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Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

Kitemare in 10 knots?

Created by 0llie > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2010
NSW, 176 posts
27 Jun 2010 12:37PM
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HI Guys,
Im just wondering can I fly my newly bought 12m Cabrinha in 8-10knot winds without having a major disaster on my hands. Only asking because I don't fancy shelling out another load of dosh on a ''trainer kite'' and thought I could ''train'' with my kite in light winds. Thanks for your replys cheers

WA, 150 posts
27 Jun 2010 11:26AM
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Depends on what model you have,, check here (but I doubt anything 12mt will fly at 8kts!)

Problem with flying in winds that are too light is kite will not fly properly, and (if you can actually get it to fly) will drop from the sky in the lulls,,,, not much fun, and frustrating...

When I was learning I used to take my kite out at 12-15kts, before the crowds got in (usually 15-18kts), kite would fly as normal, good to practice body dragging, but not enough grunt to get on board for long...

Good luck,,

ps. Where in NSW are you kiting?

WA, 6277 posts
27 Jun 2010 11:30AM
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If you're dead set against shelling out for an expensive trainer kite, then make a stunt kite, and practice with that. This can cost around $10 in materials if you know what you're doing, is lots of fun, and teaches kite control.

Even in 10 knots you can get dragged with your 12m if you're not confident in your skills, and is actually more difficult than in 15 knots.

NSW, 176 posts
27 Jun 2010 2:26PM
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Yea I get what your saying, I'm thinking it's better to have a smooth hard pull on the kite than a lumpy light tug if you get what I'm saying.

After reading the other posts I'm gonna get a cheap trainer and just get loads of practice in and when it come to my xbow I'll be more confident to take it out in med-strong winds. Will be looking to kite in botany Bay and northern beaches cheers

WA, 995 posts
27 Jun 2010 2:42PM
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Trainer kites are much cheaper than hospital stays. Find a second hand one if need be but new ones are only like $150. When your 12m falls into the middle of the window in a lull, then a gust drags you down the beach, you'll appreciate what I'm saying.

WA, 4485 posts
29 Jun 2010 12:22PM
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Some of the biggest dramas happen in light wind. No control unbtil it drops right into the powerzone, or in front of a wave. Best wait until you have real wind. Steady 15kts and you will learn heaps more and have more fun.

Flying any kite in super low winds below 10kts takes a fair bit of skill and experience, despite what the manufacturers wind charts show.

VIC, 46 posts
30 Jun 2010 1:39PM
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Hey Olly84,

I bought a 12m Cabrinha Switchblade 2010, I am still very new to the sport and I train with mine (without going on the water) in up to 12 knot winds, it get s a little strong, but if you've had a few lessons it should be fine.

Also take a buddy along who can help when you feel it is getting too strong, just so he can help you with the landing. A wife also works well and is sometimes funny seeing her running after a kite...:)

2 Jul 2010 9:04PM
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Olly84 said...

Yea I get what your saying, I'm thinking it's better to have a smooth hard pull on the kite than a lumpy light tug if you get what I'm saying.

After reading the other posts I'm gonna get a cheap trainer and just get loads of practice in and when it come to my xbow I'll be more confident to take it out in med-strong winds. Will be looking to kite in botany Bay and northern beaches cheers

G'day mate
Have you seen these, not too exxy

A switchy 12M will fly ok in 10 knots, but thats with an experienced person flying it, if you don't want to trash your switchy get a trainer kite. Its a lot safer to learn the basic kite skills you need with a trainer kite too, and it is less likely to put you or some bystander in harms way if something goes wrong when you are flying the switchy.

QLD, 560 posts
2 Jul 2010 10:10PM
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in lighter wind keep the kite moving
it creates wind!!
called apparent wind

hot launch helps get it up , b carefull

it will drop out of sky
avoid objects

and being a cabinha
keep out of trees

QLD, 678 posts
4 Jul 2010 7:46PM
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Have a go. Do it some were you have nothing down wind of you. 'Just smash it up hey'. Flying a kite is way eaiser than people let on. The "instructors" just want to make some cash out of you.

Did you get lessons to learn how to ride a bike or a motor bike? Just use the common sense that most of us have and dont let other people intimidate you and tell you that you need lessons.

Did the Guys that invented the sport get lessons?

Ive done kite in bout 10-12 just keep in moving.

QLD, 796 posts
4 Jul 2010 8:05PM
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remo81 said...

Have a go. Do it some were you have nothing down wind of you. 'Just smash it up hey'. Flying a kite is way eaiser than people let on. The "instructors" just want to make some cash out of you.

Did you get lessons to learn how to ride a bike or a motor bike? Just use the common sense that most of us have and dont let other people intimidate you and tell you that you need lessons.

Did the Guys that invented the sport get lessons?

Ive done kite in bout 10-12 just keep in moving.

What planet did you fall from. Thats the worst peice of advice i have ever seen on a forum. Do you stick a learner driver in a car and say have a go mate you will only hit a few things before you get it right

QLD, 678 posts
4 Jul 2010 10:40PM
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Like Dodg'em cars.

And yes when I was 9 I was driving the ute around the farm when my olds were out. And they never knew.

VIC, 772 posts
1 Aug 2010 9:26PM
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^^^ L O S E R ^^^

NSW, 517 posts
2 Aug 2010 7:03AM
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remo81 said...

Have a go. Do it some were you have nothing down wind of you. 'Just smash it up hey'. Flying a kite is way eaiser than people let on. The "instructors" just want to make some cash out of you.

Did you get lessons to learn how to ride a bike or a motor bike? Just use the common sense that most of us have and dont let other people intimidate you and tell you that you need lessons.

Did the Guys that invented the sport get lessons?

Ive done kite in bout 10-12 just keep in moving.

NSW, 176 posts
5 Aug 2010 1:30PM
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Just an update guys- I decided enough was enough, got myself a cheap trainer which ain't that fun (but the missus loves) Def worth practicing on. Then went all out and got lessons. Found a great K/instructor, gave me all the confidence to use the power of the wind and by the second lesson I was up on the board (though not for long and enjoying one face-plant) So give it a few more hours practice and I should be kiting in summer.

So to cap as there is a few people reading this- Definitely get some lessons, as one guy told me it's ''Cheap life insurance''

Instructors No. 0406520121 Kite Sports (Half the price of competitors in Sydney)

VIC, 772 posts
6 Aug 2010 4:21PM
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hahaha, did he tell you to post on here and put his phone number and business name up here?

Do ya think that there may be a reason that he is half the price?

Either way, im glad your up and going, sort of, keep heading out when the conditions are right and youll be crusing in no time.

NSW, 176 posts
7 Aug 2010 8:27PM
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Yea Yea Well just trying to give everyone a fair go


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Kitemare in 10 knots?" started by 0llie