Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Kite launch fail

Created by Marcus45 > 9 months ago, 23 Nov 2011
QLD, 91 posts
23 Nov 2011 10:10PM
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Ok guys here is a vid of a how NOT to launch your mates kite if you want to stay friends. Some of you may have already seen this post because its been on the
All Forums > Kitesurfing > General section for a week now but it was recommended by Bigwavedave to post it here as well so all can see and hopfully make our sport more safe.

Now go ezy guys, twas I who launched oldmates kite (don't worry we are still friends ) But if you look more closely at the video you'll notice I was flicking off the sand in readyness to launch the kite when I lost grip and it all went wrong. My original intention was to flick off the sand then stand to the side with my kite well clear then after thumbs up let go of the kite safely.
It just goes to show no mater how safe you think you are sometimes things go wrong, its a good lesson for us all.
I to hate it when some people offer to launch your kite and do it all wrong so I'm a little red faced about this vid but I though it helpfull to post here so we can all learn from my mistake.
As you can see it turned out well...this time...and we laughed about it later over a few beers but with kiting you can never get complacent, the moment you do accidents happen and people get hurt.
Have a great season and stay safe.
Cheers Marcus from the Sunshine Coast

QLD, 796 posts
23 Nov 2011 11:56PM
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You are a Duck Head (replace the u with an i of course) why put this here. Do you understand that the more of you wunkers out there. The more chance of another beach being banned from kiting. Get yr sh_t together and think about what yr doing. If your friend cant self launch or you cant then find someone to help you.

QLD, 91 posts
24 Nov 2011 1:25AM
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Take it ezy jas73 you'll have a stroke. The reason I posted this video was not to be insulted but to make our sport even more safe that it already is, so please if you can't think of anything constructive to say then don't say anything at all.

The video is supposed to help us all when it come's to safety because mistakes can happen and things go wrong sometimes but if we have the balls to admit it and pass on the info to others then maybe we can prevent mistakes from happening to others in our sport.

So once again "Take it ezy fella" and don't get all red faced its not good for ya. Hope to see you at the beach, cheers Marcus

jas73 said...

You are a Duck Head (replace the u with an i of course) why put this here. Do you understand that the more of you wunkers out there. The more chance of another beach being banned from kiting. Get yr sh_t together and think about what yr doing. If your friend cant self launch or you cant then find someone to help you.

WA, 2119 posts
25 Nov 2011 6:14PM
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Jas73, please read the whole thead.....

before making such a constructive comment unless you have never made a single mistake in your life..<<<that means double clown.

WA, 163 posts
26 Nov 2011 9:37AM
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Education is critical for prevention. You got the right idea.

WA, 1347 posts
26 Nov 2011 6:56PM
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Gday Marcus, I read the other thread and I see what you're trying to do by having your mate launch you and then you launch him....

But why not just self launch?

QLD, 796 posts
27 Nov 2011 6:37PM
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Yes. Sorry for the arrogant rant there Marcus. Was having a bad day. I guess that is the question i should have asked. Why not just self launch

bene313 said...

Gday Marcus, I read the other thread and I see what you're trying to do by having your mate launch you and then you launch him....

But why not just self launch?

QLD, 91 posts
29 Nov 2011 10:08AM
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Well its like this bene313, I had been kiting for about 20min when I noticed my friend waiting for a launce standing on the beach. So I kited over to the beach and well the rest is history, now the reasion he didn't self launch is because he has only been kiting for approx 3months and he either had not learned that trick yet or was not confident enough to attempt it.
So the next time the opportunity presents itself I shall teach my friend how to self launch safely.
Thanks for your comments.

bene313 said...

Gday Marcus, I read the other thread and I see what you're trying to do by having your mate launch you and then you launch him....

But why not just self launch?

SA, 116 posts
29 Nov 2011 2:01PM
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I agree that this is a dangerous way to launch a friends kite but I think that it comes down to experience. How many self launches have we seen go horribly wrong even by some of the best kiters.

What i like about this is that both individuals were calm and Marcus straight away depowered his kite. This was then swiftly followed by a sincere apology. Yes this could have ended very badly but I am more impressed that there wasn't any abuse or swearing.

It takes a real hero to sit behind a computer and abuse someone in a forum and I have truly seen some of the toughest keyboard warriors out there

I would just like to say you've got balls Marcus for posting this on seabreeze and admitting your own fault for the benefit of others.

If I am ever up in QLD I would love to have a kite and a few beers with a couple of guys as chilled out as this.

QLD, 91 posts
2 Dec 2011 10:52PM
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Thanks SpawnoofFossl for your positive comments.
I have posted this video in four different countries on kitesurfing forums and I have had mostly positive responses to this video but sadly my countrymen have been somewhat harsh in their responce.
The main thing I wanted to achieve by posting this video is to make our sport even more safe than it already is and hopefully continue to enjoy the freedom we have on most of the beachers and waterways here in this beautiful country of ours for a long long time.

Safe kiteing cheers Marcus

SpawnofFossl said...

I agree that this is a dangerous way to launch a friends kite but I think that it comes down to experience. How many self launches have we seen go horribly wrong even by some of the best kiters.

What i like about this is that both individuals were calm and Marcus straight away depowered his kite. This was then swiftly followed by a sincere apology. Yes this could have ended very badly but I am more impressed that there wasn't any abuse or swearing.

It takes a real hero to sit behind a computer and abuse someone in a forum and I have truly seen some of the toughest keyboard warriors out there

I would just like to say you've got balls Marcus for posting this on seabreeze and admitting your own fault for the benefit of others.

If I am ever up in QLD I would love to have a kite and a few beers with a couple of guys as chilled out as this.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Kite launch fail" started by Marcus45