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Going to kitesurfing this summer

Created by nocry > 9 months ago, 27 Feb 2010
4 posts
27 Feb 2010 7:00PM
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hello all :)

i want to buy a kitesurf and im new and beginner for kitesurfe
i have blade 5 6.5 bluur 7m and buggy
im 80kg

after i try to search what is good

i found that there is some kitesurfe

Ocean Rodeo Rise XPD 2010
Cabrinha swithblade 2010
Liquid Force Envy 2010
wainman hawaii Rabbit
F-One Bandit 3 (III)

now i think Liquid Force Envy 2010 is the best
but i found there is Ocean Rodeo Rise XPD 2010 and i saw movie it was vry nice

so can u give me adivce ? of what i get coz im so confused and im want it for
Freeriding / Cruising / Freestyle / Jumping BUT Not Waveriding

after that

i want Board for it its ok it its expensive
i want the board can use it when i buy hadlow after 1 year :P
coz its vry expensive

QLD, 280 posts
1 Mar 2010 6:48PM
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Sounds like you have already talked yourself into an Envy. I was not joking when I recommended the Switchblade to you in your other post.

You'll be very happy with Either kite if you get a 2010 model. You'll need to give us more information on where you're going to be kiting for a size recommendation.

I hope you are having lessons... Just because you can Buggy does not mean you are a safe kiter just yet, PLEASE do not try and fly your kite with out an experienced kite surfers help.

I would hold off on buying the Hadlow Pro for a while yet cowboy.

All the best, KiteNutt.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Going to kitesurfing this summer" started by nocry