Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

self launch over water.

Created by fingerbone > 9 months ago, 4 Dec 2012
NSW, 921 posts
4 Dec 2012 5:03PM
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There is a small spot of sand next to some good flat water I would like to try to self launch from...Problem is this sand is large enough for my kite but nothing else.
I would have to run the bar and lines out over the shallow water for pretty much the whole length of the lines.
Any one do this and are there any tips...

WA, 1542 posts
4 Dec 2012 2:42PM
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Your only option may be a drift launch. There are some youtube videos on that, but I haven't found one that I would say is the "safest' method...The safest method I recommend is sort of mix between the two methods shown in these two videos:

video 1:

video 2:

In video 1, the risk he's taking is obvious. He's letting the kite go free whilst the lines are still wrapped up around the bar. Not to mention he's using a board leash for his surfboard ??!!. So if the kite turns around and powers up while the lines are still wrapped around the bar, you'll find yourself in a death loop in no time and probably have to release the whole kite! This is super unsafe!

In video 2, it's a bit of a safer method, run the risk of tangling your lines with the crap on the beach...seaweed in the shallow water, etc. which could also result in the kite going out of of control but at least you can probably successfully activate the safety system and recover from it without having to release the whole kite.

So...the method I recommend is to setup the kite on the beach with the lines upwind, attach yourself to the bar (leash + chicken loop) wrap the lines around the bar and secure with the elastics. Grab the kite and be careful not to wrap the bar inside the bridles as this will tangle your lines. Bring the kite down to the water in the secure position and hold it at the same time as you hold the bar. Unwind the lines from the bar and let the lines drift downwind (you're still holding the kite at this time). Once all the lines removed from the bar ends and the bar is clean, let go of the kite and let it drift downwind, lines come in tension, untwist the bar if necessary, do a pre-flight check of your lines, and water-relaunch as usual. If the lines don't look good, you'll have to self-land after pulling your safety system and start over again.

Takes time and practice, but with the right approach is very safe.

VIC, 960 posts
4 Dec 2012 6:19PM
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If there is enough width (along the shoreline) to set up the kite, but not depth (to the water), then theoretically, you could setup ont he sand, walk into the water and launch as per standard water re-launch.

Assumes onshore wind no seaweed, etc. plus risky. If you've a mate or a mate, I'd be inclined to set up and have them walk into the water with you to help you launch. Or find somewhere else. just me mind.

NSW, 921 posts
4 Dec 2012 7:23PM
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It's would be like a normal set up except the bar and lines would be in shin deep water. No current. Minimal weed but definatly upwind.

VIC, 1090 posts
4 Dec 2012 11:08PM
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Attach lines to kite in carpark or somewhere that has 20+m room.
Wrap lines up neatley attached to kite, pump kite up on sand run out your lines and just keep an eye for twisted lines.

15 posts
4 Dec 2012 9:28PM
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This is why you dont drift launch

NSW, 33 posts
5 Dec 2012 9:33AM
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Hey Finger are you talking about the sandbar out the front of the caravan park?

VIC, 960 posts
5 Dec 2012 11:30AM
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Hey hypnotic,

that looks pretty damn scary... the concept of being attached to the kite with no way to de power... gives me shivers.

Was that you?

WA, 1542 posts
5 Dec 2012 10:14AM
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hypnotic said...
This is why you dont drift launch

You mean this is why people shouldn't go on Youtube to learn about kiteboarding skills. Seek professional advice and use your brain so skills like drift launch can be perfectly safe.

15 posts
5 Dec 2012 11:35AM
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Wasn't me just some random guy that clearly needs to go to some more lessons. Not just for his safety but the people around him

NSW, 55 posts
7 Dec 2012 1:44AM
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If I'm last on the beach I sometimes carry my kite in. Works well. I fully rig, attach chicken loop, walk to kite, carry it in, make sure I'm not in the lines etc, let it go. It drifts down until the lines get tight and turns around and you're off.

I did once have some weed get stuck around all 4 lines which was interesting...


Forums > Kitesurfing   Newbies / Tips & Tricks

"self launch over water." started by fingerbone