Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

BSW stretched lines

Created by Shane10 > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2013
QLD, 102 posts
6 Feb 2013 10:22PM
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Of late I've been noticing that my 10m bws is choking or backstalling quite alot when sheeting in. I've been playing around with the depower rope with limited success but today i measured my lines and discover that there was a fair bit of difference. With depower at a miniumun (2 inches) there is around a 15cm difference.

From what I've read on here this could be the root of my backstalling problems. Wondering what would be the best way to go about modifying the length? Even when really pulling in the depower rope there is still a gap. Any help would be great.

VIC, 90 posts
15 Feb 2013 9:17PM
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Hey mate, I would contact BWS.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"BSW stretched lines" started by Shane10