burley said...
Here is my pride and joy
It used to be called the beacon, Now its just called a piece of ****.
As i remember it was around the $57,000.00 ish mark.
Enjoy everyone
Tough luck with the hilux Burley, I'm guessing thats a right off. I wrote my
kite off a few weeks ago, when it met a tree. Be down with the BOnnyBeach
crew when I can decide what old C banger I can afford.
So whats the replacement car?
My xf van was my ideal car, but the police didn't have the same opinon, and gave
me a nice yellow sticker.
all the best
This is mine. Fits 2-3 kites, 2 boards and associated gear...not much else though
It's about to go up for sale too, simply because it doesn't fit 2 bikes without totally pulling them apart and I can't fit a bike rack to it. Great car pre-girlfriend though
I'm going to miss it *sniff*
I'm thinking about replacing it with a Holden Combo or similar.
cheap as, tough as, if you're tall and wide my guess is it would be cramped as. but this has been one of the better vans i've had.
I take the skull truck to intimidate the beach tourist, watch out. If I am in a hurry I take the mad max truck (loaded with redbull) so I don't have to deal with traffic. Lastly, if I am too tired because I kited to hard the day before, I let my chaufer drive me to the beach.
this my 4x4 van. runs on petrol and gas so long mileage on little fuel and i decked out the back myself so it cost me nothing i dont care if any of you like it cuz it suits me for everything i need
You guys are lucky, kites and kiteboards fit nicely in any car
Windsurfing needs racks at least or a van/stationwagon
Loved the mad max truck, definately a windy (of any type) choice car for city driving when its windy
yeh most of those cars are ok but wont carry a sup three wave boards three semi pumped kites and kiteboards surfbords sail booms masts etc . and still sleep in back , vans only way to go
^^^^ Ahh yes the old classic kombi, it has the added bonus of doubling as a wind meter, you can tell what size kite to put up by how far you have been blown out of your lane on the way to the beach