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Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Impact vests and Helmets

Created by Myke > 9 months ago, 25 Oct 2010
WA, 22 posts
25 Oct 2010 7:59AM
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Hey all, after reading the threads on board leashes and those go joe things, then seeing the responses I was wondering on the general consensis on impact vests and helmets? Do they scream "NOOB!!!" for everyone else to avoid?

NSW, 36 posts
25 Oct 2010 11:43AM
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Im a noob, and I would wear a vest if I had one. Actually its going to be the next thing I buy.

Ive come from a wakeboarding background so vests are an normal thing, and I would have no dramas wearing one even when I go pro

Helmet when kiting - nope. I would wear a helmet if I was hitting rails. But Im not that good. But like I said, when I turn pro hahaha...Ive cracked a helmet on a nasty fall up at Bli Bli so I know their value.

Leash when kiting - definalty nope.

Go joe - nope. Ive learnt to body drag up wind, and its one of the most common things I do, apart from stacking!

WA, 22 posts
25 Oct 2010 9:02AM
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Cheers Chris, I have just bought my gear and havnt had a chance to get out since. I bought a vest but not a helmet. no way would i use a leash or go joe, i dont have any trouble body draging upwind. i figured the vest would be an asset with the amount of 'superman' launches i displayed during my lessons!

179 posts
25 Oct 2010 10:40AM
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Myke said...

Hey all, after reading the threads on board leashes and those go joe things, then seeing the responses I was wondering on the general consensis on impact vests and helmets? Do they scream "NOOB!!!" for everyone else to avoid?

When I crash doing around 60kph I want a impact vest. I wear helmet so I dont lose sunglasses and to mount go pro on. It also protects my cranium if there was some catastrophic incident.

I advise the mystic glideskin vest that thing is like batman vest it works great :) I wear a dakine rashguard over it so nobody knows anyway

WA, 925 posts
Site Sponsor
25 Oct 2010 10:54AM
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Hey Mate,

Vests and helmets are a personal thing. They kinda do scream noob a bit, but many pilots I know wear them as a perforated eardrum means NO FLY.

The thing is with safety gear, if it makes you feel more secure, that in turn will make you more confident. If you feel more confident, you will learn faster without the oppressive fear clouding your judgement and actions. So you should learn and improve more quickly as long as you feel more comfortable wearing them. Once you get beyong noobness, lose them again until ready for jumping and kiteloops .... or rails and kickers

So up to you at the end of the day


WA, 35 posts
25 Oct 2010 11:01AM
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Myke said...

Hey all, after reading the threads on board leashes and those go joe things, then seeing the responses I was wondering on the general consensis on impact vests and helmets? Do they scream "NOOB!!!" for everyone else to avoid?


That said I wear both. It's blue skies blowing 18-20 knots today in Cairns and I have the day off - awesome! Not going kiting though because on Tuesday I was out and launched a very impressive "Superman Style Stack" and my ribs are still KILLING ME, and that was with my impact vest on! Hate to think what the results would have been otherwise...

I also wear a helmet - mostly as sun protection, but also I've spent along time getting info into my head, and i would prefer it stays there... Keeps my sunnies on to.

Leash no, go joe no.

No ones yelled noob at me, but i am 6'1' and 100kg. If people get out of my way - all the better!

179 posts
25 Oct 2010 1:19PM
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jezzacairns said...

That said I wear both. It's blue skies blowing 18-20 knots today in Cairns and I have the day off - awesome! Not going kiting though because on Tuesday I was out and launched a very impressive "Superman Style Stack" and my ribs are still KILLING ME, and that was with my impact vest on! Hate to think what the results would have been otherwise...

I also wear a helmet - mostly as sun protection, but also I've spent along time getting info into my head, and i would prefer it stays there... Keeps my sunnies on to.

Leash no, go joe no.

hmm maybe thats why my forehead does not feel like fire anymore! yay for helmet good point mate!

WA, 1501 posts
25 Oct 2010 10:19PM
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Myke said...

Hey all, after reading the threads on board leashes and those go joe things, then seeing the responses I was wondering on the general consensis on impact vests and helmets? Do they scream "NOOB!!!" for everyone else to avoid?

Don't worry about what you look like mate, just get amongst it. Most kiters won't give you any trouble for wearing a vest, they're nice and cushy for when you start hurling yourself into the sky with no idea how to land(which you WILL start doing as soon as you know how)

QLD, 1326 posts
27 Oct 2010 5:30PM
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Leashes and GoPros have been rubbished because the first is dangerous and the second is of questionable benefit and a proven "noob" beacon. No one with even intermediate skills would or should be using either except in very unusual circumstances.

Helmets and vests are rarely rubbished as far as I can see. Both have proven safety aspects and are often worn by pro's as well as learners. This in itself should indicate they are valid and often recommended kit. Anyone who laughs at you wearing either is a Dick or a loser.

I will admit some learners with no idea and a bad attitude have a tendancy to wear both so there is some stigma attached to that, but in those cases it is the wearers attitude and not his kit that is the problem.

For the record I don't wear a helmet but should. I do wear a vest occasionally as it can assist with floatation is larger surf (assist a little, not stop you from drowning)

WA, 478 posts
27 Oct 2010 4:15PM
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I like Helmets (I got a subdural hematoma from freebording w/out a lid) and they dont look ghey, if anything they look good cause you're safer to try more insane stuff.

I was out at pinnas last week and almost got run over by a twin tip, even though my kite was at 12 and obvious, cause I was bodydragging I'm a much smaller profile, and fins slice, so helmet is a good idea.

WA, 22 posts
27 Oct 2010 7:52PM
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Paradox said...

Helmets and vests are rarely rubbished as far as I can see. Both have proven safety aspects and are often worn by pro's as well as learners. This in itself should indicate they are valid and often recommended kit. Anyone who laughs at you wearing either is a Dick or a loser.

Thanks Paradox

This was what i was thinking, being safety items. when i bought my gear i got a LF comp vest and have every intention on using it. I am thinking of getting a lid too, if only for a bit of UV protection!

Now, if only i wasn't stuk working in the middle of the desert for the next week, i could actually get some practice in!

QLD, 1674 posts
28 Oct 2010 10:35AM
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Hi Myke

If you feel more confident wearing them, why not? It will only give you more protection. The 2011 LF Comp Vest paired with the Comp harness is the best I have seen around to date. The Vest has 5 internal strips to ensure it doesnt ride up, and the harness with rash guard protection - no more rash on waist!


Myke said...

Paradox said...

Helmets and vests are rarely rubbished as far as I can see. Both have proven safety aspects and are often worn by pro's as well as learners. This in itself should indicate they are valid and often recommended kit. Anyone who laughs at you wearing either is a Dick or a loser.

Thanks Paradox

This was what i was thinking, being safety items. when i bought my gear i got a LF comp vest and have every intention on using it. I am thinking of getting a lid too, if only for a bit of UV protection!

Now, if only i wasn't stuk working in the middle of the desert for the next week, i could actually get some practice in!

WA, 363 posts
28 Oct 2010 2:46PM
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Ive busted ribs in my first season trying some of my first jumps/backrolls - they REALLY hurt and take along time to heal properly, i would recommend one if you were starting out. Now, this is my ear with 22 stiches in it after kite board met head on the weekend, doesnt look that big but it did alot of damage - but could have been alot worse. Im picking up a gath helmet this afternoon they said one more week out of the water - ppfffaaaff!! wannbet [}:)]

I suppose i would like to bring it to the attention of some people just getting into the sport that it can be dangerous, things can happen so quickly so always kite with a buddy. I didnt on this occassion and was lucky to stay concious while in the water and trying to get back to shore. Thanks to the crew that helped me out with their medical kit (will always have one handy now!) at Melville - even though they kept saying "0ohh fark - thats not good"!! So from what ive read - helmets and impact vest's are good investments towards your time on the water and your health!

QLD, 1674 posts
28 Oct 2010 7:12PM
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Ouch! Hope it wasnt too painful! Make sure you get something with ear flaps too. The LF & Predator ones we do both come with detachable ear flaps.

WA, 4485 posts
31 Oct 2010 1:05AM
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Wot AKS said.

I wear both and yes I do look like gumby noob o'the week.

They do give me more confidence to eek everything from my meagre skill levels.

A perf'd eardrum would be disaster for me.

I got rolled and pushed waaayyy down by a couple of nasty sets less than a fortnight.. was very worked over and trying to get outta the mess with a harness acting like a boat anchor, I was VERY glad to have a floaty (not a pfd but enough to make a diff) vest on indeed. Worth the noob tags.

Get em both Myke. If you are even thinking about getting a helmet and a vest, it tells me you think your life is worth more than fashionista points. Smart thinking. You can always sell em later if you outgrow them or if your super-model friends protest.

WA, 22 posts
4 Nov 2010 8:23PM
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was at woodies today, liquid force vest and helmet on, no one laughed or pointed! I was a little surprised to see riders a little more advanced than me (can get up on board) also in helmets. Good to see.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Impact vests and Helmets" started by Myke