Forums > Kitesurfing General

msg from Caloundra Lifeguards visitors please read

Created by Bigwavedave > 9 months ago, 2 Jan 2009
QLD, 2057 posts
2 Jan 2009 2:48PM
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There is a week of SE wind forecast for SE Qld and Caloundra will be crowded with kiters at Happy Valley. Please respect the following requests and it will help to avoid any negative reports to the council safety committee and subsequent action.

The lifeguards (professionals employed by council, not red/yellow volunteers) are watching closely and have asked for visiting kiters to be advised of some safety issues before it gets busy.

1. Kiting inside the 200m flagged bathing area is prohibited and offenders will be dealt with severely. Please keep yoursef and your kite out of the area marked with blue flags for 200m off the beach.

2. Launching, landing and setting up of kites is prohibited to the west of the Happy Valley steps. This is clearly marked by a sign near the steps which indicates the bathing reserve. (Any sign prohibiting dogs also prohibits kites!!)

3. Please give way to all watercraft using the channel and bar. Caloundra bar is difficult to navigate without having to watch for kitesurfers.

4. Please be conscious of the strength of the outgoing tide at Happy Valley. With large swell predicted it can be quite treacherous (one windsurfer drowned last Christmas). Ensure your details are on your board as it can be quite difficult to retrieve.

If you are kiting in Caloundra for the first time, please talk to a local kiter and ask for advice. We are a happy, welcoming bunch!

Happy Valley is NOT recommended for unsupervised learners or inexperienced kiters. The current is strong, there are oyster covered rocks in the launching area and nibbles the marker buoy is always looking to eat your kite, drown you, or both. Self launching and landing should be a last resort. There is always happy kite assistants on hand who will respond to your signal if you smile!!! Kiting at Happy Valley during an incoming tide is not recommended. Golden Beach, or Currimundi Beach are the places to kite an incoming tide on a SE wind.

This notice will also be handed out at the beach and through local kite shops over the next week.

Here is a map of Caloundra and relevant exclusion zones.

Grumpy Sam will also be patrolling and, if necessary, will be unleashed.

Have a great holiday season and happy kiting to all!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"msg from Caloundra Lifeguards visitors please read" started by Bigwavedave