Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

5.6 North WHIP bamboo tech board

Created by Andrash > 9 months ago, 29 Oct 2011
WA, 637 posts
29 Oct 2011 8:36PM
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Rider: 70kg, 11years experience, average to good skill
Style: Surf with old school jumps
Weather: 16-19kn

Disclosure: never been associated with any brand or shop

It is a light, thick, high volume kite specific surf board with thick round edges, and quad fins. I was reluctant to take this board out. I expected it to be bouncy on the chops, heavy on my knees, and I was doubting its upwind performance. Well, it all changed when I took it to the water. Surprisingly it was not bouncy at all. I can't figure it out why, perhaps the bamboo construction, but it absorbed the chops, and gave me as smooth ride, as I would have expected only from a board with much less volume, and sharper rails. Gybing was very easy due to its high volume and looseness. On the break it was easy, responsive and loose, but stable enough for increased speed. It drove across the break much easier then my lower volume boards, but surprisingly it carved upwind better after I stopped trying to edge and purely rode the fins.
I ride short surf boards and do jump them frequently. This board was very easy in the air due to its lightness and it was soft on the landing, probably due to its pointy tail. I am not sure how it would handle frequent jumps, but as a kite specific board I would expect it to be tough in spite of its lightness.... only time would tell.
They are available in 2inch increments from 5.4 to 6.2., but the shape changes somewhat with the size. My choice for Perth (and for my 70kg) would be a 5.4, and possibly a 5.8 for light winds.

SA, 311 posts
19 Nov 2011 8:30PM
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I rode it at Largs the 5'6" version, I loved the lightness and it was very loose and responsive, I agree that you think it will be a bit corky but its not, its very much got the feel of a Firewire light feel so you can throw it around as hard as you want

loved it, gunna get one in the 5'6" range


the walks
WA, 448 posts
20 Nov 2011 11:21AM
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I demoed last years 5'7' whip at the end of last season and loved it, wanted to buy 1 but was given some great advice (thanks DM) Wait for the 2012.
bought the 1st 5'6' to arrive, i'm 78kg, strapped or unstrapped, this board is great for perth conditions IMO, totally agree with the 2 above reviews and would just like to add that North offer a 18 month warranty, so smash that lip or go as big as you dare

WA, 113 posts
20 Nov 2011 2:05PM
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I've also got a 5'6" and I'm really enjoying it. I think the name says it all because of the way they 'whip' around with minimal input from your back foot. The Whips feel super loose and alive yet ride smooth and controlled. I (weighing 70kgs) find the 5'6" is an ideal size particularly for getting into the pocket in small beach breaks. I also had a week up north on a 5'8". This is a really good option for riding strapless and/or lighter winds. The extra volume helps with balance, early planing and you can milk a little more power from the smaller waves. It still turns like a smaller board and even handles those bigger double overhead freight trains. I've coupled my 5'6" with a set of Ozone REOs. This combo is awesome! Another big thanks to AKS. Here's a pic from a recent trip

WA, 300 posts
22 Nov 2011 10:10PM
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I currently ride a north whip and find it one of the more difficult kite surfboards to gybe.
I wouldnt recommend this board for a first timer. It is a bouncy little sucker. The thing I like about the whip is it is fast and responsive. It does have suprisingly good grip for a quad of this size and you can easily bust out the fins when you feel like. This size board fits really well into perth mush. One for the quad lovers.

WA, 637 posts
25 Nov 2011 3:35PM
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^^^^^Wow, that just shows how different riders, techiques and expectations can be. There seems to be no objective truth about a gear. I bought this board partlly because of the ease of jybing and smooth ride relative to its volume.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"5.6 North WHIP bamboo tech board" started by Andrash