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Waroo issues - ideas anyone?

Created by lortap > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2011
WA, 57 posts
19 Jan 2011 7:03PM
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I have a bit of an issue with a 13 Metre 2010 Best Waroo i have recently purchased. I am 93kg and an intermediate rider.

I purchased the Waroo because i wanted a light wind kite to get me on the water between 13 - 20 knots. What i have found however is that i really struggle to relaunch the kite (particularly out of standing depth) in below 15 knots. I normally ride a 10 metre Rebel and can quite easily relaunch in 13 -15 knots (although clearly it wouldn't pull me out of the water on a TT at that wind range). I don't know why i am struggling and was wondering if anyone has any experience, advice or tips they can share.

I find that i can get the Waroo standing on its tip and at the edge of the window, but it doesn't seem to have the power to launch into the air. When i pull on the outside lines, it seem to just fall back into the water. I have had some success hot launching it, but this can get sketchy with a 13m kite.

I have considered that the wind has been too light to fly it. However, the other issue i have found is that if i try and fly it at the 16 - 20 knot wind range the kite is so powered up that i need to ride fully depowered and the bar length is so long that it makes the riding position difficult (read poo stance).

So in summary, if i take it out in 13 - 15 knots i am scared i will drop it and wont be able to relaunch. If i take it out in 15 - 20 knots i am overpowered and ride poo stance. Overall, not very happy with my purchase.

Anyone got any suggestions?

QLD, 356 posts
Site Sponsor
19 Jan 2011 9:37PM
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Any 4 line kite is a bitch at sub 15 knots.

Check that your line lengths are even.

If you are poo man riding try lengthening your rear lines or adding some length to the rear leader lines at the kite.

(or shorten the fronts)

Under 15 knot kiting is sketchy at best and I would recommend a larger kite (especially for larger people)

bigwavedave :)

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
20 Jan 2011 11:36AM
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Yeah ... Sounds like your kite is over sheeting

either shorten your front lines or lengthen the back lines. ( should be pigtails ir similar so you just attach the rear ones further from the kite )

Kite trim must be close to perfect if you want to fly it in sub 15 knots.

At 93kg you should not be overpowered on a 13m in 15-20knots, thus suggests your kite trim is out. Front lines will have stretched overtime, kite will sit further back in the window with more torque making you overpowered.

WA, 718 posts
20 Jan 2011 9:14AM
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I'm having the same problem with my 2010 11m Waroo; I'm 92kg.

Bit of background on my not extensive relaunching experience;
The school DNAs are beautiful for relaunch, they sit on their edge & relaunch like a dream.
The 2010 Switchblades (8 & 10m) I used in QLD were easy to relaunch as well, bit of a tug on the correct rear line & up they went.

The Waroo is new for me, so I understand there's a dialling in time required & I concede it's probably something I'm not doing right, but damn it's getting frustrating.

The last couple of times I've been out I just have not been able to relaunch the kite; it goes down and just doesn't want to get up.
It certainly doesn't automatically roll over on its edge, I pull on the appropriate rear line and it's like a tug of war.
I have gotten it onto its edge eventually, but like lortap says, it just doesn't seem to have enough power to lift off (sheeting in , sheeting out doesn't seem to make any difference); then it decides to roll over, sometimes on its leading edge, sometimes on its trailing edge, it also likes to do the half twist.

Pulling the front lines doesn't get it going, pulling the rear lines doesn't get it going; I believe I'm doing these things at the appropriate times.
I couldn't really swim towards the kite or around it, as it was still pulling me like a truck even though it was downed.

A bit of info on the trim state;
The kite sits nicely at 12, very stable and the bar is at a comfortable position when riding (for the short time I do anyway) and body dragging.
I pump the bladders up until I can't pump anymore- no leaks in the bladders either.

I really need to know what I'm doing wrong.
This problem is really cutting into my time on the water; just as I'm getting to hold a good edge & learning how to control the power of the kite- crash & game over for that arvo.
Last time it happened was yesterday arvo at Pinnaroo, I think it was blowing around 20+knots.

Advice would be greatly appreciated from anyone who flies this kite, any Best team riders or Best kite sellers.

Thanks in advance.

VIC, 4501 posts
20 Jan 2011 12:20PM
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Light wind relaunching is always harder and it's often harder with bigger kites because they have more weight. one thing that has always worked for me is to reverse launch the kite. To do this, you pull hard on both back lines and hold them in, the kite generally reverses off the water and then if you let go of one side, the kite does a quick 180 and shoots up into the sky. In light wind, it's not an issue if it's slightly downwind because it won't really pull hard enough, but I usually get into my straps before launching this way to provide more resistance and so that if it pulls hard, it just pulls you straight up on the board.

I'd test this in light wind to start with so you get the hang of it.

WA, 718 posts
20 Jan 2011 9:50AM
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Fine, make it look easy!

It's a bit harder in the water though.
And the new Waroos are meant to be 'super fast' at relaunching due to the delta shape.
supposedly they're meant to roll over like the family dog.

VIC, 4501 posts
20 Jan 2011 4:17PM
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oceanfire said...

Fine, make it look easy!

It's a bit harder in the water though.
And the new Waroos are meant to be 'super fast' at relaunching due to the delta shape.
supposedly they're meant to roll over like the family dog.

The tough part is creating enough resistance in the water. Thats one of the reasons why I suggested putting your board on because your board creates more resistance which makes relaunching the kite easier.

The other little thing I've noticed with kites is some seem to relaunch better when the lines aren't crossed. I.e. if you have the bar cross over so its the right way around in your hand, uncross it so the bar is upside down and aligned with the kite.

WA, 718 posts
20 Jan 2011 2:17PM
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I suppose if was expecting a difficult relaunch capability with the kite I wouldn't get so frustrated, but all the marketing spiel & reviews I've read say how easy the water relaunch is.

Thinking of going down deliberately dumping the kite in the water & making a day of practicing the water relaunch.

VIC, 4501 posts
20 Jan 2011 5:34PM
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oceanfire said...

I suppose if was expecting a difficult relaunch capability with the kite I wouldn't get so frustrated, but all the marketing spiel & reviews I've read say how easy the water relaunch is.

Thinking of going down deliberately dumping the kite in the water & making a day of practicing the water relaunch.

Its probably worth doing. Find some shallow water and play around perfecting your technique until you get the hang of it. The original marketing for most of the bow kites around easy relaunching stemmed from their comparison to C kites, but they do still require some technique so if you don't know what you're doing, you may battle.

Another thing I've noticed is sometimes water currents may effect how well the launch in one direction, so if pulling on one side doesn't do anything, try the other because sometimes it could be fighting against a water current to relaunch and you may find it flies to the other side and launches quickly.

WA, 718 posts
20 Jan 2011 3:09PM
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Saffer said...

oceanfire said...

I suppose if was expecting a difficult relaunch capability with the kite I wouldn't get so frustrated, but all the marketing spiel & reviews I've read say how easy the water relaunch is.

Thinking of going down deliberately dumping the kite in the water & making a day of practicing the water relaunch.

Its probably worth doing. Find some shallow water and play around perfecting your technique until you get the hang of it. The original marketing for most of the bow kites around easy relaunching stemmed from their comparison to C kites, but they do still require some technique so if you don't know what you're doing, you may battle.

Another thing I've noticed is sometimes water currents may effect how well the launch in one direction, so if pulling on one side doesn't do anything, try the other because sometimes it could be fighting against a water current to relaunch and you may find it flies to the other side and launches quickly.

Yep, I've definitely gotta work on the technique, it just feels weird having to work on it cause it was never an issue with the other kites I've flown.
Oh well, I love a challenge; I'm gonna beat it!

QLD, 2057 posts
20 Jan 2011 8:13PM
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sub 15 knots is crap kiting anyway. go surfing, go fishing, get a dirt bike!

WA, 48 posts
20 Jan 2011 8:11PM
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I had the 2010 Waroo 9 & 11mt last season. This is only my own personal opinion but they are crap in there lower end wind range if you are a beginner / intermediate and can be totally frustrating . Always backstall and will not relaunch. Had to do 2 self rescues in 1 week . Got the V2 kahoonas this season and it was like a miracle , have never experienced these problems again.

WA, 57 posts
21 Jan 2011 9:42AM
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Thanks for all the responses. Anyone wanna buy a cheap 13m Waroo?

24 Jan 2011 6:22PM
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lortap said...

Thanks for all the responses. Anyone wanna buy a cheap 13m Waroo?

Get your lines checked they sound like the front lines are stretched.
If you can get the kite up on a tip, then there is enough wind for it to launch off the water.
Pull the trim strap in to shorten the front lines so you cannot stall the kite and make it fall backwards.

A better technique on kites that you can reach the front lines is to let the bar go and reach up and grab the opposite front line to the rear line you are pulling on, this should make the kite pivot on its tip very quickly and more in the centre of the window, once its up on the tip grab the bar and steer the kite off the water, but if the kite is stalling backwards use the trim strap to shorten the front lines.

It is not hard to launch 4 line kites in sub 15 knots, it just requires trying different techniques, and not all 4 line kites (or even 5 line) will relaunch using just one technique. Having 4 and 5 line kites in your quiver is not ideal in my opinion stick to one type.

QLD, 2056 posts
24 Jan 2011 7:10PM
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Don't waste your time, the season will be over before you know it.

WA, 718 posts
25 Jan 2011 10:40AM
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lortap, don't give up!

It's just the technique you've got to work on; as I discovered.
I was out yesterday arvo at Pinnas, dropped the kite on one of my shaky runs, and taking into account the advice I've heard here and elsewhere on the net I was armed and ready for the battle.

So the kite went down, first thing I did was let go of the bar completely; so what happened?
The damn thing rolled over onto its wingtip straight away, I grabbed the bar and with minimal input from me, it sailed back up into the sky like a dream!
I couldn't believe it; it was like a different kite.

I think that if it crashes directly downwind of you, you probably need to get it across the window a bit more, not too sure about that as I didn't drop the kite much yesterday

It's gotta definitely be technique, well it seems it was for me, I think I was pulling on the bar too much in my previous relaunch attempts and choking the power out of it.

It could be stretched lines, for you, or it could be technique, but I guess the point is, don't give up man, it's a great kite, I'm really loving the power it has and more importantly, learning how to control the power.
As has been stated numerous times about kites, you've just gotta get dialled in to it.


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"Waroo issues - ideas anyone?" started by lortap