Lost my RRD twintip Placebo Board on Thursday 17.01.2013 at Woodies number 3 (?)
I got separated from my board around the area where the commercial Jetty sticks out and after I couldn't manage to get back to it, I ended up drifting to shore between the boat club and the big jetty which is popular with the fishing mob.
At the time of losing it, I would have been a couple of hundred meters away from the beach and in straight continuation of that commercial jetty.
The board has a silver duct tape sticker with my name and number (0427 889 018) on it, however it may have gotten removed...
I'm spewing as it's my only board and offer a reward for getting it back so I can get back out onto the water again.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. If somebody offers you this board for sale, can you please PM or SMS me with details?
Kind Regards