Forums > Kitesurfing General

training tips for all chick kiters

Created by sammyd > 9 months ago, 7 Jul 2010
QLD, 101 posts
7 Jul 2010 9:47PM
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WA, 1883 posts
8 Jul 2010 1:40AM
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Everybody Party OH YEAH

I went to a Christmas party with some of WA's best Pole (not poley) dancers and was blown (not blown) away by their gymnastic abilitys and
saught of guessed the other girls wernt really Santas little helpers..

I put my mark of approval on this type of training regime

QLD, 927 posts
8 Jul 2010 9:36AM
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Its more funny sammyd knowing that if any of those girls did take up kiteboarding they would be a hell of a lot better than you.

In fact I know lots of girls who can kite better than you. Maybe you should try your own advice?

VIC, 56 posts
8 Jul 2010 10:28AM
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Man I love poleys!

WA, 4485 posts
8 Jul 2010 10:35AM
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Finally an end to kiter-poley animosity?

NSW, 1625 posts
8 Jul 2010 9:44PM
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They are good
U gota admire anyone at the top of their game

NSW, 451 posts
8 Jul 2010 10:18PM
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Pfff.. I could do that. Just gimme a pole and a whole bunch of coke.

WA, 301 posts
8 Jul 2010 9:03PM
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id like to see the wipeout compilation..

QLD, 101 posts
9 Jul 2010 12:35AM
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PsYLoR said...

Its more funny sammyd knowing that if any of those girls did take up kiteboarding they would be a hell of a lot better than you.

In fact I know lots of girls who can kite better than you. Maybe you should try your own advice?

I bought myself a pole today - here is the results - thanks for advise Psylor - I have a bit to go to catch up to those girls

QLD, 927 posts
9 Jul 2010 12:42AM
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i haven't watched it and i fell sick already

QLD, 101 posts
9 Jul 2010 12:44AM
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I thought i sucked at pole dancing watch these losers - funny ****

WA, 4485 posts
9 Jul 2010 2:09AM
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I need serious therapy after one of those posts Can you guess which one?

He he - a lick in the chops from the mongrel after it'd just been slurping the vegemite patch was exactly what you deserved

QLD, 101 posts
9 Jul 2010 8:26AM
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desertyank said...

Heres the training/workout video to make it all legit.....[}:)]

Gold - I reckon all chicks should be strippers at least for 12 months when they turn 18. Sort of like how some countries make all their young men do 12 months of Military service. That way there would be no fat chicks and there were be Government run strip clubs everywhere. It would reduce the unemployment problem plus gain revenue for the government from drink sales at the clubs.

This could really turn the economy around.
Increased national revenue
Increased consumer spending
Decreased unemployemnt
Happier men who will work harder because they are motivated
Underworld crime would be reduced because they would no longer own strip clubs

WOW this is an economic revolution
I am calling Julia Gillard now - this could get her over the line
She could launch the campaign

I am a genius!!!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"training tips for all chick kiters" started by sammyd