Forums > Kitesurfing General

new roseubud video18th july

Created by decdok > 9 months ago, 18 Jul 2009
VIC, 107 posts
18 Jul 2009 11:18PM
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ewan and i made this video today

filming, ewan and declan

riding, declan, jarrod, ewan, josh and dan

VIC, 672 posts
19 Jul 2009 1:29AM
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could only watch 40 seconds before falling asleep.....

NSW, 6451 posts
19 Jul 2009 12:03PM
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keep posting them decdok.Alot of us like watching the home vids of different spots.
The crew that didnt like the vid were probably just jealous they had no wind on the 18th

VIC, 152 posts
19 Jul 2009 12:03PM
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how did you edit that so quick? nice one
well off to rosebud now, northerly is cranking again.. mm maybe just brighton

ewan kite
VIC, 926 posts
19 Jul 2009 8:06PM
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sleek1 said...

could only watch 40 seconds before falling asleep.....

fark man, u mustve been really tired...

VIC, 672 posts
19 Jul 2009 11:24PM
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yeah man, real tired, of watchin the same style of riding since 2001.I thought the sport was progressing, thought WRONG

VIC, 4501 posts
19 Jul 2009 11:27PM
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sleek1 said...

yeah man, real tired, of watchin the same style of riding since 2001.I thought the sport was progressing, thought WRONG

And you were expecting the top pros to be performing in this video with editing by lou wainman from a couple of guys who put together a video just sharing the stoke?

I can think of more things that haven't progressed...

WA, 5353 posts
19 Jul 2009 11:19PM
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That spot looks pretty sweet, keep at it guys!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
20 Jul 2009 12:20AM
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sir ROWDY said...

That spot looks pretty sweet, keep at it guys!

positive rowdy comment? WTF is going on these days..

WA, 239 posts
20 Jul 2009 8:12AM
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lord rabble

WA, 5353 posts
20 Jul 2009 9:57AM
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Well It looked like an alright spot, what else am i going to say? everyone already knows all the other things I would have said hahaha.

VIC, 600 posts
20 Jul 2009 2:01PM
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sleek1 said...

yeah man, real tired, of watchin the same style of riding since 2001.I thought the sport was progressing, thought WRONG

ha ha your profile pic should be a post card its awesome do you still have that bad boy panny?

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
20 Jul 2009 12:36PM
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I guess rabble just beat you to it... your losing your game sir rowdy, the competition getting a bit too intense for you?

NSW, 9202 posts
20 Jul 2009 3:10PM
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Better than the Fiji vids.

WA, 5353 posts
20 Jul 2009 3:10PM
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Charl dv said...

I guess rabble just beat you to it... your losing your game sir rowdy, the competition getting a bit too intense for you?

Lol. You better not be rabble charl.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
20 Jul 2009 3:12PM
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ahhh i wish i was i wish i was ahaha

VIC, 75 posts
20 Jul 2009 9:39PM
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sleek1 said...

yeah man, real tired, of watchin the same style of riding since 2001.I thought the sport was progressing, thought WRONG

You sir, in my opinion, are what refer to these days as a "dog".

kiting kid
VIC, 219 posts
20 Jul 2009 10:12PM
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i kno most of the guys there yet they didn't even offer a lift. blody had to ride it out at carrum

WA, 239 posts
20 Jul 2009 9:10PM
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sir ROWDY said...

Charl dv said...

I guess rabble just beat you to it... your losing your game sir rowdy, the competition getting a bit too intense for you?

Lol. You better not be rabble charl.

Pot, Kettle, Black.

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
20 Jul 2009 9:20PM
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Greenfinger said...

sir ROWDY said...

Charl dv said...

I guess rabble just beat you to it... your losing your game sir rowdy, the competition getting a bit too intense for you?

Lol. You better not be rabble charl.

Pot, Kettle, Black.

dont be racist to my ethnic diversity.

WA, 5353 posts
20 Jul 2009 10:02PM
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Greenfinger said...

sir ROWDY said...

Charl dv said...

I guess rabble just beat you to it... your losing your game sir rowdy, the competition getting a bit too intense for you?

Lol. You better not be rabble charl.

Pot, Kettle, Black.

wtf... was this meant to make any sense? im all for causing kaos, but this is just confusing haaha.... how am i calling the kettle black?

SA, 2288 posts
21 Jul 2009 12:03AM
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WA, 570 posts
20 Jul 2009 11:01PM
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decdok, all the negative comments about editing etc are the reason I will continue to leave my vid's on youtube only. Placing them here on open forum's to be scrutinised by those who's opinions you don't really care about can be disheartening.

Personally I reckon it's cool vid, I like it when people just give it ago. Keep it up mate

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
20 Jul 2009 11:06PM
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but if you dont care about our opinions... how can it be dishearting?

VIC, 760 posts
21 Jul 2009 6:23PM
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Great clip - ignore the morons with the negative comments.
If only they had 1/1000th of the dedication and enthusiasm that it takes to stand around in knee deep freezing cold water in the middle of winter to make a video then they'd appreciate what you've done.

Keep it up!

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
21 Jul 2009 4:41PM
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Lord RABBLE said...

seabreeze = morons


VIC, 672 posts
21 Jul 2009 7:46PM
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Select to expand quote

ha ha your profile pic should be a post card its awesome do you still have that bad boy panny?

nah man wish i did.sorry about bagging you guys you all look realy ace, true.keep it up, your the future.your the ones that make windsurfers and surfers realy love kiting, i wish i was like you..go hard you radical cowboys.

sammy c
VIC, 1 posts
21 Jul 2009 8:35PM
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kiting kid said...

i kno most of the guys there yet they didn't even offer a lift. blody had to ride it out at carrum

how was carrum haha
hows slingshot going?

VIC, 3 posts
21 Jul 2009 9:07PM
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i like the ending.... but josh's raley wouldve been a better one


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"new roseubud video18th july" started by decdok