Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2012 Underground SRF

Created by rusty7 > 9 months ago, 5 Oct 2011
QLD, 504 posts
5 Oct 2011 1:18PM
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Rider: Weight 100kg
Weather:<15 knots
Board: Underground 140mm SRF
Kites : 13m Ozone edge and 15m Core

My Comments:
Rode this board in very light conditions and in small chop.( managed to find an occasonal small wave.)
Fin set up was a bit mixed bag with 2 x 60mm surf fins on the heel side rear and 2 x50mm std fins on the front end of the board.
Goes up wind really well and although shorter and narrower than my 142 styx it performed well as a light wind board.
Its got very little pop (Almost none) so not really for the twisty twirly stuff.
It quite a stiff board but it rides very smooth and vertually no splash in the face at all. Felt no pain in my dodgy knees so a big thumbs up for soft ride.
Landed well out of kite loop transitions and felt nice under any lift that was around.
Carved really well and edge to edge transition on the wave face was smooth.
You have to jump to transition given the big fins but most guys do this any way.
Given time i think i will be able to boost well on this board and I already know it lands well. When John finally got off my 142 styx I went out for a short session on it and can honestly say i like the SRF better in those conditions.

There is a heap more fin arrangements to try but I know enough to know that this is what i will be riding this year.
Thanks Adrian this board is exactly what i have been looking for. I don't really get into surf boards but I want a twin tip that lets me surf. I am looking foward to trying the 148. Pretty excited now about the season ahead.
Definitely on put this on your "must try one this year" list.

NT, 2183 posts
6 Oct 2011 10:56AM
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... sounds interesting, do you have a pic or 2. I seem not to be able to find out any info on the net?



QLD, 504 posts
6 Oct 2011 3:56PM
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try this link
Its got all the new stuff

NT, 2183 posts
7 Oct 2011 11:09AM
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... thanks! Any idea what sizes may be available?



NSW, 1000 posts
7 Oct 2011 12:51PM
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Here's the video from that link^

The board in the video is 140 x 40 and Adrian says it also comes in 148 x 43.

ACT, 1258 posts
7 Oct 2011 6:10PM
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is this board a mutant or a symetrical twin tip?

QLD, 504 posts
7 Oct 2011 11:27PM
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Symetrical twin tip, the 148 will be a while away yet as they are still working on the mould.

ACT, 1258 posts
8 Oct 2011 1:34AM
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are you able to compare it to the north x-ride 139 x 41.5?

QLD, 504 posts
10 Oct 2011 9:38AM
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I have a friend who has a cross ride and I do enjoy riding that from time to time. This(SRF) board is less edgy and perhaps doesn't go upwind as well in inexperienced hands....but saying that the cross ride probibly goes up wind better than anything else out there.
I rode this board again yesterday . Not a white cap in sight. Even though Adrian says it not designed as a light wind board it actually went better than the 142 Styx yesterday.Wind speed suited a 19m flysurfer yesterday and I was on my 13m edge with this board. The 148 x 43 model still under construction being 3cm wider should be an awsome light wind board.
The main differene between the SRF and the xride is the SRF is less edgey. You can slide it around abit through the middle section whereas the xride is like it is on rails. Tacking 1 direction with the surf fins on the back it was very much like the xride. Tacking the other way with the standard fins on the back it was very skatey and took a while to sort out, i couldn't point as high upwind.
Every now and then the wind picked up to around 18 knots(guessing) yesterday and I was able to get some quite respectible flat water boosts. I had to start the board cutting up wind earlier than my other boards but it worked just fine. I can't compare the 2 boards in waves as I haven't had the chance to get thing out in the waves yet.
I am totally sold on this board now and look foward to getting my own with the full set of fins to tryout. The board I am riding is very much a demo knock together.
I am gonna stick my neck out here as say this board is perfect for the older generation kite surfers who want to just cruz around ride a few waves and boost big. Definetly not for the hot shots.

ACT, 1258 posts
10 Oct 2011 3:49PM
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thanks for the info rusty

QLD, 504 posts
19 Oct 2011 4:42PM
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always happy to share the good stuff Bennie! I have had another session on this board all I can say is .... Adrian please hurry!!!

QLD, 504 posts
5 Dec 2011 9:48AM
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Have spent a bit more time with this board, recently rode it in very heavy chop winds up to 35knots on a 9m Edge. IT rode really nice, dry and smooth. We had some nice waves this day and I had a great time on this board in these conditions. It rides very surfboard like in the turns. I had the 2 surf fins each tip on the board this time and given the wave shape that was ok really looking foward to getting into some decent waves with the 3 fin setup. Still it boosts well and lands really well just make sure its pointed down wind cause it tracks pretty hard when you land powered up. I still think it needs a handle .... Adrian got your ears on!!!!. I think that if I only wanted to have 1 board for all conditions ... this would be it (the 140mm).

WA, 55 posts
10 Dec 2011 10:22PM
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Just did 38 k downwinder from ledge to lano on this board 140cmwith 50mm fins all round, still waiting for surf fins
This board is so much fun, great in the surf, will be even better with the larger fins,
Feels very responsive even with the slightest bit of back footpressure.
Very easy to switch, handles well in chop
This board does it all easy
My new best friend

WA, 55 posts
18 Dec 2011 6:10PM
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Hey rusty just got my fins
4 70mm & 2 90mm, been out twice with 4 70mm certainly hold ground very easy, can go into transition without jumping just sticks a bit more, soft on landings. Will be interesting to see what it like when mixing up the fin

Kurt Savage
QLD, 138 posts
19 Dec 2011 11:12AM
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Just got a 148 and took it out on the weekend for first run for a couple of hours.
94kg, 16-18ts, sloppy surf to 2ft, 12m Hp.

Setup, 40mm fins front end, 3x50mm rear end, stance skewed to rear end by about 40mm.

Board very smooth and feels smaller than 148x43, probably due to the narrowish tips.
What crap waves there were tried some hard carving type turns where my twinnie would normally skip out - was a bit better.

Wouldn't suggest this board as a light wind option as it is slow and smooth and not super planey, but general great allrounder for anyone. Keen to try it in some good waves.

Lots of options to try - will report in after a few decent sessions.
Going to swap fins around. Can't se ethe suirf style fins being any better than standards as it rails and bites fine with the 3x50 setup - even too much for me.

Kurt Savage
QLD, 138 posts
20 Dec 2011 6:43AM
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Just got a 148 and took it out on the weekend for first run for a couple of hours.
94kg, 16-18ts, sloppy surf to 2ft, 12m Hp.

Setup, 40mm fins front end, 3x50mm rear end, stance skewed to rear end by about 40mm.

Board very smooth and feels smaller than 148x43, probably due to the narrowish tips.
What crap waves there were tried some hard carving type turns where my twinnie would normally skip out - was a bit better.

Wouldn't suggest this board as a light wind option as it is slow and smooth and not super planey, but general great allrounder for anyone. Keen to try it in some good waves.

Lots of options to try - will report in after a few decent sessions.
Going to swap fins around. Can't see the surf style fins being any better than standards as it rails and bites fine with the 3x50 setup - even too much for me.

QLD, 504 posts
20 Dec 2011 8:21AM
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Hey Kurt ..long interested in you view between the 140 and the 148. I have found the surf fins have made quite a difference. I did loose one during a session ( toe side ) and found the board became very slippery on the top turns. I haven't ridden the 148 yet but I find the 140 gets me going nicely in light winds on my 13 edge.

QLD, 504 posts
20 Dec 2011 8:23AM
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Hey Kurt ..long interested in you view between the 140 and the 148. I have found the surf fins have made quite a difference. I did loose one during a session ( toe side ) and found the board became very slippery on the top turns. I haven't ridden the 148 yet but I find the 140 gets me going nicely in light winds on my 13 edge.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2012 Underground SRF" started by rusty7