I can land back rolls both ways, but inconsistently. Normally, I'm over-rotating. Like, I spot the water but then my body keeps rotating into almost a double roll. I think I should get single rolls consistent before doubles. :)
If I do manage to nail the landing, normally somehow I end up with super-speed and struggle to regain control for a little while.
Push your bar out a bit just before when and where you want to land. That way you'll drop onto the water. Keep forward momentum by diving the kite in the direction of travel. Personally I think back rolls are overrated, but that's just me.
Check the interweb for more info. There is loads of stuff with video out there.
extend your legs when you want to slow rotation,,
crunch knees to chest to rotate faster.
Keep your hands in the center of the bar so you dont accidently steer the kite up or down.
If you feel you are over rotating, crunch your knees up and do a double and just pretend you ment to.
Drop your back hand off the bar and use it for balance.
If you extend your arm it will slow your rotation!
Extend your arms AND your legs at the same time and you completely stop and move through the air in slow motion matrix style
All good advice , sounds like your sending the kite to do the back roll and not getting it back down and pulling quick enough ,try this when you start the roll (just left the water ) give your front hand 1 ,or 2 sharp pulls it will stop your kite lifting you too much ,then as you rotate just before youve done your rotation pull your front hand again to pull you out of the roll.
Have Fun
Try this. As you start your rotation , just as you leve the water, pull down on your front hand, loop the kite and finish your landing a little faster than a normal roll. It's a little faster than a normal roll but at least you dont have to un cross your lines.
Just a technical note, as some people confuse a backroll with a jump and spin.
In a properly executed backroll you do not send or dive your kite and you don't use your kite to lift you off the water. Being a wakestyle trick, the lift is generated purely by the board and the kite just remains steady in one spot.
Even having the kite flying high while doing a backroll is cheating as it still generates substantial lift, even if it's just parked in one spot. But those "proper" backrolls are possible even if kite is as low as 30 degrees.
In fact you don't even need a kite to do a proper backroll, just a board and some speed - watch this:
Your right. Stand corrected. Still fun though
Thats fine if your being pulled by a boat with a wake.
No wake yes but the cable pulls from a much higher point than a boat.
A pure back roll wake style is performed with kite no greater than 45 degrees. Performing a back roll behind a cable I have found a lot harder than behind the boat. Creating enough tension on the cable to pull yourself around is certainly harder than behind a boat, or A kite.
When we use the kite, it is a lot easier to control your speed by pushing your bar out. I have found my backrolls are at 90% now, by pure just going hard, session after session. After each attempt, I diagnosed what went right or wrong, and gave another one a go. Now I don't have to think about it, my body automatically corrects either kite position or body position whilst performing the trick.
Now onto the Front roll.
The forward loop was my nemisis for windsurfing. The amount of times i chicken out at the beginning. This hesitation hurts badly. 100% commitment is needed from the beginning.
To get the first part of the front roll, load up the same as a back roll, and pull your Front leg up, and extend your Back leg. I would just practice this bit first until, it becomes second nature, then when you have this dialed, pull your Back leg up and look over your rear shoulder. Spot your landing and you should be right.
Though I am still perfecting this one myself.
Good luck
Edited: leg positions