Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

SYDNEY this weekend

Created by CheeseStick > 9 months ago, 19 Aug 2011
67 posts
19 Aug 2011 10:01AM
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So its just gone 25-30 SSE down my way and looking to be a great start to the weekend.

Where is the best place to kite in waves on the Sydney stretch???
prob gonna head north (longreef area) whats the go and where shouldnt i go??

67 posts
19 Aug 2011 11:51AM
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cheers Galahonthebay

im judging by the video,

your a bit of a Galah hey???


NSW, 164 posts
19 Aug 2011 2:17PM
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What's Narrabeen like?

67 posts
22 Aug 2011 3:30PM
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I dunno if its normally that good but Newy reef was a whole lot of fun on the weekend.
before the tide came in there was fun head high waves to rip to bits.

Thanks MR NKB for the heads up.
ill be there again soon


Forums > Kitesurfing   New South Wales

"SYDNEY this weekend" started by CheeseStick