Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2012 Airush VarialX, 10m

Created by walshd > 9 months ago, 30 Oct 2011
SA, 601 posts
30 Oct 2011 11:06PM
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Rider: 93kg. Style: Freeriding, big air
Weather: 15-28 knots
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: Never tried Airush before so were pretty suprised. I ride a small board so usually ride a size larger than the croud.

My Comments:

Got to try some new gear over the weekend so thought I should share. Tried the new Kahoona, Varial and the new Lithium. The Varial was my favourite by far.

Tried the 10m VarialX over the weekend several times in various conditions.

First up was probably 20-26knts. Kite was pretty lit but I did have it fully powered up. Loved it.

2nd was 15-18knts. Kite was at the bottom end of its comfortable range for me. Someone lighter, or me on a bigger board would have been powered nicely. Overall I were pretty impressed with the bottom end. I would have normally been on my 13 Octane.

3rd session was 18-25knts. I had the kite fully powered up and it was again pretty lit up.

-Jumps huge. I'd rate this thing up there with the edge and other big jumpers I've flown in the past. The float is sensational as well.
It rips you off the water and seems to just keep on floating until you start to decend nice and softly for a smooth landing.

-Smooth. Turns are smooth, gusts are smooth, power delivery is smooth, everything about this kite is like silk.

-Turning speed is great. Not as fast as my 9 Octane but is up there for a 10m. I had kite on fastest setting.

-Windrange seems pretty good. Kite held its shape nicely in the upper windrange with no canopy flutter.

-Bar setup is excellent. 10/10. Safety release is simple and easy to reset. Lines come with 3m extensions and bar actually extends telescopically so you could use the 1 bar for all your kites.

-Build. I had a good look over the kite's build quality and everything looked top notch. Reinforcement in all the right places.

I honestly struggled to find any. Best I could do is the length of the bridle. It isn't that long though, probably similar to a cab switchy.

Overall, very impressed. Suited my style to a tee and I think I'll probably end up getting one. Not sure whether to get an 8 or 9 tho.

I'll let the unhookers comment on its potential in that department. I did a few dodgy raileys and it seemed good.

WA, 463 posts
31 Oct 2011 9:05AM
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I ride an 8 and 6 combo of Varial Xs.

Funny that Walshd says 15-18kts is bottom end for a 10, as a good 18kts is about when my 6 comes out.

They have good apparent wind so you get get going by working the kite when it is lighter.

I used Vapor Xs last year and they are very similar, smooth, fast and easy to use.

I ride waves so cant comment on it for freestyle, but I like it for what I want. A quick kite that will get to where I need it so I can concentrate on riding the wave instead of flying the kite.

SA, 601 posts
11 Nov 2011 8:52AM
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Here's a few pics of the 12m VarialX
As you can see from the pics there was next to no wind. I did try it and did get going but no upwind action to be had.

Kite turns very fast for a 12 and stays in the air well with no backstall having the bar all way in. Thats about all you can comment on in such puss conditions.

The chicken loop has a swivel inside the butterbox so you can untwist your front lines. Bar is extendable by putting in the extra red bit. Time will well how this lasts but I think Airush have been doing it for a while now so it should last.

The leash is very good. Best I've seen

QLD, 116 posts
11 Nov 2011 9:59AM
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Is it a 4-line kite? How's the relaunch? Cheers

high as a kite
SA, 1312 posts
11 Nov 2011 1:21PM
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Was enjoying the pics until I saw that thing in the bottom left hand corner in the last shot, what the hell is it

Go on you know you want one

SA, 255 posts
11 Nov 2011 5:09PM
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Jeez Walshy, with that big toe you don't even need a board. Did notice that the wind picked up 15 mins after we left!

WA, 47 posts
11 Nov 2011 4:28PM
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@walshd: inside your bar bag (where the velcro pocket is) there's a manual, maintenance instructions and lube. I always make sure to flush out the extension bits before going from a 55 to a 45 and applying the lubricant often.

@Caveman: yep its a 4 line.

The red looks pretty insane but ive got a blue/orange one that i think looks awesome

SA, 601 posts
12 Nov 2011 12:22PM
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Cool, I got a 9m in that colour. Can't wait to try it. I reckon it'll be a little rocket

4862 posts
12 Nov 2011 10:10AM
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theres a dude an my local that has a one strut airush. Looks weird. but seems to go alright.

WA, 47 posts
19 Nov 2011 1:08AM
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Heres a link from the Airush website featuring a review from Kiteworld and a photo gallery.

QLD, 1326 posts
7 Dec 2011 2:06PM
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I had a session on one of JayP's 12m Varial X's about a month or so ago in PNG.

My overall impression was that I hated it.....

Why? Because I don't have one...[}:)] and wifey will not let me spend on a new one....

What a great kite!!! I have been riding mainly vapors and had not updated my VapIII's because I felt kite design was stagnating a bit. This completely shook me out of that thinking. Eveything said here is true, but what I was surprised about was how easy, fast and powerful this kite was - for a 12m...

I bitch about big kites being slow and heavy, blah blah. Not so this one. Quick smooth turning, plenty of power, huge boost and great hangtime. No hint of being able to choke it unless I tried hard.

Damn you JayP...I need to talk to Santa.....

VIC, 253 posts
8 Dec 2011 1:11PM
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walshd said...

-Bar setup is excellent. 10/10. Safety release is simple and easy to reset. Lines come with 3m extensions and bar actually extends telescopically so you could use the 1 bar for all your kites.

I loved the VarialX, however my only criticisms are the bar. I'm not keen on the stupid little finger grooves on the bar and I'd prefer a below the bar depower. Other than that I thought the kite was great. Very versatile and a pleasure to fly.

WA, 752 posts
18 Jan 2012 3:29PM
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are these a dedicated 4 line setup, or is there a 5 line option ?

WA, 641 posts
18 Jan 2012 4:59PM
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it is a 4 line kite.

but i guess if you really wanted to there is nothing stopping you from fitting a 5th line.

can i ask why you would want a 5th line these days?

WA, 1094 posts
18 Jan 2012 9:57PM
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I flew the One ( one strut ) a few months back, I was a bit overpowered on a 12 but it was fast and direct. Didn't drift well but if you like to fly the kite whilst wave riding it performs well.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2012 Airush VarialX, 10m" started by walshd