Rider: 85kg,Level: intermediate
Style: Surf Unstrapped
Weather: 14 knots
Build Quality: 9/10
Satisfaction: 9/10
Disclosure: Not sponsored
In Summary: A very fast turning 2010 12m kite - (as fast as my 2010 Switchblade 10m) that you can wave ride on.
My Comments: On a recent trip to Indo where i was taking my new 2010 Switchbalde 10m and 8m, I was lucky enough to be given a new 2010 Gaastra Jeckyll 12m to take with me for those light wind days.
I wasn't a big believer in wave riding on a 12m because of the power you lose in the kite riding down the line.
The kite was supplied by Reg at Windsurfing Perth, and I offer my sincere thanks as the wind was lighter this year and i ended up using the kite for about 6 sessions.
The trial came out of the fact that I do not own a 12m kite. When it comes to wave riding I reckon I can get just as much out of a 10m SB as i can with the slower turning SB12m by working the kite a little more.
This kite proved me wrong - i definately got more out of it than my 10m SB could provide.
I had the above discussion with Reg at Windsurfing Perth and he offered me the 2010 Jeckyll as a trial because I had tested the 2009 Jeckyll 10m and 8m and found them to be super fast turning and he wanted to know if the 12m maintained or bettered that.
The simple fact is that IT DOES. The kite is at least as fast turning as my new 2010 Switchblade 10m. It is also very stable (a lot more than the 2009 model) and gets going in a knot or two less wind than the SB 10m.
I was pretty impressed, as this brand seemd to have disappeared a few years ago.
It also resulted in me having the break at Indo (You know the most famous secret spot in the world) to myself for a couple of hours in one memorable session when a raft of 9m and 10m kites tried to join me upwind at the break in Indo only to be forced downwind to the smaller break.
If the 10m and 8m kites are as comparatively fast as the 12m is (and as stable) these new 2010 kites are worth putting on the "must test ride" list if you are buying new.
i reckon they are perfectly suited to either larger riders who will need the grunt of a 12m metre to wave ride (or are in a less windy spot) or smaller riders who will gets heaps out of this kite freestyling as their biggest kite (and use the 8 or 10 as the wave riding kite)
I am happy to admit that this kite proved me wrong.
Other issues - bar pressure - Feather light (I mean it)
Kite looks really well made, with good size bag and simply set up bar at lines. It is a four line (with the safety running through a front line). Kite flew really stable in the air which is a noticeable improvement over last year but still managed to provide the speed in the turns and that little bit more grunt. A good combination that certainly proved it's worth on this trip.
Nice review what do you think the top end wind range of the 12m would be? For your weight and height? Any pics?
I have also tried the 12m along with the 7m and the 10m thanks to the guys at Kite addiction.
Rider Level: IKO Instructor level 2
Years riding: 8
Conditions: Small 1m surf with inside flatwater
Wind: Light 10-12knots.
Tired on both unstrapped surfboard and twintip. Wind was a little light to get power on the waves on the surfboard. So swapped over to the twintip.
Like mentioned above this kite is fast for a 12. Also stable though. I taught a few lessons and flew the 8m of 2009 and found it a bit unstable and unsuited to lighter winds for it's size.
Appears the shape has been altered slightly to flatten the middle section of the kite and increase the aspect ratio slightly. This has really stopped the kite from overflying the wind window and greatly improved the stability. Power is very constant. Fast turning, good bar feedback. Not as light at the 08 or 09 vapour 10. But much lighter than the 09 SB.
Good depower and long trip strap to fulle depower when you need to. Good safety that doesnt get tangled or let the bar ride way up the flag out line due to having a stopper ball(I swear half the manufacturers have forgotten what the hell they are).
The main thing with this kite is it is a veritable rocket. Even when you turn and slowly bring the kite overhead you can really feel the lift. Was doing good 10-15ft jumps in only just enough wind to keep holding ground.
Much improvment over last years models. Still the jumping rocket but much more stable and improved safety system.
Got to try the 8 meter today at exmouth expo, very nice kite , felt like I was getting some decent jumps in the 20knots , very light on the bar pressure, didn't try reluanch , yanks well in a downloop ( only tried one) , only rode on flat but would make a great wave kite. Didn't feel too squirally , if I handnt spent my dosh on new gear already it's a kite I would part money with. Reminded me of the rev1 I had only more smooth And better behaved
The bar looks clean , qr seemed stiff from sand looks to be an issue , another is the way it's flagged , guess I'm just a 5th line kiter ..
Hi Andrew and Wal.....had the 9m for 2hrs today.........great kite!
Me, I'm old and kite a lot.; 88 kgs with hat.
Been looking for an allrounder that is good for waves, allows for hooked in danglers and is fast.
The kite trucks upwind nicely with both SB and Twinny and turns fast...yay. Could have used a bit more wind today (15-17kn) for some powered testing but had a ball.
For the price and design its a winner! Well done Gaastra, long time no see. With the USD at .9 to the Kangaroo I'm looking to score a bargain.
Positives for me are, 4 line with stopper ball, bar bag, wing tip dump valve.
Negative: the input valve could be one way because I so much hate loosing air...but then again the kite would have to have 2 valves making it more expensive.........really Gaastra?
I have always wanted good cheap kites and looks like things are moving in that direction
i ended up trading in the 7 meter rebel 2010 for the 8 meter gastra, still own 2010 7 meter vegas and 10 meter rebel as both a great kites for their intended wind range, but after having such a fun session on the 8 and a few things that the 2010 7meter rebel lacked (will place a rebel review elswhere) i have finaly jumped from a fifth to a 4 line bridle, never thought i would , but it has that same direct feel like a rebel as it doesnt have pulleys.
tracks upwind and boosts are easy as!
Have had about 4 hours on the 12m beast and am pretty happy....all in light winds so far, but that is why I have it.
Compared to 12m 08 Switchy I find the Jekyll more fun to fly...faster, lighter bar pressure and upwind is better. To test jumping I'll want 15-20 knots.
Complaint: the stopper ball does not run up far enough on the flag out line..........therefore, if you need to self land the 12m, one needs to clip the leash to one of the "oh ****" handles; this is not a problem with the 9m and smaller as the kite's length is short enough for where the stopper is place.