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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2009 Liquid Force gear

Created by SurfConnect > 9 months ago, 2 Jun 2008
QLD, 1674 posts
28 Jul 2008 8:42PM
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anytime mate. just uploaded some pics in the photos section.

blue ice said...

Any idea Padi when the Liquid Force websites, both Europe and Austraila will get updated with the new list for 2009 gear?
Its exciting times for 2009, i can sence it!

QLD, 1674 posts
29 Jul 2008 2:13PM
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Just uploaded 09 prices at site.

blue ice
33 posts
30 Jul 2008 4:20AM
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Sweet Padi, cheers for the info on the prices

WA, 8 posts
10 Aug 2008 11:52PM
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other "sneak preview shots" for LF geeks !!

did anybody try other stuff ? boards, kites like the hifi comp, etc... ?


7 posts
12 Aug 2008 2:55AM
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i can happely say that i am one of the few in the world who rode the Liquid Force Hifi comp.
I even got the details, pic and own feeling of it.

Comp series: is ruling as a **********

more to come (writing review now)

blue ice
33 posts
12 Aug 2008 4:25AM
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Hurry up then ffs!
Well looking forward to the review bud

7 posts
16 Aug 2008 5:11AM
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Any information on LF 2009 Comp boards and Straps?

QLD, 1674 posts
26 Aug 2008 12:19PM
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Come and see the Liquid Force 09 kites at the Brisbane Boat Show starting tomorrow (Wed 27th Aug), ends Sunday. Opens everyday from 10am to 9pm (Sunday closes 5pm). We have a number of free passes to give out. Email to get yours. Offer on a first come first serve basis. Details of show:

There is also a FREE ENTRY prize draw at the show - prizes include Liquid Force Kiteboard, Airush goodies, Gaastra Windsurf Boom, Free Wind & Kitesurfing Lesson Vouchers and much more. Also all wind or kitesurfing lessons booked at the show also receive 20% discount and a free gift! Prizes sponsored by Liquid Force, Masterline, Airush, Auswind, Gaastra, Gybesports and Surf Connect.

blue ice
33 posts
31 Aug 2008 5:17AM
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And we have no new pics from this show even though it was 3 days ago??

QLD, 1674 posts
31 Aug 2008 8:04AM
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Here we go. Show is not over yet, today is the last day if anyone still wanna go. We have had tons of interest for lessons and sold quite a bit of gear. We will be back again next year for sure.

blue ice said...

And we have no new pics from this show even though it was 3 days ago??

blue ice
33 posts
31 Aug 2008 6:12AM
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Nice one bud
Thanks for the prompt reply, and i take it the orange looking kite is the standard HiFi?

QLD, 1674 posts
31 Aug 2008 8:57AM
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No, its actually a red kite (09 Session) but the flood light I have shining on it made it look orange lol.

blue ice said...

Nice one bud
Thanks for the prompt reply, and i take it the orange looking kite is the standard HiFi?

blue ice
33 posts
31 Aug 2008 7:30AM
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Did ya manage to get any pics of the HiFi then or was it not there?
I thought the 09 LF kites were actually out now in Australia?
Ive not heard anything really apart from whats on here.

QLD, 48 posts
31 Aug 2008 5:53PM
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We have 2009 Havocs in stock 8-10-12-14 ready to sell
We have samples of 2009 Hi Fi and Session in all main sizes
We will have stock to sell of 2009 Hi Fi and Session in 2 weeks

Boards, harness, straps 2009 in about 4 weeks time


15 posts
1 Sep 2008 4:42PM
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hey guys and gals, was lucky enough to get a demo on saturday of the 12m 09 havoc, it was only about 8kt but the kite flew and gave me a feel for it, im totally not used to these kinds of kite though because until I get one this weekend coming, ive been flying an 12m 06 M80 which is what i learned on.
went back down on the sunday (after i'd already decided i'd get one) and got to go for a ride with it up to around 25kt and the thing was just magic, i cant wait till saturday! hope we get wind!

but yes, all I have is good things to say.

blue ice
33 posts
2 Sep 2008 2:15AM
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Check it out!

QLD, 1674 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:56AM
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OMG they are totally and utterly unreal design - I WANT THEM ALL!!!!!

QLD, 312 posts
2 Sep 2008 5:14PM
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those boards look sick as

Charl dv
WA, 2485 posts
2 Sep 2008 11:15PM
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new boots look siiiickk but if what i hear is correct they are softer than escalades? why would they do that?

and where is the new slezak board?????

QLD, 1674 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:22AM
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The new boots (Synergy) is even more comfortable then the Escalades, easy entry and one handed tightening. rrp $549.

Slezak's board is called the Influence. It is a new hybrid construction model for the ultimate freeride performance. Channels, fins, contours on the base all built in with kiteboard ABS sidewall construction. Comes in 2 sizes - 134 x 41 and 138 x 42. RRP $879 board only or $1039 with Comp Lace Strap Kit. Arriving in October.

As soon as I have a good pic I'll post here.

Charl dv said...

new boots look siiiickk but if what i hear is correct they are softer than escalades? why would they do that?

and where is the new slezak board?????

Rhys McClintock
NSW, 995 posts
3 Sep 2008 5:20PM
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Had a good ride on the 16 Session yesterday and It was really nice...

It has a very stable and floaty feel to it, I know all big kites do but this was a responsive kind of floaty... Very nice in the turns and on the bar...
Jumps were good, had a steady pull up through the apex and the usual float down again. I found last years session was a little jerky when goin for a jump, it kind of pulled you out of the water very late in your boost.....

So yeah short review because its a nice kite with improvements in all regards on last years session, but it still flys like a session - very much a freeride kite :)

QLD, 1674 posts
12 Sep 2008 10:05AM
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More pics just in! Nice color range and look at that HiFi Comp design!

15 posts
13 Sep 2008 6:27AM
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Got my 12m 09 havoc yesterday, didnt have the best wind, well the wind was ok but the tide was stripping a few kts off us so it was pretty hard, kite worked great though, i was cruising at least as well as my mate who was riding a 13 but i think this will shine a lot more when we get some nuking wind, when i tested it the other week I was having no trouble at all holding it in 25kt, i'll let you all know how it goes when i get used to it. its a big change from my M80 but that was to be expected! Few of the better lads are gonna have a try this weekend i think so i'll let you know what they think.


blue ice
33 posts
13 Sep 2008 10:18PM
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QLD, 1674 posts
16 Sep 2008 10:44AM
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Wow, 09 boards are here. Look fantastic! Anyone in Brissy wanna try them come along to Sandgate when there's wind!

SA, 501 posts
16 Sep 2008 11:28AM
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^^^^Are you saying you have the boards in stock already or just a few to demo? If in stock have you the 09 Concept?



SA, 137 posts
16 Sep 2008 6:46PM
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whats the new slezeak board going to be like? how much rocker??......will it be decent in chop or is the concept or recoil comp more suited

QLD, 29 posts
16 Sep 2008 10:40PM
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Ok guys.... OMG. Got my new 2009 gear today (thanks padi!!) 130 aura and a 10 havoc... Now, since this time last year I have been riding hi-fi’s, great kites. I thought I would never in my day go back to a havoc. BUT loI I am definitely eating my words now. Best session I’ve had in ages. It was fairly marginal conditions for a 10, but with no depower at all on, the kite did not stall ONCE!!! I slammed the kite into the water so many times, and almost perfect relaunching every time!!
The aura has improved 100% in my opinion. The graphics are just totally INSANE this year!!! Much brighter than in the picture. It has heaps more flex compared to last year’s model and not sure on this but it seemed lighter as well. The fin bolts have been improved as well. Instead of huge big chunky things they are now little bolts with a flat head which is sunk into the board, so it’s nice and flush.... Going to test them both out again tomorrow and hopefully get some picys..
Well done liquid force, some killer products for 2009!!!

QLD, 2081 posts
17 Sep 2008 1:55AM
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I'm feeling like a kid in a candy shop!

Love the review JP.

I'm onto the 09 Session in a few weeks.... ITCHING for it actually... =] woot
20-25 SE tomz...

QLD, 29 posts
17 Sep 2008 8:34PM
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ah liz , you'l absoloutly love it. It was a toss up between the session and the havoc this season for me (decided to give other kites a try). Sessions graphics are sooo cool!!! I'v used the 09 16 session quite a few times and absoloutly love it. It turns so so so fast compared to last years (which was super slow) so this years is just perfect. The 16 turns about as fast as last years 12.
oh and went for another kite on the aura today!!! honestly if liquidforce can top the 2009 stuff, i'l be super surprised. Its just plain AWSOME!!!


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2009 Liquid Force gear" started by SurfConnect