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Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Griffin TRX 14m Kite Looping in 3-4knots on beach

Created by pilotpete > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2012
QLD, 3665 posts
14 Apr 2012 9:23AM
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I dont think my kite can even get pumped up in 3-4 knots.

But then again I havent tried it.

VIC, 138 posts
14 Apr 2012 9:38AM
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Yes, from watching the video, it (the trx) appears to be a great kite for non windy days when you want some sand in your bum crack. Surely to even launch in the said, "3-4 knots" you would have to create apparent wind?? i dont think my 14m would even unravel itself along the ground downwind in 3-4 knots when i take it out of the bag? so without the viagra jokes, how would you even get it up???

QLD, 138 posts
14 Apr 2012 4:44PM
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It was only a week ago someone said his 14m trx turned like a 10 in 9knots now this clown says his 14 turns like a 9 in 3knots and he only has half a dozen posts all of which r on this topic. Kinda sus.

Its amazing how quick these kites are evolving maybe next week the 14 will turn like a 6

NSW, 6451 posts
14 Apr 2012 5:55PM
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and the 6 will pull like a 14

NSW, 331 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:34PM
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Hi guys,

I can definitely see how some of these posts have some exaggerations. I even posted one myself :), but seriously now, Griffin kites are really amazing kites. I can't say I am an expert, I am not even intermediate, but for a beginner to be able to kitesurf on a 17 meters in 12-18 knots in the surf, I reckon it's a lot to do with the kite being awesome. It will never turn like a small kite, but for its size, turns really fast.

And I can also see how this fact can frustrate lots of people, but Griffin kites will still rock regardless.

Keep up the good fun!

NSW, 1651 posts
14 Apr 2012 10:50PM
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no offence mike, but your photo shows bay, not surf. I have my hopes up for a large kite like the trx to work in 10 knts and surf. I know it won't turn like my nine, it just can't, but if it turns quickly enough that i can anticipate without waiting, then it might fit the bill. I appreciate that you are stoked with the Argo, I love the Argos too. 17 meters is a big kite, but if it can relaunch in light wind, and if it can turn quick enough, (relative) than I want to try it out. I am one of those people that likes to kite in all conditions, and I get frustrated if I can't get out after a couple of days. A light wind kite will ease that frustration as time on the water always makes me a more relaxed and balanced person.

NSW, 331 posts
14 Apr 2012 11:06PM
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:0 sorry, didn't think I have one from the surf with this kite yet, but I do. This was taken last weekend in Tuross Head. I know the surf doesn't look to impressive, but trust me, it was enough to keep all the beach goers/surfers out.

That was the reason for me this kite. It happened way too many times to drive to the beach and fly the kite on the beach, because it wasn't enough wind for my 10. So yeah, with a 17 meters I can pretty much get in the water in 7-8 knots.

dafish said...

no offence mike, but your photo shows bay, not surf. I have my hopes up for a large kite like the trx to work in 10 knts and surf. I know it won't turn like my nine, it just can't, but if it turns quickly enough that i can anticipate without waiting, then it might fit the bill. I appreciate that you are stoked with the Argo, I love the Argos too. 17 meters is a big kite, but if it can relaunch in light wind, and if it can turn quick enough, (relative) than I want to try it out. I am one of those people that likes to kite in all conditions, and I get frustrated if I can't get out after a couple of days. A light wind kite will ease that frustration as time on the water always makes me a more relaxed and balanced person.

QLD, 138 posts
15 Apr 2012 7:23AM
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Ive got a 17m taboo i can get up in bout 9knots. Start having fun in like 11 knots. Ive taken it in dodgy mackay surf once id never do it again. Dont have the turning speed to pop over waves end up getting hit in the face by every single one. Big kites provide alot of constant pull cause of big surface area. Im no surfer but dont think thats wat u want. Dont they use little kites that drift with them?

NSW, 551 posts
15 Apr 2012 11:09AM
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dafish said...

I have my hopes up for a large kite like the trx to work in 10 knts and surf.

I use my 10m Rally in 10 knots. I have a light wind specific board, great as long as the swell is not big because it can't handle too much speed. but that's an option without opting for a big cumbersome kite.

WA, 2940 posts
15 Apr 2012 9:24AM
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Mikedobee said...

nice poo stance

NSW, 1651 posts
15 Apr 2012 2:35PM
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dusta dude, give him a little slack, he only just started kiting. The fact that he is getting out on a board in waves is good. It seems to me it wasn't that long ago that he showed up as an absolute newbee. Given the time he has had on the water, I think he is doing okay. Nothing beats good ol enthusiasm.

WA, 2940 posts
15 Apr 2012 2:07PM
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dafish said...

dusta dude, give him a little slack, he only just started kiting. The fact that he is getting out on a board in waves is good. It seems to me it wasn't that long ago that he showed up as an absolute newbee. Given the time he has had on the water, I think he is doing okay. Nothing beats good ol enthusiasm.

jeesus some people are thinned skin . Correct stance was taught to me from the get-go .

NSW, 1651 posts
15 Apr 2012 6:03PM
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my skin is reasonably thick, but I would still rather look for a positive comment than a slanderous one....
Everyone likes a joke, few people like to be on the receiving end of one.
Fire away.....
That said, I am sure he will look at that photo, and your comment, and work to improve that in the future.
Not even sure why I am defending somebody I don't even know, must be due to the severe lack of wind this week.... :(

WA, 2940 posts
15 Apr 2012 8:36PM
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dafish said...

my skin is reasonably thick, but I would still rather look for a positive comment than a slanderous one....


pointing out someone has a poo stance is slanderous how ?

WA, 9582 posts
15 Apr 2012 9:39PM
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It's called pooism. Stop being so pooist.

NSW, 201 posts
16 Apr 2012 1:49AM
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17m Kite looping in 6-7 knots,

Yes they turn fast for the size.
Its a true 17m, not a 14m with 17m printed on it.
Its a lot of fun for 87kg on a lot of rocker 5ft3 surf board from 8+ knots.
The video is shot in 6-7 knots
I designed it to be a fun fast light agile, light wind wave kite, something that you feel powered up in 8+ knots, something that does not feel like a truck.
The fun range is from 8+ knots, its doable on a large board or race board in less knots.
Yes it does turn faster than some 12m 2012 well advertised kites.
No I wont mention what other brands kites it turns faster than.
No it does not turn faster than a 4m kite
No it will not give you poo stance.
Yes the kite goes upwind great and does not pull you downwind.
Yes its a good light wind surf kite, you can pivot turn the kite at 180 degrees very fast on a wave as the vid shows.
Yes the kite turns faster in 8 knots than the 6-7 knot video below.
Yes it has excellent drift.
Yes the kite has a lot of depower, you can turn off the kite on a wave.
Yes I added the Argo auto assisted relaunch for easy relaunch in light winds.

I feel the TRX is the fastest most agile easiest to relaunch light wind wave and free ride kite available.

Yes this sounds hard to believe

Below video shot in about 6-7 knots, medium 53 cm bar
Kite was on the medium turning setting, not fast. Lines were 25m
Kite is designed for 25m for surf, add line extensions for more light wind ability or racing. (Yes it turns faster with a larger bar )

Sorry for the sucky video, the 17m has only been in Australia for a few weeks and I have been busy flying it, not filming it. Video was shot just to show the turning speed. I will get a wind meter and get better video to more accurately show off the capabilities of this kite.

There is only 1 x 17m TRX in Australia and a few others around the planet,
They are in production now and a few weeks away.

I have put a hell of a lot of time building this kite, most brands go for high aspect large kites, High aspect 17m Kites suck for turning and relaunch and drift. I designed something else, 3 strut 17m not high aspect designed to turn and drift and feel light and fast and go upwind and relaunch easily in light winds.

WA, 198 posts
16 Apr 2012 3:05AM
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wheres the video to the original post?

NSW, 1651 posts
16 Apr 2012 8:08AM
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dusta, your post wasn't slanderous as per say, I was just stating that I would rather say something positive...looking back at my "too much work and not enough kiting" comment on a sunday night = failed attempt to get my message across.
All this poo stance talk is giving me the runs...

NSW, 331 posts
16 Apr 2012 8:18AM
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Thanks for you feed back! I'll try to work on it!


dusta said...

Mikedobee said...

nice poo stance

NSW, 331 posts
16 Apr 2012 9:55AM
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Really? 10 meters Rally in 10 knots? That's awesome. I could only go down wind in 10 (if). But again, I only have a 129 twin tip.

Could you actually go upwind too?

COL said...

dafish said...

I have my hopes up for a large kite like the trx to work in 10 knts and surf.

I use my 10m Rally in 10 knots. I have a light wind specific board, great as long as the swell is not big because it can't handle too much speed. but that's an option without opting for a big cumbersome kite.

WA, 2940 posts
16 Apr 2012 10:14AM
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Surfy31 said...

wheres the video to the original post?

WA, 147 posts
17 Apr 2012 7:37AM
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“WARNING” The link below is for those who genuinely want to see Griffin products being used and tested. This post thread is about a Griffin product for your information only, if you do not want to see this video then don't view the link! "

Happy Flying

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
17 Apr 2012 9:52AM
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lotofwind said...

If the 14m turns like the 9m,
some improvments might be needed on the 9m.

No, no no.....the 9m turns like a 2 line trainer kite

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
17 Apr 2012 9:54AM
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pilotpete said...

“WARNING” The link below is for those who genuinely want to see Griffin products being used and tested. This post thread is about a Griffin product for your information only, if you do not want to see this video then don't view the link! "

Happy Flying

helps when we can see whats on the screen of your $50 wind meter
another pointless video

WA, 147 posts
17 Apr 2012 8:00AM
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Sorry if you go to full screen its better but I will hold it closer next time.
Happy Flying

WA, 9582 posts
17 Apr 2012 12:02PM
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Yeh full screen it, easy enough to see. **** all wind basically

NSW, 1651 posts
17 Apr 2012 2:45PM
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Nice Pilot flew the kite, you showed us the wind conditions, and we got to see a little of how the kite performs. Not a white cap in sight. Thanks for putting that together, represents a better informed opinion on the kite.
I should have a 17 showing up soon, and though I don't do video, I will send a report through after I give it a run.
Kite looks good!

WA, 9582 posts
17 Apr 2012 4:24PM
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dafish said...

Nice Pilot flew the kite, you showed us the wind conditions, and we got to see a little of how the kite performs. Not a white cap in sight. Thanks for putting that together, represents a better informed opinion on the kite.
I should have a 17 showing up soon, and though I don't do video, I will send a report through after I give it a run.
Kite looks good!

Hey look forward to that. Don't mind me asking how long you been kiting and what other brands have you flown and types?

NSW, 1651 posts
17 Apr 2012 7:05PM
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Been surfing for longer than most posters hear have been alive, lived at many epic spots during my time, and took up kiting a few years ago when I finished a few priorities like raising my two girls and building our killer pad in Jervis Bay. I am a muscian/producer/engineer and builder. My wife is an international artist, (she is Aussie, me Mexican). Been down under long enough to call it home, and I do. I live in paradise.
Kites I have had are Gk Sonics, Rev 2's, Rebels, and now I also have an Argo 11.5. I have flown Ozones, Noise, Cabs, Airrush, other Norths and Switch, but not owned them.
I have lived in three countries, but this is my favorite, (although I will be living in Mexico part time when the girls are on their own)
I don't hold any preference to surfing strapped or strapless, they are both good in the right conditions. Love jumping with the TT, but I tore the Mcl mid Feb and have to take it easy. Right now its only strapless regardless of the condition.
Anything else you want to know?
ps. I know you are a Rebel fan, and so am I. I make no bones against that kite. Not a fan of the 5 line, and not too much of a fan of the price tag. Lines also let the very expensive bar down, but its a good system. Kite flies like a dream and is well behaved in the surf. However, I tried the 7mt in the surf and it didn't thrill me as much.

WA, 9582 posts
17 Apr 2012 5:31PM
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Wow at for the details lol. Sounds like a cool life you live man. Prick. Nah just joking. Yeh I agree with what you said aboutn the rebels, all of it, good and bad. After a marginal kite like you hence the interest. Keen on hearing ya feedback man. Also what star sign are ya. Ha ha.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Griffin TRX 14m Kite Looping in 3-4knots on beach" started by pilotpete