Forums > Kitesurfing General

the how to launch a bow kite.

Created by professor > 9 months ago, 11 Dec 2005
QLD, 277 posts
11 Dec 2005 8:38PM
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its being asked alot around the threads

Ok so lets say lines have been connected directly upwind and lets say your going to launch from the left of the kite pick the kite up and put it over the right hand side of the lines.

Point the left hand tip direct upwind and put just a little sand on the second panel to weight it down just a little like a handful, two, or three.

You put the kite over the lines like that because when you bring your lines to the side when launching they are free from under the kite.

In addition, when you point the kite into the wind the back tip should just have the wind in it so it is filling with air not so it is moving violently but just so it stands up.

Then hook into your bar and walk toward the left hand side of the window but upwind just a little of the side of the window.
This will allow you to launch the kit into a full neutral position.

Now this is what you do pull on the outside right hand line it will allow the right hand side of the kite to come around a little more and grab the wind. It will put the kite onto its side as the power of the wind pushes the right hand wing out lifting the leading edge from the ground

However, as you are slightly upwind it will leave the leading edge pointing ever so slightly toward the sand until you are comfortable.

You then just walk into the wind window even out the steering, where it will be tame and ready to launch.

I have tried all methods
This is the safest and easiest.
But if you don't want to do it this way then that's just fine by me

WA, 1441 posts
11 Dec 2005 7:18PM
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Best way is conventional launch without folding the tip over. 100% success everytime.

I cant totally understand what you are explaining either.

QLD, 277 posts
11 Dec 2005 11:25PM
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hmmm yer maybe if you fully explained a conventional way to launch a kite to someone who has not seen it it would be confusing
aswell. I have tried to explain it as best I can I dont think I have written jumble but it is possible I've done it before

VIC, 337 posts
12 Dec 2005 1:27PM
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Sounds alright to me,had lessons yesterday (Sun) a was shown several different methods of self launch and the launch method explained above I liked the best.Having said that,I'm only a newby and If I hadn't have done it yesterday,I probably would have read it and thought,"what the ....".From a newby veiw point,all the explanations on launching have that "how to program a vcr manual" head #uck thing about em.

Just a tip for newby's,If ya cruising this forum and read these launching explanations and have not had lessons, and(or) expierienced kiter(s) to assist.DONT think of going out on ya own and trying it.
And if ya do read this and think,"wanker",I did by myself,your a goose,a lucky one,but all the same a goose.

Discovered a new sport yesterday,"Submarine torpeadoing"..The bodydragging went all pear shaped.Kite loops and not pushing the bar forward whilst being submerged makes for one awsome ride.I'm holding my breath thinking it"s gotta stop soon.Great adrenalin rush,but scared the $hit outta me.

QLD, 72 posts
12 Dec 2005 8:00PM
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Would anyone care to explain the position of the sand when launching the Bow in the " traditional " C kite method please.

455 posts
12 Dec 2005 8:10PM
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i dont have a bow but a couple of times to self launch my 05 CO2 i put it in the water and did a normal relaunch with the recon, i thought it would be even easier with a xbow

WA, 1441 posts
14 Dec 2005 9:03PM
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I saw someone do this today. Looks pretty slick. Still cant really work out how its done though. Seems like it could go wrong easily.

QLD, 5283 posts
15 Dec 2005 12:29AM
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carbine seems scared.

NSW, 4188 posts
15 Dec 2005 10:44AM
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wow - even with 1 million percent depower, 40 know wind ranges and the ability to withsand gusts of 25 knots, it still seems as though the manufactureres have not been bale to provide a simple safe launch method for bows.

Bah, how about we just always kite with mates then, and assist each other with launching - that will work won't it?

WA, 50 posts
15 Dec 2005 9:10AM
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Might have to rename the xbow the cripplebow basically if your on your own it sounds very difficult to self launch.I have not seen anyone come up with a safe and easy method to self launch these execellent kites just yet.

WA, 4263 posts
15 Dec 2005 9:13AM
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A kite betty is probably mandatory for bows;
due to tangle issues with bridles, pulleys and connections (making self-launching a risky exercise).

WA, 102 posts
15 Dec 2005 3:04PM
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Only for bows. Don't try this with a C-kite

Straight downwind has worked everytime for me (probably 20 times so far in varying conditions.) Launch it like a foil kite. Might be called a hot launch by some - but with a bow its more of a luke warm launch.

Daniel at Wind Surfing Perth showed me.

a) lay out kite flat and unpumped up on its back (ie the struts on top) with the TRAILING EDGE (not leading edge) into the wind

b) put a little sand all along the trailing edge to make sure the wind doesn't get underneath

c) lay out lines directly upwind and connect

d) pump up kite (SS Turbo Diesel is one pump so a bit quicker than the Xbow)

e) pick up bar - fully depowered position - walk back and put tension in the lines (you can take time at this point to check lines are all straight and connected properly).

f) put more tension on the lines

g) up she comes - sweet.

Prior to the Turbo Diesel I had an X-bow and I tried the conventional sideways self launch - but the bow design make its it difficult and IMHO there is a degree of line/bridle/kite tangle risk.

The warm luanch procedure above allows you to fully check the lines are free and straight before committing.

QLD, 41 posts
15 Dec 2005 10:24PM
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Try all will become clear and a bit of history as well. The secret is out!!!

VIC, 41 posts
17 Dec 2005 2:01AM
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I have to say, i've tried the 'one method...', which I think is what was described at the beginning of this post, and found it to be an absolute piece of piss, ene in heavier wind. The whole depower thing makes its petty bloody easy.

Just make sure you're not too timid in the aproach to it - ie. set the kite far enough into the window- and it takes off realy easily. If you stand too square to the wind the kite skates across the sand for a bit (which can't be good for it)



NSW, 7 posts
4 Sep 2006 6:45AM
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another movie sample here:

4 Sep 2006 8:16AM
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And here is a sample video of how to fly that kite!


Chasta on an Instinct - awesome clip.

Cya and


Steve McCormack

QLD, 448 posts
4 Sep 2006 10:33PM
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im about to get my hands on a 12 liquif force assault, anyone know the best way to self launch them?


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"the how to launch a bow kite." started by professor