2009 Best Nemesis HP & Waroo & Thruster, are here on the Sun shine coast to Demo from Thursday 24/7. Are you keen. We have wind on the coast & the kites will be doing down winders at Kawana for the rest of the week & at Maroochy river on the week end. Come have a go, & write a riders review.
Yep they sure look good!!
KiteAction also have the new Best stock in store and for Demo.
Carnt wait to try the new HP.
The Best boards also look great this year to and easy on the hip pocket.
Looking for trade ins now!
WOW! I took this pic of my girlfriend
when she saw the new 09 12M HP she likes the kites! she gets pretty excited , and wants to learn to kite , anyone want to teach her ?, hell I don't !
bring em on!
Sweet, someone's bringing the thrusters into australia, dead keen to have a look at one of these (just bought a new kite so can't buy it though) from all reports these things are the duck's guts in the USA particularly.
Yep we go some of them in store Now.Great looking boards,Real solid, there will not be a problem jumping these! Nice thick rails on them and a nice wide tail,Perfect for our conditions on the coast.
I got my eye on the 5 7" every time a walk by, it tells me to ride it!
This is my Review on the HP Nemesis So I went for my first kite on the new 09 HP Nemesis It was 15 /21knots S - SW & big swell. I was the only one that got out the back & the waves were a good 6m tall huge bombs. Went with a cople of local guys. I must admit It was gusty & narly out, Matt on a Rev & my self on the HP were the only Two to finish. (HA HA!). Good kite. lighter on the bar than the 08 & has more depower, When depowered it seems to have a more of a C shape with less flat surface area I think this is good it makes the kite seem smaller & allows the kite to sit back in the wind window when not under power, & it does'nt get that invert look you get on bows (the wind hitting the top of the canopy & fluttering). But with the power on. The canopy has a similar shape to the 08, although the trailing edge is now slightly escoloped & could be silghtly deeper. The kite has a good snappy feel about it, much better than the 08 I did notice the twist tech working when turning the kite under load, that may be why the kite feels snappier & lighter in the bar. The relaunch is, well, OK but it does take some skill, in light wind.
I feel it is a intermediate to advanced kite. I love it I will be riding this kite most of the time. Can't wait to rip up some flat water on this baby. If you are looking for High Performance, low-down grunt & power with range this is the kite, give your Bow kite to the girls. This is my opinion, you will have to demo one to have your own.
I am going to Bribie with a crew on Tues, 20 to 16 SW. So I will do some filming.
Best Regards Jonno Mojo
PS; If you are on the SE Coast you are welcome to come to Bribie on Tues I have some 09 kite Brands you can demo . Kitebad your girlfriend looks sweet, your a lucky man.
Sunshine Coast Kitesurfing Co
Address: Shop 1/19 Cotton Tree Pde
Maroochydore Q.L.D 4558
PH (07)54792131
Mob 0404 431 153
E-mail: sckitesurfing@bigpond.com