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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Epic Screamer Limited Edition 10

Created by junglist > 9 months ago, 19 Jan 2010
VIC, 701 posts
19 Jan 2010 7:40PM
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Rider: 76Kg
Level: intermediate
Style: Freeriding
Weather: 18-23 knots
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: No attachment to brand or shop.

My Comments:

I had the chance to demo the Epic Screamer 10 Limited Edition today in 18 – 23Kts. Epic have produced a range of Screamers in 7M, 9M, 12M and 14M. In addition they have produced a Limited Edition which comes in 10M only. Epic claim that the Limited Edition 10 has the wind range of a comparable 11.5M kite.

Out of the bag you can see that this is a kite designed by Dimitri Maramenides and Momi as the attention to detail is exquisite. The reinforced stitching on strut attachments and the LE combined with profiled scuff guards on the LE give you confidence that this kite will be able to take the punishment and will see you through a good few seasons.

As Dimitri and Momi designed the Eclipse Thruster, comparisons between the two are inevitable. My personal opinion is that the Screamer (standard) and the Screamer Limited Edition 10 represent the next stage in the evolution of the Thruster design. So all Thruster riders take note, both of the Screamer editions are going to be of great interest to you.

The bar itself is pretty no nonsense. Epic have designed a bar that can be adjusted to suit all sizes of Screamers which is a bit of a bonus as once you have one bar you only have to spend money on different sizes of kites. The Chicken Loop is quite a small affair which may be more awkward to hook in and out of than other models. The Donkey is set to the side of the loop and, unlike the Thruster, it manages to stay attached to the loop during wipeouts and does not leave you unwittingly unhooked.

The quick release is a very simple plastic Push Forwards device that is a major improvement on the Thrusters, is it or isn’t it going to release device. The Leash attachment point runs through the centre of the quick release and cleverly allows the kite to remain flying (with very little power) after an unhooked wipeout. I did not have time to work out how the kite would depower and drop to the water when the QR is activated but did not do this when you unhooked and let the bar go but it’s a clever detail all the same.

The trim strap is pretty much the same affair as the Thruster with black power on and red power off straps. I did notice that the bar had a very long throw and I did find myself leaning forward over the bar to reach the straps. I would note this as my only real criticism of the package as people with shorter reach are going to struggle to trim the kite whilst riding. On further inspection I noticed that there are a number of knots above the straps where you can adjust the length of the throw to suit however this would also require shortening of the steering lines. I am just not sure that every rider is confident to do this.

There is a stopper ball which allows riders to set the throw and trim the kite to take most of the bar pressure. I never use these devices as I have come to grief with them before so I will leave it for others to comment.

So to the business end, the kite itself. As stated, construction of this kite is of the same high quality as the Thruster. There are a number of trim points on the bridal and on the steering line attachment points which allow for faster or slower turning. As with my Thruster I just set the kite to fast and get on with it, however as I mention later this kite is very fast and hugely powerful for a 10M so the slow settings may get a workout in heavier conditions.

There is a pretty standard One Pump system which is neat and clipped back to the strut and LE. The Valve attachment points have received some attention to stop the valve splitting which was an issue with the Thruster and Nano. It seems a pretty standard set up and only time will tell if this feature can stand up to the abuse it will, no doubt, get. I am still to be convinced that One Pump systems are a benefit to the rider. Obviously this is the way the industry has gone but I am not sure that saving ten minutes pumping up is worth all the grief when these systems go wrong.

The Screamer Limited Edition 10 comes in black only so no room for argument there, the graphics are pretty basic but clean and to the point. The kite looks like a ninja in the air when compared to the bling machines on offer by other brands so it’s all good.

So the Screamer Limited Edition 10 may be a shrinking violet in the looks department but boy where performance is concerned she has got the goods! I had the kite out for three hours in 18 – 23Kts and during my session other riders were switching from 12 / 13M kites down to 9 / 8M. For my weight on a 131 x 39 board I would say the comfortable wind range would be between 17 and 25Kts, with 25 being on the edge of overpowered. This may seem unrealistic for a 10M however Epic have put a lot of work into the Aspect of this kite and it shows in its comparable wind range with a 12M. Epic claim that the kite can be ridden in 15Kts and, whilst I agree, I would say that I would reach for a 12M over the Screamer 10 in anything around 15Kts, for that little more power. However if you are an experienced rider looking for a one kite solution then I would say this kite is worth a demo.

Where this kite really excels is the speed of turning. Just imagine the power of a 12m combined with the speed of a 9M and you get the picture. The kite turns with the type of input you would usually reserve for your 9M and I was caught out a number of times while down looping the kite. It only took a couple of turns to get this dialed in and from that point forward I was sold. I am not into kite loops but from the speed of this kite I can tell that it is going to be a real performer in this area.

Now the Thruster was known for big hang time but the Screamer is just absurd. This kite literally rips you off the water and into orbit with HUGE floaty results. This kite was obviously made for Dimitri’s style of riding and it really shows. I simply could not get enough of boosting with this kite. You can seriously over pilot this kite as it is just SO fast but once you have it dialed in it’s a real pleasure to fly.

I found the kite to be very stable in the air, initially I had a problem with back stalling but an adjustment to the lines solved this issue. Unhooked the kite behaved very well once trimmed correctly, there was less of a tendency to pull like a truck than I first expected and I am sure that unhooked and wave riders are going to love this kites stability and speed of turning.

So to sum it up I was very impressed with the Epic Screamer Limited Edition 10. If fast and powerful kites are your poison and you love going huge then you need to demo this kite. All Thruster riders are on notice, you are just going to love this kite as it feels like a more refined and turbo charged old friend.

Thanks to Tony at Ral for the demo. Sorry mate but I appear to have lost your number so cant hand this baby back for a while!


SA, 2890 posts
20 Jan 2010 11:17AM
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Lost my Number hey!

That's Ok I haven't lost your billing address

Kurt Savage
QLD, 138 posts
20 Jan 2010 10:58AM
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Sounding good.

Looking forward to demo up here in Brisbane sometime!

NT, 166 posts
26 Jan 2010 9:05AM
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Hey guys, hope the kites are flying well.

Could someone please describe the relaunch technique, especially what you would do if you were in deeper water in decent wind and lighter wind.

QLD, 6149 posts
26 Jan 2010 9:09PM
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wots the rrp?

WA, 724 posts
26 Jan 2010 10:12PM
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Hey guys,

Are the struts one single elbow instead of multiple joints, my 08 Nano is like that and I think it is the cause for the surging forward and luffing the 08 Nano seems to do, does the Epics do the surging foward or are they more stable. It can't be that aerodynamic?

The rubber scuffs I feel just add weight and drag and it is just for aesthetics, are the Epic's scuff pads more hard-wearing and better placed for protection at the right points?

Are we going to have the chance to demo the kites over west or is it the normal story?


SA, 2890 posts
27 Jan 2010 9:24AM
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Right Now Us aussies are working on Dimitri for a special pricing for the first 20 kites, to be sold in Australia so, while the RRP will be probably about $150 below most main brands. We have to wait a little for the pricing of these first few kites.

In regards, to falling forward the Screamer 12, and 10LE we have show absolutely no such inclination. They do create power to a very High AoA and right up to th point of stalling. So it is easy to get sucked into chasing this power and accidently end up tuning the kite into it's stall zone. the simple remedy is to err on the side of depowered and let the kite breath.

The Renegade is Smooth and the first thing I did on it was to head for a small wave in dead on shore wind and run down the wave at the kite. as I too have fond memories of the Nano.
Result is that the problems of the nano are not exhibited here. and on waves I would go for the Renegade way before a Screamer. And have no second thoughts about the Falling problems of the Nano(which required a change in riding style to compensate for).
In fact to come off a Nano and straight onto a Renegade you would first feel more comfortable and every thing would feel smoother with a bit more speed in turns.

Relaunch on either the Screamer or Renegade?

I can vouch for the screamer, just pull a steering line and it works like all easy relaunching kites. (the ERA line on the Zeekos, makes them king of the light wind relaunch, so I refer to the other brands renowned for easy relaunch) The Renegade I never got to relaunch but thanks to a kite collision another kiter did during his try and his comment was that the kite did it all for him and while he was getting his bearings back the kite just went to side of window and sat on a tip waiting for him. That's the only relaunch from water incident in Australia of a renegade we have to refer to.

VIC, 760 posts
27 Jan 2010 11:47AM
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RAL INN said...Relaunch on either the Screamer or Renegade?

I can vouch for the screamer, just pull a steering line and it works like all easy relaunching kites. (the ERA line on the Zeekos, makes them king of the light wind relaunch, so I refer to the other brands renowned for easy relaunch) The Renegade I never got to relaunch but thanks to a kite collision another kiter did during his try and his comment was that the kite did it all for him and while he was getting his bearings back the kite just went to side of window and sat on a tip waiting for him. That's the only relaunch from water incident in Australia of a renegade we have to refer to.

Umm... you missed the bit where i ever so gracefully dumped it into the water at Altona then? ;)
As Tony said, the Renegade pretty much relaunches itself. I dropped it about 45º off downwind of myself and by the time i had regained my own composure and spat out the 2 litres of Altona water i really didn't want to ingest, it was sitting at the edge of the window on a wing tip waiting for me.

The Screamer LE only needed about a foot of one steering line to be pulled for it to spring to attention and offer a hot relaunch or a slow walk to the side of the window - i opted for the hot relaunch.

I've reviewed the two kites over on XK if anyone wants to do more reading on them.
In summary the Screamer LE 10 is a brutal monster of a kite. Part ninja (agile and nimble like a 9m), part sumo wrestler (power of a 12-13m). I personally prefer the Renegade as it's an absolute wake style weapon! So stable and confidence inspiring.

NT, 166 posts
28 Jan 2010 6:45PM
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thanks for that Ral Inn, I will be happy with any improvement with relaunch compared with what I was riding. (08 T 16 and 12).

I hope the 14m Screamer will relaunch as well as the smaller models you have tried.
That will be my main kite this year and the next I expect.

VIC, 701 posts
29 Jan 2010 8:02PM
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The relaunch on the 10M is far easier than my 08/12M Thruster (which is a bitch of a thing to relaunch). If you are into unhooked moves then the depowered safety line feature (cant think of a better way to describe it) is going to save you plenty of time relaunching.

I had the 10M out again recently and put the safety and relaunch through its paces in more detail. Again the only real negative (and I am stretching here) is the small chicken loop which could have used a loop locator to keep it parallel with the bar.

So far I am sure you are going to love your 14M but you might want to demo the 12M first as these kites are a marked improvement on the 08 Thrusters for bottom end.


NT, 166 posts
1 Feb 2010 8:35AM
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Had my first session of the Screamer 14m on the weekend, and had fun.
I am an occasional kiter that is happy to just cruise up and down.
Conditions for me were shallow and choppy with onshore/side winds.
13 - 18ish Knots as far as I can tell.

Build quality - excellent, reinforcement, scuff pads etc - attention to detail.
An example of attention to detail is the plastic coating on the end of the lines where the lines loop back on itself - makes it easier untangle the lines.

Bar - easy to convert from one size to another so one bar per quiver. Push away safety - easy to reuse and reset - does not look like it can corrode. Simple to use stopper (not once did I use the clam cleat of my old system).

Setup - straight forward, bridle setup simple, nice one pump.

Self launch - easy in light wind, did not get a chance when wind picked up.

Riding - nice and stable, a lot of power. No jumping for me.

Relaunch - Easy to do. (although I was standing - real test for me will be in deep water)

Self landing - have to practise, landed but my method needs to improve.

Packing away - would prefer the bag to have an opening at the top, just got to remember next time to compact it more when folding.

Overall, very happy customer.

SA, 2890 posts
3 Feb 2010 2:58PM
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So sburlo, when are you going to start jumping?

NT, 166 posts
6 Feb 2010 12:28AM
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Hopefully one day within the next couple of years. (I may need to come down or go to Fiji or N.C for some lessons).
Last year I probably got out on the water about half a dozen times. One step forward, 2 steps back sometimes.

During the wet season there are heaps of people who go out for a surf/boogie board with pretty messy conditions. I watch them from the cliffs, risking box jellyfish stings for a very short ride. I consider myself fortunate that even with my basic skills that I can cruise up and down the beach.

I'll soon have my hands full with 3 children under 4. So I'll be lucky to sneak in a couple of sessions this year.

At least I'll be geared up with my Screamer 14m and new Cardboard.

These should last me a fair while considering the amount of time I get on the water and the fact that they are well built.

The 14m has heaps of power - I may need to save up for a Screamer 12 or 10m or Renegade 9m for those higher winds days. (Although someone on kiteforum said they could handle the 14m up to 25knts - not that it would be recommended)

SA, 2890 posts
10 Feb 2010 11:26AM
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sburlo said...

Hopefully one day within the next couple of years. (I may need to come down or go to Fiji or N.C for some lessons).
Last year I probably got out on the water about half a dozen times. One step forward, 2 steps back sometimes.

During the wet season there are heaps of people who go out for a surf/boogie board with pretty messy conditions. I watch them from the cliffs, risking box jellyfish stings for a very short ride. I consider myself fortunate that even with my basic skills that I can cruise up and down the beach.

I'll soon have my hands full with 3 children under 4. So I'll be lucky to sneak in a couple of sessions this year.

At least I'll be geared up with my Screamer 14m and new Cardboard.

These should last me a fair while considering the amount of time I get on the water and the fact that they are well built.

The 14m has heaps of power - I may need to save up for a Screamer 12 or 10m or Renegade 9m for those higher winds days. (Although someone on kiteforum said they could handle the 14m up to 25knts - not that it would be recommended)

Maybe you need to put some work into those kids. gives you more excuses to get to the water.

VIC, 701 posts
12 Feb 2010 8:21PM
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Ohhhhh man you just reminded me of that +35 session on the 4M Nano at Point Stinky!

Oh that was fun [}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)][}:)]

NT, 166 posts
23 Mar 2010 8:32AM
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Yeah, those kids kites look nice, uses the same graphic I came up with that is on the Renegade.

How have people been going with their Epic gear. I have not been out for a couple months now.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Epic Screamer Limited Edition 10" started by junglist