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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2010 Cab Syncs Questions

Created by djdojo > 9 months ago, 4 Jan 2010
VIC, 1610 posts
4 Jan 2010 6:34PM
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Hi, after several sessions I've decided that the 2009 Nobile pads/straps on my Shinn are just not going to work for me. I want something that spreads the load more and gives a more locked-in feel.

I'm considering the new Syncs. Can anyone tell me how they're going for performance and durability? I ride and land pretty hard (within my measly ability range), and also spend a fair bit of time toeside (which I understand was a durability problem for the original syncs) so I'd appreciate hearing from those who do their straps up firmly and shove their boards around a bit rather than from cruisy freeriders.

I have size 12 feet so they're long but they're slightly narrower and thinner than average. Any blokes with similar shape/size feet using the new Syncs?

Oh yeah, and my barely used 2009 Nobile pads/straps are for sale.

QLD, 280 posts
4 Jan 2010 9:40PM
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I've had mine on my 2010 NHP for about 15-20 sessions, they seem to be holding up great but I did replace the stainless strap screws with the next gauge up and glued them in with good supa glue as I've seen two that screws have pulled out of.. Mainly caused by never checking them the owners reckon.
Very happy with the ride comfort and the abiliy to change the pad position that the nobile pads took away.

WA, 614 posts
5 Jan 2010 8:10AM
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a mate has been riding them pretty hard.....they loosen off if you don't tie a knot in the lace, otherwise all good....

VIC, 760 posts
5 Jan 2010 1:20PM
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I'm still riding with the original Sync's on my '09 NHP and only had a single problem so far where one of the plastic side pieces snapped right through. No problems though as i was sent out a replacement plastic piece by Kitepower the day after i contacted them.

Similar size feet (13's), similar riding style. Can highly recommend them.
The only other pad/straps i'd recommend are the Liquid Force ones similar to the cabs. I find the pads are actually softer than the Cab Sync's but the top strap covers a little less of your foot.

Fat Mike
65 posts
5 Jan 2010 12:38PM
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djdojo said...

Hi, after several sessions I've decided that the 2009 Nobile pads/straps on my Shinn are just not going to work for me. I want something that spreads the load more and gives a more locked-in feel.

I know this is a somewhat unwanted and predictable response, but would you consider bindings? With your apparent penchant for intellectual reasoning there can be no denying the vastly superior feel and control of a boot. The new LF Ultras apparently 'come off' a little easier when you crash making life easier for those not wanting a balls to the wall experience.

We are about on par age wise, so that's no opt out.

Just try some and experience the enlightenment...

VIC, 1610 posts
5 Jan 2010 4:35PM
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Hey Mike, It's a welcome response. I've thought about bindings but yet to try them. I've never wakeboarded or ridden cable, never skied or snowboarded so I really have no related binding experience.

So, some questions?

Is there a minimum skill level that makes bindings worthwhile? (I'm only just starting to unhook and do pathetic unco little pops unhooked).

Is there any reason bindings are usually on high-rocker boards? (I know with bindings you can hold down a bigger board and therefore can use one with more rocker and still get upwind, but is it necessary?)

Possibly all a bit hypothetical for me at the moment cos having just ordered my syncs and with a kite-repair bill arriving in a few days I'm flat out skint. I'll be lucky to pay the rent this month let alone contemplate new toys.

Worth thinking about though and I have no objection to trying boots should the opportunity arise.

Fat Mike
65 posts
5 Jan 2010 2:25PM
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Wow, that was an unexpected response! I'll preface this with the disclaimer that there are or were guys on here with far more experience in this field than me.

I switched over after two seasons kiting and had have zero wake/cable/snow experience. I simply figured there had to be something in all this ranting from the boots crew.

I'd say now would be a great time to give them a go as you won't have to re-learn tricks and drop the strap-style. The boards going to be heavier so your moves are slowed and smoothed out.. in theory....

The high rocker preference makes for softer landings I think... board flex under the boots on impact.

Funnily enough i kept hurting ankles from straps and figured boots would stop me looping, and work on stuff lower to the water. So far it's been awesome. Boots 100% of the time in surf, flats, fronts whatever. Going finless is sweet also.

PM Rowdy for a more authoritative opinion.

VIC, 1610 posts
17 Jan 2010 3:37PM
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Have had two sessions with the 2010 syncs.

First session I had the angles wrong and couldn't adjust them as tight as I would have liked.

Second session, yesterday at Altona, got the angle right and adjusted them carefully to fit my feet well. A completely different experience. They are very comfy. It took a while for me to get used to how well they hold the board on. Compared to some other straps I've used (Nobile, North, Naish, Cardboards, Caution) it seems that the syncs give more security for less force, or perhaps just that the load is spread over more area. I never had my feet come out or even start to during jumps and landings both heelside and toeside. When I did stack however, or when I wanted to kick my board off my feet just slid out.

There was a fair bit of messy chop in some spots and the syncs gave me the security to keep my speed up with much more confidence than the Nobile pads/straps (2009). (I haven't tried Nobile's 2010 straps/pads.)

If they're as durable as they are functional I'll be very happy.

The regular size is good for my slim size 12 feet but those with size 10 or less (especially if your feet are slender) would do well to check both sizes as the pads and straps are sized and I'm not sure that the regular size would be small enough for size 9 feet.

(No affiliations, just happy to offer my experience)

harry potter
VIC, 2777 posts
17 Jan 2010 10:26PM
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koma said...

The only other pad/straps i'd recommend are the Liquid Force ones similar to the cabs. I find the pads are actually softer than the Cab Sync's but the top strap covers a little less of your foot.

ha.... That what I use , liquid force luxury foot pads and the cab sync 09 straps. They don't fit right on because of the longer plastic sides ( alloy on 2010 I think ) so I used a razor and cut a small bit out of the pad ( not the whole length just where the ends of the sync strap plate touch the pad )

best of both worlds

VIC, 760 posts
18 Jan 2010 12:22PM
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I know they look like they're metal... but from what i was told the other day they're just chrome painted plastic. Bling is the new wanna-be carbon fibre.
Speaking of which, another one of the plastic side pieces broke on mine. Currently talking with Cabrinha about a warranty replacement as i've now had 2 of the 4 break.

VIC, 1610 posts
18 Jan 2010 1:24PM
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yep, chromed white plastic. the chrome comes off around the screws as soon as you tighten them but the rest should be ok. beefed up a bit compared to last year's side pieces.

VIC, 760 posts
18 Jan 2010 2:32PM
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djdojo said...

yep, chromed white plastic. the chrome comes off around the screws as soon as you tighten them but the rest should be ok. beefed up a bit compared to last year's side pieces.

Do you know if the '09 and '10 plastic pieces are interchangeable?
How exactly are they 'beefed up'? The looked exactly the same to me.

QLD, 280 posts
18 Jan 2010 8:55PM
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koma said...

I know they look like they're metal... but from what i was told the other day they're just chrome painted plastic. Bling is the new wanna-be carbon fibre.
Speaking of which, another one of the plastic side pieces broke on mine. Currently talking with Cabrinha about a warranty replacement as i've now had 2 of the 4 break.

Could you be over tightening them? The screw would damage the mounting plate as there is not a lot of material around the base of the screw head. I rely on good locktite to do the job of keeping them in.
Havn't seen the 2009s up close so can't comment but you'd think they be interchangable.

If your using the end mounting holes they would twist and break too I reckon.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2010 Cab Syncs Questions" started by djdojo