Hey guys,
I know I am being a bit vague here, (i.e. Comparing manufacturers and not specifically models) but any opinions would be appreciated.
I am an intermediate rider buying a 7 and a 9 soon. Due to the great prices and quality I am going for either a Griffin, BWS Noise or a Wainman (will import from US)
Looking for an all rounder as I surf and do freestyle 50/50. Also want to buy two from the same Manufacturer so I can get one bar and lines.
Cheers for any help/ opinions you can give.
anyone know if the BWS noise sell in stores or only online? the online site is just .com... does this mean i am going to wait ages for my kite?
nup! they come very quick- about 3 days most of mine have taken once they are posted. Last time i had 1 arrive in 2 days from factory! yeah if your chasing 7 and 9 get the 6 and 8 if you go for the Noise!
you may want t try the Fluid 2011 ATV and the Naish park, both will do what you want really well.
I would definately check out the Griffin Chimera 8/10.5 or 6.5/9 combo,i have been selling Griffins in NZ for a few years now and find Griffin to be one of the best kite suppliers i have ever dealt with,and the product and after sales service are awesome,get a demo on them you wont be disappointed.
Cheers Radman. Got a Griffin demo with your WA counterpart on Sunday... Demo the Bws noise this arvo...
Try the Griffins and you'll love them!! The wind range is awesome and quality/price ratio maybe the best.
Please tell us what do you think when you try them.
Go the Griffin's, great kites, the 'Argo's' are excellent for surfing because they have awsome drift down the line when on a wave and no centre strut increase boosting prowess.
Nice pics howea! Where were they taken? Do you have more?
What a pity being so far from AUS... Maybe coming back someday... I hope!!!
looks like lord howe island ? guessing ?
G o GRiffiN Awesome Kites best value ....
Buy local, this country needs your money more than any overseas based brand or retailer.
Here's another kite to consider too Ozone Catalyst, call me on 02 95296894 for a special deal on 2 kites/1bar.
No pulleys, very direct bar feel, excellent range, I have not flown a kite that drifts better or steers more easily with one hand, super fast and easy relaunch, below the bar flagging, above the bar cleat rim, and the kite still havs excellent lift and boost as well as being fast back upwind.