My 11m Edge is for me near kite perfection. there is not one area that i could or would want to change, i mean to have a kite that does practically what you want just by thinking it. without much effort or input... is amazing... thats why i had no hesitation in getting a 17m but after reading the feed back that these guys kindly shared.... it turned into a 19.... i dont know you guys, but i must trust you in what you say. i cant wait to find out for myself hopefully this weekend when i can pump her up ill post a pic of my black beauty
Had the 19 Edge out the other day w Nugget. Gust up to 20. No worries. Rode a lot of Waves. Can't believe how easy this Kite is to steer w one hand on bar.
Cheers fellas, yeah think it works well due to the size... Still can't get over it. Biggest kite I have is a 2006 18m North Vegas but that's a C kite and my 2010 13m waroo is more powerful than that. I'm sure she will be a gentle giant. Mates have named her the shadow maker lol.
If it ain't to windy might give her a go this arvo....
l have the 13 and 17metre edges best kites l have ever owned amazing wind range and boost. l can't afford the 19metre now but going to get one for sure. I usually ride at Cottesloe south"SPRODS".
Ok so I got her up, wind was 15mph gusting 18 mph. Must admit I was hoping she handled like an Edge, people were looking at me like what the hell are you doing using that. But soon as she was up all my worries were over, She just sat in the sky twitching at the gusts.
I was using a 134 su2 TT. Obviously notice the size of her in handling but she turns well. Wind picked up and was gusting over 20 no problems at all she could take more without any dramas. A few nice jumps once dialed in the timing, mate on beach counted to 10 on one nice floaty one. That was the only real problem...... Having to work so far back up wind after jumping lol it's just sick.....
Cant wait to try it on my race board in light winds.. ill let you know...
Just ordered a new green Edge 19. With 27m + 5m extension lines.
Have any of you tried it with more than 32m lines?
What line lenght does the pros use in light wind?
ah shiiiiiiiiit,
now you guys have me thinking about getting 19m Edge.
just when i thought i was happy with my quiver too.
damn you all
I'm a big fan of big kites. I have a 17 Core and love it. Has lots of low grunt. I was just listening to you bunch saying how good they jump even in light wind which is probably an area where the core could improve. This was brought to my attention as well with my new 13m edge. Very nice Kite.
Will have to demo a 19m edge.
loving my edges
had them all out now...all just superb ..
what bar is that your flying the 19m with ?
this is my custom colour 9m...
Nice colours that was on my final selection list as well lol
So here is a little vid of our Friday session. She appears from about half way through, you can't miss her lol. my mate is happy due to completing his first Darkslides.
Oh and i use an Ozone 60cm Race bar
Hey guys how are you? Just over from Kitefourm first time here nice place!
I was hopping to fire this thread back up and get some info.
I'm 80k ride a 128/40 FR (flysurfer)
I've had a ton of kites and live in Brazil. I'm just changing out my north quiver (11m - 14m Rebels and 16m Dyno).
Moved to Ozone 11m - 15m Edge two weeks ago.
I'm a power-coholic. I fly the 11m only when its around 30kns.
I main kite is the 16m Dyno I've had this out in 20kns (I find the sweat spot 18-22kns to really get the hight and hang out of the kite) Problem is I'm not at all happy with the hang of the 16m dyno.
As I now have a 15m Edge that hangs longer and jumps higher then the 16m Dyno I'm looking at what kite to get for my large kite (that's kind of funny). For me the 17m is really to close to my 15m. I'm really liking the sounds of the 19m Edge. Ideally I would like to be able to fly the 19m upto 20kns then move to the 15m.
Can you guys tell me if you think its possible at 80k and a 128 board to easily hold the 19m upto 20kns? I have a ton of big kite experience right now the 15m edge in 20-27kns is just the cats ass! wow what a kite.
I've also converted the Ozone's to the North bar. I can not kite without a mirco loop.
cheers hope you can help (.02" from buying a 19m)
Sorry guys needed to update my profile. I'm in Brazil now and need all the input I can get as they don't even have a dealer for Brazil let alone Vitoria where I live.
You guys seem to be the only ones with these kites.
Or the only ones will to review/talk about them.... lol
Or the only ones with enough balls to fly them...
I know the edges I have the 11-15m now. I just need some ideas about the 19m.
Please if you can give me some detail. What is your weight what do you think the top end is etc.
lol no its not Toby but I'm big into air style and can do allot of the tricks lol. But I must say Toby has really taken his game to the next level (Good on him)
I live in Brazil Vitoria ES
I really need some input from you guys. I think I will be able to hold the kite upto 18-20kn. I had the 15m Edge in 25kns last week full power. I was a little worried as this was my first time out after converting the bar to North and Mirco loop. I would have like to test the kite out with a little less power but everything worked really well. I really like the Ozone bar so I will drill it and add the loop and replace the North bar (need to buy 6mm and 8mm bits to get this done)
Dusta also as the kite has a smaller leading edge whats it like to pump?
I see back in the post some guys are around 90-95k holding the kite past 20kns This gives me great hope. I can hold my 16m into mid 20ks too, but it becomes a bit of a mess as the kite starts to deform.
I must say I as amazed at how the 15m edge acted in 25kns. It holds the power with ease, I seen the top of an RRD that day lol.