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Forums > Kitesurfing General

snobby old hat kiters.

Created by ginger1 > 9 months ago, 30 Jan 2010
NSW, 9 posts
30 Jan 2010 10:58PM
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so , all excited to get into the sport and learn the ropes ( so to speak) , i meet a few local guys and get a heads up for the days spot to go , the wind is really gusty and im struggling , all is ok a couple guys offer and help me sort my mess out but this older guy comes, and proceeds to tell me " its obvious you havent done much kiting, .... well derr mate i would be struggling if i was good right.. and then walks away, now to me this isnt how you encourage " newbies" into learning the apprenticeship i hear of, all im saying is, drop the attitude dude, you had to learn at some stage and if you were in my position im sure a helping hand would be appreciated, after all we are only as good as the conditions allow and so far i suck!!
to the rest of the guys who offered help hats off, its appreciated!

cheers! ginger

QLD, 40 posts
31 Jan 2010 12:09AM
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Some people are just F#*K Heads and will never change...just hang in there ginger1 you will get there soon and don't let those tosser put you off!!

NSW, 9 posts
31 Jan 2010 10:42AM
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thanks for that, sav, there are tossers in every sport... i can from a sport with the majority being that way due to too much $$ and not enough sense!

now... where is the wind!!!

NSW, 439 posts
31 Jan 2010 11:46AM
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ginger1 said...

thanks for that, sav, there are tossers in every sport... i can from a sport with the majority being that way due to too much $$ and not enough sense!

now... where is the wind!!!

let me guess which sport, sailing???

NSW, 2465 posts
31 Jan 2010 11:57AM
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ginger1 said...

so , all excited to get into the sport and learn the ropes ( so to speak) , i meet a few local guys and get a heads up for the days spot to go , the wind is really gusty and im struggling , all is ok a couple guys offer and help me sort my mess out but this older guy comes, and proceeds to tell me " its obvious you havent done much kiting, .... well derr mate i would be struggling if i was good right.. and then walks away, now to me this isnt how you encourage " newbies" into learning the apprenticeship i hear of, all im saying is, drop the attitude dude, you had to learn at some stage and if you were in my position im sure a helping hand would be appreciated, after all we are only as good as the conditions allow and so far i suck!!
to the rest of the guys who offered help hats off, its appreciated!

cheers! ginger

When and where did this happen????

NSW, 2465 posts
31 Jan 2010 12:00PM
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Woops, ill try again..

When and where did this happen ?????

NSW, 221 posts
31 Jan 2010 4:46PM
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hey ginger 1,
remember the person you burn to day could be the one saving your arsse tomorrow.
try not to make ememy`s in this sport,its a long swim back to the beach when your lines break.
was this older guy a kiter????
have you been for a lesson??


WA, 724 posts
31 Jan 2010 2:05PM
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Hey Bellevue,
I would not say ginger's burning the guy maybe just highlighting the fact there is no common decency much about . If the guy does not want to rescue him because of this , he needs a shrink badly.

Did common decency go the same way as common sense?


VIC, 5047 posts
31 Jan 2010 6:48PM
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Did the snobby old hat kiter offer any advice at all?

I have on a few occasions suggested that guys leave their kites in the bag because of very gusty, offshore conditions. Unfortunately they never do and everything ends up **** for them (or even worse for bystanders on the beach as happened today).

You also have guys telling you that they know what they are doing when they clearly have no idea at all. (Kiter standing dead downwind of the kite and mate trying to throw it up in the air, or trying to launch a 10 year old, under inflated kite with families with small children and infants in range of their kites.)

Just about anybody who kites will help, especially if you ask nicely ... but you can only help so much.

NSW, 2283 posts
31 Jan 2010 7:53PM
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Hi ginger which beach are you talking about as I hope it was not me?

NSW, 9 posts
31 Jan 2010 7:54PM
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yeah ive had some lessons, and im not " burning " anybody, just a little peeved that this guy didnt want to offer positive advice rather he just wanted to tell me i was hopeless.. its water off a ducks back but just wanted to put it out there that if experienced kiters want to go that way then maybe it will be them who swim to shore with broken lines... as i said, we all have to learn and advice given today will be advice given tommorow!!
any way im smiling as im slowly getting it sorted ..

i understand that some people do not take critism/opinions/experience offered to them, and when i asked this guy for his "opinions" he just turned his back and got his own gear set up,
in having said all of this, its not a direct slander , its more a "pull ya head in you make new friends by helping" kind of post!! its also for all of us who tend to take things a little seriously!
relax we are all there to have fun!!

NSW, 2283 posts
31 Jan 2010 7:57PM
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I like all locals and others - bellevue included even if he rides a Griffin as I do.

However I ware sunnies and short sighted so could easily be miss understood

NSW, 9 posts
31 Jan 2010 8:03PM
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when, and where isnt relevant, as i mentioned, its just a generalisation of some who forget where they started... there is nobody who starts at the top.

but no, it wasnt you , keep those sunnies on my friend, !!


NSW, 2465 posts
31 Jan 2010 9:49PM
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ginger1 said...

when, and where isnt relevant, as i mentioned, its just a generalisation of some who forget where they started... there is nobody who starts at the top.

but no, it wasnt you , keep those sunnies on my friend, !!


Sorry, when and where is relevant.
Its my understanding that you were trying to launch in a gusty off shore wind about 50m up wind from surf flags with the usual bunch of families and kids. (and rigged the lines wrong)
Was it that there was a bunch of kiters who were heading of on a down winder to a point where it was on shore? (and even some very experienced kiters had trouble getting away from the beach)
Was it you that did not turn up for a booked lesson a few day earlier and did not bother to let the instructor know????

But last but not least, you are welcome to kite on our local beaches.

NSW, 2465 posts
31 Jan 2010 10:25PM
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sorry no....

Im Craig66 as I was born in 1966, im not the 666 devil

NSW, 9 posts
31 Jan 2010 10:27PM
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well i guess we are both mistaken then...

NSW, 120 posts
31 Jan 2010 11:38PM
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come on meggsy tell us where did it happen at blackys or hams give use a hint.
666 how was the downwinder

WA, 637 posts
31 Jan 2010 11:25PM
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If you read your lines, you might realize yourself, that although many kiters helped you out, you wanted to come to the forum to whine about someone who possibly didn't, someone who probably was not impressed with your performance. You obviously tried your luck in conditions where you should have just stayed on shore and possibly helped others. You might have risked other people's safety as well. So, get some more lessons, stop whinging, and be responsible.
I haven't done any sport as yet where people were so overwhelmingly helpful, as with kite surfing. But we help each other out of CHOICE, not out of obligation.

QLD, 6149 posts
1 Feb 2010 1:29PM
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maybee it's not because you're a newb but because you're a ginger.

VIC, 244 posts
1 Feb 2010 2:56PM
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myusernam said...

maybee it's not because you're a newb but because you're a ginger.

gingers do have souls!

NSW, 9 posts
1 Feb 2010 7:54PM
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@ aorta........ i lovre the ranga calls .. keep em comin,
@ sandrash... mate ,i was onshore, and its all taken out of context, it was meant as a back hand that if asked for advice u dont ( usually) turn your back on somebody,,
jeeez, and i thought rangas had a bad temper!!! relax, and go play in the wind!


NSW, 692 posts
1 Feb 2010 8:08PM
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Don't worry about them Ginger. Every break has a bunch of tossers, some show offs, and some rude pricks. I saw one each category at my local yesterday. Watch the state of play at your local spot. It wont take long to pick them. I have laughed a few of the morons that stir the pot, and get into trouble, and wonder why people dont oblige when they have to perform a self rescue. - Karma is a great thing.

NSW, 4188 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:26PM
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hi ginger1 - do we get a hint as to where these unfriendly folks kite?

Might be worth finding a friendlier spot...

WA, 86 posts
1 Feb 2010 7:34PM
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Pulled out the G bomb

myusernam said...

maybee it's not because you're a newb but because you're a ginger.

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:42PM
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bellevue said...

hey ginger 1,
remember the person you burn to day could be the one saving your arsse tomorrow.
try not to make ememy`s in this sport,its a long swim back to the beach when your lines break.
was this older guy a kiter????
have you been for a lesson??


If the tosser was helpful to start with, maybe ginger would not need a rescue

Little Jon
NSW, 2115 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:42PM
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myusernam said...

maybee it's not because you're a newb but because you're a ginger.

that's just mean

Dr Funk
NSW, 348 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:45PM
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kyteryder said...

Don't worry about them Ginger. Every break has a bunch of tossers, some show offs, and some rude pricks. I saw one each category at my local yesterday. Watch the state of play at your local spot. It wont take long to pick them. I have laughed a few of the morons that stir the pot, and get into trouble, and wonder why people dont oblige when they have to perform a self rescue. - Karma is a great thing.

At your local...........What time did the wind get up that anyone could get out down here....I'll be gutted if I missed the first good wind in 3 weeks....

ACT, 1258 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:46PM
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NSW, 27 posts
1 Feb 2010 10:50PM
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kitegirl21 said...

ginger1 said...

thanks for that, sav, there are tossers in every sport... i can from a sport with the majority being that way due to too much $$ and not enough sense!

now... where is the wind!!!

let me guess which sport, sailing???

HAHAHA!!! was just thinking the same thing.....

NSW, 439 posts
1 Feb 2010 11:14PM
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MrKite said...

kitegirl21 said...

ginger1 said...

thanks for that, sav, there are tossers in every sport... i can from a sport with the majority being that way due to too much $$ and not enough sense!

now... where is the wind!!!

let me guess which sport, sailing???

HAHAHA!!! was just thinking the same thing.....

true but...tossers and wankers left right n centre... I was just so amazed at the contrast between kiters n sailors wen i first started kiting...couldnt believe how friendly, helpful and welcoming kiters are, coming from a sailing background

NSW, 439 posts
1 Feb 2010 11:17PM
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haha didnt no that was u alex... didnt mean to brand u with tosser label... lol


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"snobby old hat kiters." started by ginger1