Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Fluid 2011 ATV

Created by pro merc > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2011
pro merc
NSW, 300 posts
18 Jan 2011 4:56PM
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Rider Weight: 80kg's (81 if I wear boardies over my wetty ;) )
Level: intermediate
Style: Freeride and Surf
Weather: 12 - 35 knots
Build Quality: 9.5/10
Satisfaction: 10/10

available sizes- 6m, 8m, 10m, 12m
sizes tested - 6m, 8m, 10m, 12m

My comments;

Fluid 2011 ATV

This year Fluid have made a lot of changes to the ATV kite;

-3 struts
-Improved one pump that follows the strut profile
-Molded bumpers
-Reduction in weight not strength
-Bold graphics
-New depower system
-Improved back pack

After receiving the new kites I was really surprised at how much care they have taken to the little things that mean a lot to most guys buying a kite, the new bag is big enough so you don't pop a vessel trying to pack your kite small enough to get it in. It has a nice wide mouth with no silly flaps that get in the way and simple pocket on the side to hold your bar and lines. There are little tags in places that used to look plain. Also tags on the bar and lines letting you know what size you have etc, this is nothing to most riders but it shows they are making an effort and the product feels like its had TLC put into it for the end user.

Fluid have been using a CAB style inflation valve for the last 3 years, its got high flow, its makes it easier to inflate and deflate, its easily changed should a problem occur and in my opinion the best. Alot of other companies are jumping on this now claiming high flow is the latest and greatest.
Pumping up the kite you can notice a reduction in strut and leading edge size so it does not take much to pump up! The bridle has stayed the same allowing a lot of depower and keeping gusts smoothened out through the bar. Rear lines are still direct as well.
All the adjustment points remain the same;

Front bridle
PC – pure “C” kite feel
HD – high depower

Rear lines 3 turning speeds that also translate to bar pressure settings. All the settings are clearly labeled on the kite so you have less chance of screwing it up.

A big debate this year for some people has been between below the bar sheeting V's above the bar, after flying both styles all year I am definitely leaning towards above the bar. Im happy to see that Fluid have gone for this option with a simple cam cleat which is a no nonsense easy to use system. Although the Fluid chicken loop can be adapted very easily to below the bar by changing a collar, adding a cleat and a new line.
The chicken loop is still one of the best out there, its s push away style that is now tried and proven with a few other companies now using it as well. I still dont understand some of the bigger companies that are using the pull towards you style, its dangerous and shows a lack of commitment to safety, R&D and care for the customer.
After a solid season of riding my first chicken loop is showing minimal signs of wear and has never failed any release test i have given it. Looks like i could get at lest 2-3 more seasons from it before looking at having to replace parts just because i like to keep things new.

OK so enough about the features! I usually put a review up of kites a week after I get them but this time I have been having so much fun riding this kite I wanted to ride all sizes a lot before writing anything up.
All the kites turned fast for their size with a very small lag in the initial turn which I like as if your doing tricks and yank the wrong side of the bar its very easy to re adjust on this kite.
Re launch is very very good, its hard to say if its any better than last years ATV as it was also excellent, dropping it between waves I had no trouble getting it out of the way of the next wave before it was smashed even LE down.
I tried both PC and HD settings and end up using all the sizes on the HD point, this give good depower for kiting on a surfboard and amazing range. Im riding the 8m on a surfboard from 16-30knts.

I found myself going towards the 10m at first which is a nimble kite, turns fast with good power. I found myself going fairly early on this kite and jumps where good height and excellent float. I was really happy on the 10m till about 25knts and then started riding the 8m….
WOW! This kite is not aimed at super high performance but I have never jumped as high as I have on the 8m, it has a real yank to the pull when you jump taking you on a slingshot ride up and a nasty long floaty hang.
Loops on the 8m are sensational, for a kite that is not aimed at this type of riding it really excels, its easy to control through the loop and responds perfectly through the power range of the loop allowing for increase or decrease. The kite even gets above you fast making for soft landings in the high loops!

This years ATV is one of the best all round kites I have ever ridden, two kites will allow you to kite in almost every condition from flat water to waves, beginner to advanced. It's a versatile kite and best of all its super fun to fly!
I dont believe in giving 10 out of 10 for any product but satisfaction wise this kite has been of of my favourite kites this season in every aspect from pulling it out of the wrapping to how much fun i have had at the end of the session :)
Every season so far Fluid have shown big improvements in all aspects of their product range, this Austraian company is now offering product that is performing great and in my eyes looking awesome!

NSW, 184 posts
18 Jan 2011 9:18PM
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Kites look sic. Last years kites were really good so if they have improved on last year they must be pretty good.May have to update my 2010 Fluids. Look forward to trying them out.
Its good that they have made a better bag for the kites as last years had way to many buckles on them.

VIC, 24 posts
18 Jan 2011 9:34PM
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We tried to improve everything from the feedback i got in Aus.
The ATV is a big improvement on last seasons or at least thats the feedback so fare.

The bags are simple and about the same volume as the 2010 ones but the ATV kites pack alot smaller because of the 3 struts.

ACT, 1258 posts
19 Jan 2011 12:09AM
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doe's this kite have any pulleys? and can it be purchased as kite only?

VIC, 4501 posts
19 Jan 2011 3:06AM
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Saw the new kites at Altona. They look really good so I'm hoping to get a run the next time I see the demo out there.

Pretty sure you can get them without a bar but not sure about the pulley's, didn't really check that when I saw them.

pro merc
NSW, 300 posts
20 Jan 2011 12:31PM
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bennie the kite has double pulleys on the bridle but they are the good quality ronstan type, one barely moves and never even gives a wear mark. The other has a wear point built into the bridle for replacement.

Kites are available without bar.

pro merc
NSW, 300 posts
11 Feb 2011 9:57AM
Thumbs Up

here are some other reviews ill merge them so that they can be easily read together.


12m ATV

got got out on the weekend on the 6m ATV in the southerly that was off the hook.
the graphs showed gusts to 45knots so i waited till it calmed down a bit (30-38knots)

it was very windy, i struggled to carry the carry down the path to the beach and the guy launching me was almsot having the kite ripped out of his hand a few times just trying to flip it to get into position.
the kite was super rigid, no problem what so ever on the handling of the gusts. i was a little concerned about it being only a 3 strut kite.

for a 6m it really has some amazing hang time, most small kites i have owned really dont have much hang, you can get some good height but you do fall like a rock.
every size in this kite seems to have a massive range, i can ride this 6m from about 20knots and i was very comfortable in gusty 30-38knots, i wish i had have gone out when it was out of control as i think it would have been very comfortable on this kite.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Fluid 2011 ATV" started by pro merc