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Forums > Kitesurfing General

when should you throw a kite in the bin

Created by orrock27 > 9 months ago, 23 Jul 2011
WA, 21 posts
23 Jul 2011 9:37AM
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ihave just crashed my kite a 2010 13 m slingshot into a tree and the follwoing damage is now really obvious
the leading front edge of the kite is ruptured around about 100mm tear and inside the bladder is ruptured around about 35mm but in a L shape and there are three tears in the sail cloth area each around 50mm long all up it looks bad is this worth salvaging or binning? that is my question
if the answer is fix any ideas on who in vic melbourne?
cheers appreciate any feed back

VIC, 1614 posts
23 Jul 2011 11:57AM
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That's minor damage, easily repairable, and if you like the kite, definitely keep it.

A 35mm bladder tear you should be able to do yourself, and possibly the canopy tears if you have some spinnaker tape and a sewing machine. LE tear probably trickier as you may have to detach a section of the LE from the canopy and re-attach it at the end.

There are some detailed posts somewhere on seabreeze dealing with bladder repair, and may include pics and video. Steve aka Kitepower Australia is very knowledgable and stocks tear-aid, the product you'll want.

For the cloth repairs, James Thompson does a good job at a good price: 0403 011 062

WA, 908 posts
23 Jul 2011 10:51AM
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orrock27 said...

ihave just crashed my kite a 2010 13 m slingshot into a tree and the follwoing damage is now really obvious
the leading front edge of the kite is ruptured around about 100mm tear and inside the bladder is ruptured around about 35mm but in a L shape and there are three tears in the sail cloth area each around 50mm long all up it looks bad is this worth salvaging or binning? that is my question
if the answer is fix any ideas on who in vic melbourne?
cheers appreciate any feed back

google moti levy

will come back good as new as long as your willing to pay for it. If your stingy then throw it in the bin. estimate about 150 to fix it.

QLD, 2776 posts
23 Jul 2011 1:02PM
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if you're going to bin it i'll buy it off you...

VIC, 87 posts
23 Jul 2011 1:30PM
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For the canopy repair take it to
Irwin Sails
32 Keith Street
Hampton East VIC 3188
(03) 9555 7328

I just had my canopy that was split from the leading edge to the trailing edge fixed, it took three days , great price, he also found and fixed a split in the leading edge. He has repaired my kites and freinds kites before and has always done an excellent job.

You should be able to fix the bladder yourself, I just this week fixed a 100mm split in the seam of one of my struts with an Iron, check out the link below

I found the iron was best when set to cotton but try it at a low setting first and just work your way up to a higher setting until it works.
I guess I finally found a use for an Iron

WA, 3619 posts
23 Jul 2011 12:32PM
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Certainly sounds repairable.
Neil from Hold The Line here in Perth has sent back perfect kites with much more extensive damage than that.

NB - Anyone binning a kite in WA ??
We run a wrecking yard at Woodys where we dismantle and stow all re-usable bits. Anything we get for free we give away free whenever they are needed. Older kite parts are like hens teeth when you need them. Most kite cos. dont support spare parts for nearly long enough.
You are doing someone; in an otherwise no win situation; a huge favour by recycling.

NSW, 92 posts
23 Jul 2011 4:02PM
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What about this one?
Should I throw this one away?

WA, 3619 posts
23 Jul 2011 2:27PM
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Probably not.
At least not before letting someone really good have a look at it.

NSW, 551 posts
23 Jul 2011 7:39PM
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Good on you puppet.
Don't be concerned about having to post it to someone like Moty, I was extremely impressed with him, even the turn around time is good.

NSW, 1317 posts
23 Jul 2011 7:45PM
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rwtaaffe said...

What about this one?
Should I throw this one away?

i believe that is known as littering! that thing was a dog anyway!

QLD, 2056 posts
23 Jul 2011 8:43PM
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rwtaaffe said...

What about this one?
Should I throw this one away?

Sell it on eBay ;>), they will buy almost anything on there....what type of kite was it & what happened BTW ???

NSW, 92 posts
23 Jul 2011 10:22PM
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The kite in question was a DOG as Prawnhead pointed out.
Was pretty much brand new, half dozen sessions old.
It was one of those rider beware days with lots of water moving around, current, swell and wind.
This particular kite could be a brother to the LINK, having similar Hindenberg characteristics, which it did.
I activated my safety before the swells impacted with the kite, hoping the wind would continue to blow the kite downwind away from pictured rocks.
The swell however carried the kite straight onto the rocks, bar, lines and safety.
There the kite stayed for several days, lines wrapped around rocks, getting smashed.
Even with fellow kiters offering use of their hook knifes, I had no intentions of adding to the carnage swimming around rocks with that much water moving around.
To the kites credit it did remain inflated for several days in decent size swells, until I was able to safely swim around it and cut away the debris.
There was nothing to save, just a mess to clear away.
I will say that particular model of kite was a PURE heap of S#%&
The good news was that my new board only suffered minor dings after its trip over the same rocks

VIC, 84 posts
25 Jul 2011 10:49AM
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You can always use it for a homeless shelter till you save up enough for a smaller kit.


Forums > Kitesurfing General

"when should you throw a kite in the bin" started by orrock27