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Created by StevenJG > 9 months ago, 3 Nov 2013
WA, 22 posts
3 Nov 2013 10:19PM
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While practising jumping I find myself often in the situation where I manage to edge enough to get lifted and make a small jump. It happened to me a few times now where my kite stalls when I land, crashes down while making a weird flip and tangling the lines.

Can anyone advise me on what I might be doing wrong? I think the problem is not steering back enough from 1-12 o clock back to 2-3, but it might be something that I don't realize.

WA, 9 posts
3 Nov 2013 11:11PM
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the same thing would happen to me, what i found i was doing wrong was not bringing my kite back down when i landed so the kite would stall and invert on its self, if you feel the kite is going to stall make sure you let go of the bar so it it will just land on its leading edge and you will be able to launch again how you would normally.

QLD, 6493 posts
4 Nov 2013 2:10AM
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Weird flip and tangle? Sounds like a front stall - you've actually swung underneath the kite, putting yourself further downwind than the kite. Either that or you're sheeting right out on the way down and achieving the same effect...

My advice... start your jumping career by developing a really strong and effective Load 'n' Pop. Should be able to get it nailed down in a couple of sessions, if not a couple of hours. When you get it right, it'll feel like you've jumped off a spring board.

When you can Pop high enough that landings are a rough and nasty surprise for your knees, you can start using the kite aka "sending it" or doing sent jumps.

At first, your timing will be terrible so you won't jump that high (no matter what it feels like) so you'll be sending the kite, edging, popping, redirecting - in what seems like all at once. But try to take your time and feel it...

When you send the kite, edge but wait until you feel the kite pull your harness hook up before releasing your edge and popping.
Enjoy the view :) keep the bar in the whole time (not a perfect technique but for now, concentrate on your timing).
On the way down, you'll need to time your redirect based on your jump height and kite size - bigger kite and/or slower turning, a little sooner; smaller kite and/or faster turning, a little later. There's a sweet spot you need to find by trial and error.

Those are probably the 3 biggest things to think about at first...

QLD, 209 posts
4 Nov 2013 7:44PM
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Yep keep the bar sheeted in.

WA, 22 posts
4 Nov 2013 9:07PM
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Great tips and videos guys

So basically, edge hard, steer kite from 10/2 to 12, edge upwind and pull in bar, kick legs out and keep bar pulled, when going down steer board downwind and steer kite back to 10 or 2. Is speed of importance while practising this? Or should you edge hard upwind and pop the board when you almost lost all speed.

Main thing I think I will have trouble with is the feeling of kicking your legs out under you. I've tried the same thing wakeboarding on a cable track for a while and only managed hard faceplants haha. Can you guys describe what you do exactly?

QLD, 6493 posts
5 Nov 2013 1:51AM
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How hard you edge depends on how much pull there is in the kite - edge hard in light wind and you stall the kite and won't get off the water; give it a flick with your heels at the right time and you'll soar. You'll have to edge harder & longer when the wind is up and the kite is pulling hard or you'll be pulled off your edge before you're ready to pop. If you CAN'T hold the edge to boost and are getting lobbed downwind - get a smaller kite

You shouldn't be losing too much speed, if any at all - that's not your goal, to trade board speed for altitude (you can do jumps with almost no horizontal speed, but basically they suck ). What you're doing is resisting the pull from the kite and loading up your kite and lines to redirect the energy from pulling you along to pulling you up - don't stop it or yourself!

Don't get hung up on the o'clocks - send the kite back some, then send the kite forward some when you about to touch down. Sometimes it's just past 12, sometimes it's almost to the water by the time you're ready to get back on your heel side edges. You'll need to feel how much by the feedback to your body.

I think it's more like jumping up - your legs get whipped back by the action of the kite pulling you forwards some.

Seriously, get the load 'n' pop thing down before you get the kite involved - it'll be easier to add the kite later and you'll go higher with more control when you do. Also, you won't have to worry about how much to edge or how much to kick your heels, cos you'll be doing it by instinct

There's a new guy here who's pretty aggressive at trying new things (he was unhooking today!) but his success rate is really low because he never got the fundamentals down - load 'n' pop!

WA, 23 posts
5 Nov 2013 7:15AM
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Awesome tips man

never knew the Load and Poop theory .. I have been tring hard to jump on what ever advice i have been given by the other kiters but not this one.. my problem is that I get the jump but then either my kite stalls (b/c my momentum carrys me forward under my kite) or no jumps at all

WA, 22 posts
5 Nov 2013 10:06AM
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Great, I think I get it. Thanks for the tips, can't wait to get out and test it!

QLD, 209 posts
5 Nov 2013 4:53PM
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Speed is relevant, the faster you go the higher you will be lifted and the further you will travel, remember it's not a parachute it's a wing so just like planes the slower you go the quicker you'll drop out of the sky. As for kicking off you should never have to do this the kite should just do all the work plus kicking off mostly sends noobs into unwanted front or back roll spins.
P.s. Make sure your in deep water when your ready to try n go big, says 3 broken ribs from trying it in 2 foot of water
Pps no need to edge upwind , just hold your edge til the kite lifts you.

WA, 22 posts
5 Nov 2013 4:47PM
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are you referring to load and pop as well Shane? Or jumping in general (with regards to edging upwind, in the video they do that). If I edge while pulling in the bar I feel I do not necessarily get lifted by the kite, or will I with enough wind?

QLD, 6493 posts
5 Nov 2013 7:18PM
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Your manipulation of your gear by loading the board's edge and releasing is the bit that seems like you're jumping off the board... You load the board by edging - you edge and you go upwind... it gets confusing

You're not edging to make ground upwind... watch the following from 7:45 - you see him loading up the board, then giving a little pop right at the end.


You can see the jump is not powered from sheeting in the bar, but from swinging around under the kite - like a pendulum. As shane said, you need speed - wind speed, board speed, kite speed.

QLD, 799 posts
5 Nov 2013 8:01PM
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buddy101 said..

Awesome tips man

never knew the Load and Poop theory ..

Really.......Been doing it since I was a baby,

First you load the food in then you poop it out

Seriously though, Kamikuza is on the money here, you should be practicing your load and pop or chop hop before doing any sent jumps. Your kite should remain in the same stable position while practicing load and pop and you should have this dialed in within a couple of sessions.Load and pop then becomes habit and is always used to lead into other tricks like frontrolls, switching to toeside, riding to blind and many others.

Also, keeping the bar sheeted in is okay while you are learning as you will just plop back into the water but, once you get the jumping side of it dialed you will then need to practice nice smooth landings. This is achieved by sheeting out at the top of the jump then gently sheeting in while steering the kite down for smooth landings. This will take a fair bit of practice but importantly it will breed good habits and good kite control.

Have Fun and stay safe....

QLD, 209 posts
6 Nov 2013 7:47AM
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StevenJG said...
are you referring to load and pop as well Shane? Or jumping in general (with regards to edging upwind, in the video they do that). If I edge while pulling in the bar I feel I do not necessarily get lifted by the kite, or will I with enough wind?

Ok well I'm referring to the jumping and stalling, for me so far I learnt a few different styles of jumping.
Eg: my idea of load and popping is when I power the kite up by sheeting bar in parking kite at 10 or 11 edge hard normal or edge hard upwind and while using the power of the kite pop of the water and perform a back roll front roll or variation of these tricks. That's my idea of load and pop = doing tricks.
Now doing jumps let's say 20ft and more, first I'll park kite around 10 power kite up and point slightly downwind to build up speed then when I feel I've got enough ill edge hard using my board and body as an anchor and send the kite from 10-1 or 10-2 when sending the kite I'll sheet out to help it move from point A to B as fast as possible because the faster it goes the higher I'll go remembering to bring your knees to your chest at the beginning of the jump.
The reason I don't like popping with big jumps is because I find that throwing yourself forwards to much will send you towards your kite quicker which results in me swinging under the kite and stalling.
Also relating to your stalling another reason could be the during the jump your parking it at 12 which also results in it flying over your head and stalling, possible solution is when you've reached your highest point keep the kite moving from 11 to 1 until your about 2metres from touch down then pull hard in the direction you want to go.
P.s these are just suggestions you could try. The absolute best advice I can give is make some friends at your local spot with more advanced kiters then ask them if they can watch you and point out exactly what the problem is, oh and the best way to make friends is at the end of the day is with your shout with an esky of coldie's ;) it's cheaper than paying for more lessons

QLD, 6493 posts
6 Nov 2013 2:59PM
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Load 'n' pop is ONLY using the board - you don't sheet in or anything. Should be popping UP not forwards, too... keep tension on the lines.
You should be able to ride along, load 'n' pop and make a grab or something, then hit the water and keep riding the same tack, with the kite not having moved much.

Film yourself if you can too...

VIC, 90 posts
6 Nov 2013 4:08PM
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Best way to learn...

Buy a ticket... go to your local cable park... try and learn to raily.

That will teach you everything you need to know about loading and popping :)

WA, 23 posts
6 Nov 2013 1:17PM
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Really.......Been doing it since I was a baby,

First you load the food in then you poop it out

Good Pick... Wonder if any one has ever done Load and POOP while kiting :P

QLD, 209 posts
6 Nov 2013 4:41PM
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YouTube Len10 extreme jumping

WA, 22 posts
8 Nov 2013 12:21PM
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Thanks on all advices, I will retreat and practise all that was said ;)


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Jumping" started by StevenJG