 2011 2:26PM
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suface2air said...

I just cant belive it i took up kite surfing for a bit of fun . Now everyone i know is nearly a full on weather reporter . This post it proves that we will do any thing just too get a little sign from mother earth She is gunner blow again . WE ARE ALL ADICTED . Please can we get some more wind on the east coast .

Weather forecasting is a new role I have taken up at work whilst I am bored and waiting for 3pm when I can go kite!!

WA, 296 posts
21 Sep 2011 4:39PM
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Here is my long-term uniformed purley speculative forecast. From now until this time next year it's going to blow a lot which means lots of sessions. Happened like that last year and I reckon same again.
Well at least in WA anyway
As for everywhere else who knows?
Kite safe and enjoy!

WA, 2940 posts
21 Sep 2011 5:14PM
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lostinlondon said...

You hooking up with the rest of the Junglist Movement and going to see Goldie on Saturday night? It's going to be well massive...

lol goldie

****ing oldskool

VIC, 701 posts
22 Sep 2011 8:34PM
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lostinlondon said...

junglist said...

Yes mate, will be there......

Just look for the oldest guy in the room (who is not Djing)

I reckon I'll be the second-oldest guy in the room then...


Ill keep an eye out for you then

VIC, 244 posts
22 Sep 2011 10:34PM
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boh selectah, kiteboarding and dnb combining....awesome!

lighter lighter lighter

ACT, 2174 posts
23 Sep 2011 8:55AM
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Aorta said...

boh selectah, kiteboarding and dnb combining....awesome!

lighter lighter lighter

turn your hat around the right way,pull up ya pants and wipe your chin i think your dribbling

VIC, 1159 posts
23 Sep 2011 9:52AM
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Any Jungle in guy?

WA, 718 posts
23 Sep 2011 11:18AM
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Great flick!!

WA, 718 posts
23 Sep 2011 11:19AM
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Do you reckon the lead actor got the job cos he looks like Thom York?

WA, 2940 posts
23 Sep 2011 11:36AM
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just finished listening to black and white albums . man it's been a long long time since i rocked out to some old SS . The mention of drum n bass got me going through my old vinyl

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
24 Sep 2011 12:25AM
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stay on topic

VIC, 1612 posts
24 Sep 2011 2:28PM
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^^^ But de gangstas be in prison man. Well wicked. Dat be da real topic man. La Nina la schmina, we get enough wind out de subwoofer ports man wid dese bangin beats.

But seriously, I red it as Jung list. Perhaps a list of people with the surname Jung, or perhaps one of Carl's famous shopping lists that's accrued a fan club?

What was the topic again, oh, the weather, smalltalk time eh, sorry to interrupt.

I use public toilets and p!ss on the seat,
I walk around in the summertime sayin "how about this heat!" Dennis Leary

kiting kid
VIC, 219 posts
6 Oct 2011 9:11PM
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la nina or neutral year with no chance of el nino

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
7 Oct 2011 8:44PM
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glad to see that we are back on topic

VIC, 701 posts
7 Oct 2011 10:47PM
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We could veer off again Float.

I just recovered! What a night!


ewan kite
VIC, 928 posts
8 Oct 2011 1:41AM
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pretty keen for some el nino, dunno bout you guys


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"la nina coughing and spluttering" started by Mr float