Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2009 F-One Bandit Dos

Created by sckitesurf > 9 months ago, 21 Jul 2008
QLD, 191 posts
21 Jul 2008 10:46AM
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So it's all mos there. The 09 F-one Bandit Dos. New sizes 4.5, 5.5, 7,8, 10, 12, 14, 16m. some nice new colours to. have a look

NSW, 305 posts
21 Jul 2008 11:25AM
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Looks pretty sic , wish I could afford one ...

VIC, 484 posts
21 Jul 2008 5:51PM
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They shoulda called it the Bandit Windows, because everyone knows windows is better than DOS

p.s. that last pic is sweet!

VIC, 4501 posts
21 Jul 2008 6:16PM
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Neill said...

They shoulda called it the Bandit Windows, because everyone knows windows is better than DOS

p.s. that last pic is sweet!

But who would want a kite that crashes on its own every 10 minutes and every session you have to reinflate it twice for no apparent reason whatsoever?

Better a Bandit Mac

QLD, 453 posts
21 Jul 2008 9:13PM
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As long as they don't call it Windows Vista, as it would just never work properly...

Looks good Jonno....

WA, 1916 posts
22 Jul 2008 10:15AM
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the photo above looks like a 9m2

any comments on the bar and the safety or is it the same as the first model?

WA, 3489 posts
1 Aug 2008 12:03AM
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I have 7.5, 9, and 13 Bandits and have been thinking about selling the 9 (even though it is my favourite) and getting a Dos 10 so will PM you. I am in WA though so makes it hard for you to check it out but it is still in very good condition. I weigh about 95kg and sometimes find that as grunty as it is I am just a little bit underpowered on it in the lighter end of our normal seabreeze in WA and feel that a 10 Dos may just fit in a bit better between my 7.5 and 13.
I'm still waiting to find out a little bit info on the Dos, I have yet too hear to much or see any photo's of bar, lines, bridles etc.


QLD, 299 posts
1 Aug 2008 10:00AM
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Hey tightlines, the 9m is my main size. could you please send me a couple of pics of kite, bag, bar, damage ect...

I pm'd you.

WA, 471 posts
5 Aug 2008 9:21PM
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does any one know if have finally started using one pump system?

QLD, 299 posts
6 Aug 2008 4:13PM
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why should they

WA, 471 posts
6 Aug 2008 2:20PM
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takes so much longer to pack up haha

VIC, 149 posts
6 Aug 2008 5:02PM
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The graphics on that kite look sic. Real nice pics

WA, 471 posts
6 Aug 2008 4:23PM
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Found some more photos

QLD, 299 posts
6 Aug 2008 10:28PM
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Where'd you get those pics from, got any on the 09` REV??

Adrenalin Rush
QLD, 876 posts
7 Aug 2008 5:57PM
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Just saw the new Bandit in the flesh, unfortunately didnt have any wind to ride. It looks unreal and the kite has many features that are improved from the current model. Dead keen to try one.

We are working on getting demos here asap, and can happily say that ARSA will be stocking Bandits this year..

NSW, 88 posts
9 Aug 2008 6:20PM
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Just checking again - does anyone know when these will be available? Any of the dealers on here have a due date for their orders?

WA, 471 posts
10 Aug 2008 12:34AM
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i think the first shipment is mid september

16 Aug 2008 2:10PM
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Due more like late september now guys, sorry, but we have a demo 10mtr (old bar, new one due soon). It looks really good. It should be on the water this Sunday if the wind does as predicted. Maybe even this arvo if the wind turns.

Graphics are sick, build quality including no seams on the struts and heavy scuff pads on the leading edge is going to make it even more bomb proof.

Multi points for fine tuning on the leading edge meaning you can speed it up or slow it down so beginners will be able to easily use all sizes (smaller ones were quite quick last year).

I rode a 13mtr nearly all last year and I am only 58kg (wind was always light but i can ride it up to 20knots). It was a fantastic kite to learn on. George rode the 13mtr and the 9mtr in high wind and really enjoyed both, plenty boost, so was great for experienced rider too. Can't wait for my black and pink 12mtr to arrive with the tuning so I can speed it up a bit as I advance. Colour selections are great this year with some really unique options. You can always trust FOne to produce a classey, sexy kite. If you want the top of the range, then you can't go past it, the original Delta C.

Cu, have fun!

21 Aug 2008 2:35PM
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Hi guys
Managed to get out on the water on sunday with the 10mtr Bandit Dos. Was a little under powered occasionally but it wasn't particularly windy either, averaged around 10 knots up to 15knots. It felt real good, very stable but still fast and grunty. Relaunched great in light wind and easily self launched. This is a perfect blend of the speed of the 9mtr from last year, with the stability in light wind of the 11mtr 08.

Have not seen the new bar yet, but can't imagine a need for improvement on last years. Flagging was great with below the bar safety system onto the centre line which splits into two front lines. But new bar is expected to have more features ........ watch this space.

Any questions, call, email or whatever
Have Fun!

QLD, 191 posts
23 Aug 2008 11:05PM
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The F-One Dos will be @ Maroochy beach to Demo This Sunday 24/8/08. So if you want to try before you buy, come have a Demo. There will also be a boat to go out on so we can try M8's Foil Board.
Hope theres wind.

2 posts
27 Aug 2008 3:23AM
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Hi guys, my first post here, picked up a copy of kitesurf magazine yesterday and thought you might like to see this so I scanned it in:


2 posts
27 Aug 2008 3:31AM
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and the last page..

SA, 1390 posts
11 Sep 2008 9:32AM
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Are they here yet.....?

any one got pics of new bar?

QLD, 1292 posts
11 Sep 2008 5:47PM
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First kites should be here at the end of September.
Not too sure if there are bar pics but there is more info here -

28 Sep 2008 12:18PM
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Hi guys can now say ive riden the new bandit dos 10 enough and in varying conditions to tell if there is much dif from last years. Ive found the main problem with this kite, is every time i put it down some one pinches it before i can get back on it! The dos dosnt just look good it rides good too, faster than last years 11 but more stable. Had it out on thusday morning in gusty 18-31 knots at stumers creek no worries holding ground, going up wind. It handled the gust no problem. A main feature of the bandit is its stability in gusty wind, didn't even have it fully depowered.
Looks like I am gonna have to wait for my own 10, stocks of all sizes are so limited in the first shipment that I can't even have full quiver for demo. Next shipment will be another 2 weeks from the first. My wife and i are gonna be fighting over the 12mtr demo i am sure.
Have Fun!

1 Oct 2008 7:40PM
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The new bandit full range has finally arrived. Got to test my 14mtr today with a student. Extra stable, little quicker in the turns than the 13mtr last year and a little lighter on the bar. Definately doesn't back stall even in light wind and fully powered up. Still plenty of boost and hang time.

Full quiver of demos available now and the first shipment stocks are going to be really limited. Fiona got her 12mtr pink/black so she is happy, so it looks like i am flying a pink and black kite until the next shipment.

Cu on the water
Have Fun!

QLD, 1292 posts
2 Oct 2008 8:31AM
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We have a Demo available in Brisbane for those in the SE.

WA, 250 posts
2 Oct 2008 8:14PM
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im excited about this kite...
looking forward to demoing a 12m in Perth sometime.
I think black and red looks hawt!

Whats the RRP of the 12m?

QLD, 1292 posts
3 Oct 2008 7:29AM
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12m RRP is $2099

QLD, 126 posts
3 Oct 2008 10:02AM
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Best kite ive ever ridden!!!!!! and i never thought id leave my vegas in the car for another kite

SA, 1390 posts
3 Oct 2008 11:45PM
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any one in Whyalla that wants to ride one i have a 8 & 12m just catch up with me at the beach. will be back from bathurst on the tuesday after the race. bring on summer 25 - 35kts and dead flat, let the good times role.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2009 F-One Bandit Dos" started by sckitesurf