On Saturday when it was a light easterly the only kites out were 17m.Then there was this guy doing it easy on this Airush. Not sure what model but it was a 14m.
Looking at the website 14m are Varial and Vapour X.
Can anyone shine some light on the subject???
Has anyone flown one as from what I saw its a good light wind kite!
Sure that was 14m?
Maybe it was a DNA 13 or 15m lightwind. I think VaporX or Varial are not specially known for its good lower end.
Do you know wich lengt lines was using? Maybe long ones?
Blue one?
3 kites were up and flying early on Friday. 2 of them were 16m kites. The third was an Airush 13m.
I'm not very familiar with the bigger kites but I'll take a guess and say it was a Lithium light wind series 13m.
Read here for the spiel: www.airush.com/2011/products/lithium_lw/
and it was a 13m Airush Lithium LW
I don't understand why some designers/brands try to make light wind kites by getting a normal sized kite and just making it bigger cos it just doesn't work like that
why bother with a 17m when all you need is a 13m that has been designed properly
and no stupid 40m lines!!!
Ps the Vapour X and the Varial rock hard too!!
We still have a demo available at Airborne Kitesurfing if anyone wants to come in and give it a shot.
Hey Damo
It looked really cool, what is the top end of the 13m??
Really Keen to give it a go, I will organise a demo soon
Hi Jay P
Airush have changed a few things but i'm sorry to say i have not got out on the 2011 yet so i cant say too much. but check out www.airush.com
I have never found the top end of the 13. but i would be guessing its around the 18-20 knots depending on what board you are ridding and your ability but it is all about the bottom end.
Next week looks like a good week to demo the 13 Lithium LW in Perth so if you are keen then give me a call at Airborne Kitesurfing 9244 4474
I've just been using demo 12m VaporX - Awesome kite. I'll write a review in the next few days now that I've wridden it in differing conditions.
Hi Damo,
the board is a Monaro V3, isn't it?
What's new about it? What about bottom end comparing to Monaro V2?
All my best,