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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

F-one Bandit 6 release

Created by ashkiter > 9 months ago, 7 Sep 2012
237 posts
12 Sep 2012 5:24PM
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Not yet, but they've improved it every year, so can't see a problem with it. They are great aren't they in on, x on conditions. Lots of drift and the light weight and speed really helps, the Reo was good but really hated the flutter.

I have a big drive, so only bother when it's good, so that's why I use the 9m most.


131 posts
19 Sep 2012 7:53PM
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I had the 11m and 8m last year. I am 85kgs and there was a gap between 11m and 8m. If using in the uk waters I would get 11m and 9m. Which is what I am going for this year and what I should have bought abd was gutted I didn't last year! The 11m I used 80 percent of the time and love it, such a good kite. But when you do finally get overpowered and you switch to the 9m you hit that sweets spot on it straight away. The 8m you didn't. There are such few days that you really need smaller than a 9m over here as the range on bandits is so big.

5 posts
14 Oct 2012 11:04PM
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Bossstyle said...
I had the 11m and 8m last year. I am 85kgs and there was a gap between 11m and 8m. If using in the uk waters I would get 11m and 9m. Which is what I am going for this year and what I should have bought abd was gutted I didn't last year! The 11m I used 80 percent of the time and love it, such a good kite. But when you do finally get overpowered and you switch to the 9m you hit that sweets spot on it straight away. The 8m you didn't. There are such few days that you really need smaller than a 9m over here as the range on bandits is so big.

My Bandit 6 quiver is 5, 7, 9, 12 - I'm 83kg. I think the distance between 9 and 12 just fine - there is more than enough overlap. In fairly constant wind I pumped up both 9 and 12 saturday. The 12 was fine, on the powered side, but didn't really depower alot, just enjoyed the massive control on this kite - it just felt stable -- and then I went in and changed to the 9. In the beginning it felt like I was underpowered, but I was shooting upwind and I realized that the kite wasn't to small, the feel was just lighter. Consequently I wouldn't trade the 12 for an 11 ...

I'm still getting to know these kites - but until now the windrange appears to be amazing.

237 posts
16 Oct 2012 4:15AM
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Have had 12/9/7 Bandit V's for last year. was going to go to 10 and 8m but Part Ex'd my much used 9m for a new Bandit 6 9m. lovely black and red.

Rode it today in 15-30mph, waist/ chest high x on waves on my Mulcoy 5'10.

No major changes, but lots of tweaks. I loved my V5's, my most favourite kite of my 13yrs, so was just expecting a crispy new version with better colours, However, it feels even lighter, the strut framework and canopy feel and look even tighter and solid. I felt the low end was marginally better but the high end was even more so. Very stable with great drift still. I felt that the turn has been speeded up (and the V5 wasn't slow) and caught me out on my first couple of waves as its fractionally quicker. The lift on the tacks I did also seemed more,

Was going to keep my 7m V5, but think I'll trade that up too.


289 posts
16 Oct 2012 1:53PM
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Mike, thanks for the feedback. How is the bar pressure and force needed to turn the kite?

237 posts
16 Oct 2012 3:28PM
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Marginally lighter and I use a 17 inch BWS bar and takes a bit of force to start moving then it turns quick, but that might be different on a 20 inch bar.


131 posts
16 Oct 2012 9:46PM
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Does any one know. Can you buy the bws chicken loop seperate and will it fit on to an ozone bar. I like the ozone bar and use it on my fones. but the bws would allow the lines to spin with the safety still connected to full depower flag?

237 posts
17 Oct 2012 2:12AM
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Yes it's on the BWS site as a spare part.


WA, 11 posts
24 Oct 2012 7:02PM
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My 10m B6 arrived, Its a very nice kite. Sold my B5 for the upgrade.
The B6 is noticeably smoother.

TAS, 44 posts
23 Dec 2012 12:38AM
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Have had mine for 2 months now and continually noticing the small details! To me the bar pressure feels so much better balanced and the kite fly´s so smooth unhooked, the loops are amazing and bar response is brilliant making handle passes and landing blind so much easier. for me anyways..... I have the 11, 9, 7 and a 6 for wave riding.. I LOVE THEESE KITES!! I travel frequently and love the fact they are a brilliant freestyle kite as well as amazing for waves not to mention their from my experience unmatched ability to deal with gusty wind without you being scared to unhook or throw a huge loop:-), saves money having to have wave and freestyle kites, not to mention the build quality is great, have always given my kites a good beating and they show no sign of wear and tear... The new bar is lighter and the grip is a much better quality.. worth the few extra bucks hands down:-)

NSW, 357 posts
27 Dec 2012 9:15AM
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Well it's not often I add to these reviews but I must tell others if you haven't had the chance to fly these kites you must demo them. I have just upgraded from 5-6. 10 and 12. I went out for a few hours on the 12 yesterday, took the 10 out last week.

Bar pressure smoother , fluttering through the turns doesn't exist . Power delivery smoother , no pulling off the wave due to increased range . The 12 feels like it has benefitted from the small changes more than the 10. For some reason it sits slightly wider in the window, upwind performance has improved I'm guessing because of its wider location in the window.

You can fly these kites blindfolded , the feedback is superb , the new bar leaves your hands as good as new after a 3 hour sesh.

All in all for a wave kite this kite just got better . Please try and I'd like to see your thoughts . 10 years of buying every sling shot out there and I'm never going back , this kite seems like an advanced rpm with added range at both ends , try and enjoy .


237 posts
27 Dec 2012 5:52PM
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Agreed, I kept my B5 12m, but changed my 9 and 7m for B6' as I use these the most.

They are pretty special, does everything well and perfect in the waves. a very refined and smooth kite.

Can't see me changing kite brands for a long while if they keep developing this.


QLD, 160 posts
7 Jan 2013 11:45PM
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Great gear but cannot get it, waiting half last season, and same again this season, bad customer service, wishy washy excuses, not worth the heartache....

WA, 26 posts
15 Jan 2013 7:34PM
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What about this one?

7 posts
19 Jan 2013 10:22AM
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Harr525 said...
What about this one?

Matching outfit so must be worth the hassle

Who needs an outfit with assets tho

WA, 110 posts
3 Feb 2013 9:40PM
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Gave my new bandit 6 a work out this weekend, 8m. It is a nice kite, it just works, does everything you want, smoothly. Good floating depowered in waves, good smooth kiteloops and stable unhooked, quick easy self launch on the beach and relaunch.

My only negative is that it doesn't have as much power as the original bandit and the bandit dos.

QLD, 1694 posts
14 May 2013 11:40AM
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i really want the B6 after reading all this, what is the best site or shop to buy from??

WA, 552 posts
14 May 2013 8:22PM
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Select to expand quote
kemp90 said..

i really want the B6 after reading all this, what is the best site or shop to buy from??

I got a few they're nice, smooth as try adventure sports Noosa excellent service,


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"F-one Bandit 6 release" started by ashkiter