Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

CORE GT - problems

Created by BirdMan007 > 9 months ago, 9 Feb 2010
SA, 11 posts
9 Feb 2010 10:20AM
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I have a CORE GT 09/10

It's very new. 4month old.

Having problem with my steering-bridle.

Anyone else ????

Adrenalin Rush
QLD, 876 posts
9 Feb 2010 10:38AM
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This is a typical wear point on most pulley kites. You just need to keep the maintenance up on your gear. Make sure there is no sand on the pulley line and also ensure the pulley is free and no jammed.

Ring the shop you purchased from and get some replacement pieces.

VIC, 1610 posts
9 Feb 2010 12:27PM
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A bit of silicone spray on the pulley (work it in between the roller and the housing) and on the line will help reduce wear and increase responsiveness with your new lines.

Also, taking and posting too many photos of pulleys and lines may increase wear.

VIC, 4501 posts
9 Feb 2010 12:36PM
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Weird timing for this post. I check my lines last night and realised one of them was showing considerable wear and needed replacement. Mine is 18 months old though so its probably handled the wear a little better.

Mr float
NSW, 3452 posts
9 Feb 2010 1:31PM
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alternately (and probably a safer option becasue the outer sleeving will go before the whole lot does and you will see it in your pre flight checks)get some 3 mm spectra cord with the outer sleeving from a boating shop or climbing shop .it will cost about $5 to do both sides .

SA, 255 posts
9 Feb 2010 6:36PM
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The Core bridles are super easy to replace. As stated above, less than $10 and you should be on your way.
Keep an eye on that fine loose sand that blows around a lot down there. Up here we don't get as much sand getting into pulleys and my GT bridles don't wear much at all, no more than any other.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"CORE GT - problems" started by BirdMan007