Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

2012 slingshot rally 9mt

Created by Radman > 9 months ago, 18 Nov 2011
WA, 629 posts
18 Nov 2011 7:31AM
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Rider: Weight 80kg,Level headed,advanced)
Style: Freeriding, Surf, unsterappid
Weather: 14-18 knots,cross shore,head high reef break left hander
Build Quality: 9/10
Satisfaction: 11?/10
Disclosure: no affilliation with slingshot ;)
Board; Radman pro wave 5'10'x191/4' x2 by stoney
My Comments:on pumping up there wernt any visible changes to last year ,on closer inspection spotted the scuff guards on the rear line conection points.laying the 9mt ontop of last years 8 revealed a deaper profile with an increased area in the tips. the bar had changed coulour and the lines have shrunk down to 20mts.with one pole dancer on the water barly on the plane,this was going to be a good test for the lower end of this kite. to my suprise i rode straight up wind and into the waves ,on a wave riding with the wind the kite was able to be looped down the line ,when running under the kite yhe drift is predictable and stable,a few times i had total slack in the lines,the kite seems to have failsafe tendancys,it will pivot and drift alowing time for you to pick up slack on the top line,un hooking was a breeze same as last years ,i rig my kites one or two knots depowed,there is minimal chance of stalling ,inthe air there was noticeably less cupping of the wing tip,bar preasure i feel has increased a fraction, the 20mt lines i thought would be too short but suprisingly had plenty of power i the light conditipons.i rode again in 18-22kns the next day ,plenty of power definately a more powerfull kite from last years,overall very happy infact so happy went down the very next day to gspot and bought a 6mt stay tuned.

QLD, 796 posts
23 Nov 2011 9:33PM
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Yes the new Rally's are allot nicer than last years

WA, 629 posts
24 Nov 2011 4:52PM
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rode the 6 mt rally in gusty 35kns with head high choppy waves, the over all feel of the kite instilled confidence in the challengeing conditions, it was still able to be turned off without any flapping of the canopy,up wind was a breezebacking off on speed so the board stuck to yur feet. i feel the kite could handle another 5 kns butat 35 kns its the top end of its wind range. i flew the nextday in more subdued conditions 22-25 kns,this i thought would be the bottom of the wind range ,to my suprise was still able to work the kite and get up wind and feel you could be riding waves with this kite in as little as 20kns witha surfboard that carries a bit of width.recomend the new rally to any one who wants a no nonsense wave kiteor is new to the sport and wants to progress safely andquickly

QLD, 496 posts
24 Nov 2011 9:35PM
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Ive been riding the new 9 for a couple of weeks now, 18-25 knts strapped on surfboard, the kite has plenty of grunt ans is super fast through the window. The direct feel on the bar makes for a easy kite to fly as you always know where the kite is.

All in all its a fantastic kite.

WA, 629 posts
25 Nov 2011 7:48AM
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Hard to beleive, this is last years kite, how could it have got better, un beleiveable i no

NSW, 1637 posts
25 Nov 2011 2:30PM
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sweet turn....looks like great fun out there....

QLD, 416 posts
25 Nov 2011 5:52PM
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Radman said...

Hard to beleive, this is last years kite, how could it have got better, un beleiveable i no

Looks like a great kitesurfing spot Radman, nice pic ,

WA, 3477 posts
25 Nov 2011 3:56PM
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Yeah nice pic Radman.

WA, 629 posts
26 Nov 2011 8:20AM
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its good to have a decent camera man when on tour

the depower of the rally is unmatched it aklows for vertiscal is lispsmackoes as spotted above

NSW, 527 posts
26 Nov 2011 12:49PM
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Not sure what you mean by decent....

Sick turn, yes, good timing but bad focus. Looks far enough away not to use auto focus

Just sayin

WA, 3477 posts
26 Nov 2011 2:21PM
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Yep you are right there Jedibrad but I suspect that the guy taking the photo's may never have used a DSLR before, it may not have been his camera, he may have had trouble viewing the little LCD screen in the sunlight and he may not have worked that out until he uploaded the photo's to a computer......

Just sayin

I think radman was just happy to have someone take a few shots.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"2012 slingshot rally 9mt" started by Radman