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Kite Launch technique

Created by waynos > 9 months ago, 15 Jan 2009
WA, 48 posts
19 Jan 2009 11:13PM
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The only safety advantage of running lines out downwind is preventing line crosses. It is easier to run lines out from upwind as wind assists untangling and second if kite does take off unexpectedly (if not weighted with sand) you are on the safety immediately without having the kite run two line lengths first before safety activated. Familiarity is probably the biggest issue... do what works for you but is a pain if launch site is small and people are doing upwind and downwind rollout.
Personally I run lines out obliquely upwind to launch point, attach and then position kite so lines run behind LE (downwind wingtip just catching wind) return to bar and self launch... too easy nowadays.

VIC, 4501 posts
20 Jan 2009 1:17AM
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malcthom said...

The only safety advantage of running lines out downwind is preventing line crosses. It is easier to run lines out from upwind as wind assists untangling and second if kite does take off unexpectedly (if not weighted with sand) you are on the safety immediately without having the kite run two line lengths first before safety activated. Familiarity is probably the biggest issue... do what works for you but is a pain if launch site is small and people are doing upwind and downwind rollout.
Personally I run lines out obliquely upwind to launch point, attach and then position kite so lines run behind LE (downwind wingtip just catching wind) return to bar and self launch... too easy nowadays.

Not quite correct. I've seen someone put their back lines through their bridle rigging upwind on more than one occasion. This doesn't happen downwind.

On a separate note, I prefer this method for self launching, except I prefer to use a fixed object

VIC, 123 posts
20 Jan 2009 5:36PM
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For self launch I do this (except I usually launch with the kite pulling towards the water, and I put my lines downwind so I don't need to worry about them getting stuck under the kite)

On self landing - I use a similar method to Saffer's self launch (see below). I take a spare leash if there's a chance that there'll be no-one around to catch my kite when I come in. I then attach that leash to a sturdy fencepost (or other fixed object), pull in on the trim tab, bring kite slowly to ground, let go of bar so full depower is on. Then check the kite is stable on the ground - hook spare leash (one attached to fence) on to chicken loop. Unhook and unclip your normal leash, then go and grab your kite. Some people attach spare leash before bringing kite to ground - if you do that be aware that flying the kite will probably feel different.

Saffer said...

On a separate note, I prefer this method for self launching, except I prefer to use a fixed object

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
20 Jan 2009 5:44PM
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Saffer said...

Select to expand quote

On a separate note, I prefer this method for self launching, except I prefer to use a fixed object

Not the dreaded WOMBAT ? Havent enoght people cut their feet on that thing yet ?

NSW, 134 posts
20 Jan 2009 8:36PM
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Kitesplosh said...

For self launch I do this (except I usually launch with the kite pulling towards the water, and I put my lines downwind so I don't need to worry about them getting stuck under the kite)

Like this...

WA, 228 posts
21 Jan 2009 5:46AM
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Nothing wrong with the wombat (I don`t own one). If you do own one I bet you only got to step on it once and you wont do it again. Or you`re just dopey.
I know a chap down my way that uses one all the time. Not once have I seen him have problems with it. I`ve seen him set his kite up on it`s side ready to fly while he checks his kite and lines. A good idea I think, easier to check your kite for tiny holes etc while it`s filled out by the air than sitting flapping on the beach. Keep thinking I should get one but I`m too lazy to carry more stuff down to the beach.

QLD, 6120 posts
21 Jan 2009 8:40AM
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pulling on the rear line and then flip the kite over...looks easy. tried the other day at my local beach but the beach isn't flat. xxxx thing wouldn't flip as it scooted up the ramped up sand. think you need a flat beach?

VIC, 399 posts
21 Jan 2009 11:13AM
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phrase said...

Nothing wrong with the wombat (I don`t own one). If you do own one I bet you only got to step on it once and you wont do it again. Or you`re just dopey.
I know a chap down my way that uses one all the time. Not once have I seen him have problems with it. I`ve seen him set his kite up on it`s side ready to fly while he checks his kite and lines. A good idea I think, easier to check your kite for tiny holes etc while it`s filled out by the air than sitting flapping on the beach. Keep thinking I should get one but I`m too lazy to carry more stuff down to the beach.

How much of the wombat sticks out of the ground and do people attach something to it so it is visible?

I'd get a bit cranky if I tripped over someone's kite launching device.

VIC, 4501 posts
21 Jan 2009 11:36AM
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axis said...

phrase said...

Nothing wrong with the wombat (I don`t own one). If you do own one I bet you only got to step on it once and you wont do it again. Or you`re just dopey.
I know a chap down my way that uses one all the time. Not once have I seen him have problems with it. I`ve seen him set his kite up on it`s side ready to fly while he checks his kite and lines. A good idea I think, easier to check your kite for tiny holes etc while it`s filled out by the air than sitting flapping on the beach. Keep thinking I should get one but I`m too lazy to carry more stuff down to the beach.

How much of the wombat sticks out of the ground and do people attach something to it so it is visible?

I'd get a bit cranky if I tripped over someone's kite launching device.

I put my kite bag over the top of it as a precaution. If someone steps the bag will prevent it cutting them but it'll probably still hurt but they deserve that if they are walking around stepping on people's bags, after all, they may have just trashed my mobile phone.

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
21 Jan 2009 1:56PM
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imagine if we all took wombats to the beach it would be like a mine field

Just stirring Saffer

WA, 228 posts
21 Jan 2009 12:36PM
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Only a couple of inches stick out but he sticks the handle thingy into the ground next to it with his bar pouch flagged to it. Yeh and it`s amongst the rest of his gear, bag etc so no idiot should be stepping on it anyway????! Unlike a few of the kiters up my way (me included) who tend to set right on top of everyone else he tends to find his own space away from us. So if anyone stands on his koala and bag etc they derserve the pain.
Attached to the wombat is a short chain and a carbine clip wich he clips to the chicken loop. I think when he is setting up he also attaches the safety leash to it (not 100%sure).

VIC, 4501 posts
21 Jan 2009 3:15PM
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harry potter said...

imagine if we all took wombats to the beach it would be like a mine field

Just stirring Saffer

At least it would make St Kilda a little quieter. Try self land in the wrong spot and *hiiiiiiissssssssssssss* there goes your leading edge. It may reduce the newbie ratio a little :p

I get more worried about the mine fields left by little dogs at Altona. Nothing worse than having to wipe sh!t off your after the owners took their dogs to the beach for a crap. [}:)]

WA, 66 posts
21 Jan 2009 3:49PM
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milko said...

i don't know what kind of kites you guys are flying.. but i have an 07 switchblade and an 07 T2. and both these kites self launch with ease.. just run the lines out the back with the leading edge facing the wind.. hook in and walk around pulling the wingtip with you.. when it catches a bit of wind it just stands on its tip ready to go.. i don't want to give any bad advice but i have been doing this since the first day i got a bow/sle and i have never had a problem..once you know what the kites going to do you can launch it on a dime. self landing is where some problems have occurred.

The only problem I've had when learning this is that the kite launches straight up too much. This can happen if the kite falls backwards when up on it's tip before taking off.
So the only two extra tips I would add to this, esp for people starting to try it is
1 - Adjust your trim for full depower in case it doesnt go quite right.
2 - Be steering your kite into the ground as its about to take off, so it doesnt accidentally go straight up

WA, 6277 posts
17 Feb 2010 8:13PM
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nickloop said...

If you use sle kites launch 1 kite then hold mates chicken loop, do not touch bar, then mate gets his kite in launch position and walks back to you takes chicken loop hooks in takes two steps forward and launchs his own kite.

If trying this method, ensure that:

1) The bar is all the way towards the kite (fully depowered), and
2) The lines aren't twisted at all.

If I'd known these two things last Sunday, I wouldn't have gone sand skiing when the kite took off as soon as I'd hooked in, with no control over where it was heading... Just glad it didn't take off when my mate was holding the chicken loop!

VIC, 4980 posts
18 Feb 2010 4:19PM
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I don't understand why self-launching and landing is such a problem. It is easy. It is safe. Once you can do it you can kite anywhere.

It even includes safety margins to deal with the kite not sitting exactly where you land it, and more importantly, how not to freak out if the kite moves or misbehaves at all.

Going kiting without being able to self-launch/land is like driving a car but not being able to start it or back it out of a parking spot.

More importantly, once you can do it properly, hopefully you will also have the judgement to know when and where to do it. I see so many guys getting assisted launches then dropping their kites on bystanders or onto trees and shrubs, or standing around on an empty beach wondering what to do next.

The only thing worse than not being able to self-launch/land, is standing on the beach with your head up your bum ignoring people coming in that might want a land.

NSW, 2 posts
18 Feb 2010 10:57PM
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No one has mentioned the good old Sand on the wing tip technique Has worked everytime for the last 8 years. But the new method with a bow kite is just as easy.

1. Set up kite and lines as normal
2. Flip kite over
3. Fold wing tip about 60cm from tip
4. Load up tip with loads of sand and make sure lines are not under tip
Kite will sit there in any wind
5. Walk back to your bar, hook in.
6. Walk to the edge of the window and walk backwards away from kite. The tip will lift and sand fall away.

The kite will be at the edge of the window and away you go.

Here is a stupid animation that shows the technique.


NSW, 4 posts
18 Feb 2010 11:18PM
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Thats old school cool

Here is a better video of this launch type.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Kite Launch technique" started by waynos