Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

Kite board for serious waves - Deltadesigns

Created by hilly > 9 months ago, 10 Feb 2010
WA, 7319 posts
10 Feb 2010 7:01PM
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Rider: 105kg,Level intermediate,advanced
Style: Surf
Weather: 15 - 30 knots
Build Quality: 10/10
Satisfaction: 10/10
Disclosure: Paid full price
My Comments:
I have put off getting a board that can handle serious waves 2 x head+ as I thought it would be too limiting not suiting the Perth slop that I ride a lot. Finally bit the bullet and got Marty from Delta (Shaped for North the last couple of years) in Margaret River to shape me a 6 4.

This was after kiting with Dean and Drew at Mainbreak and being humiliated with how much I was struggling when they were ripping on their Deltas in significant chunks of water. Most of that was my lack of skill but my board gave me no confidence through the bottom turn and very little drive back up the face.

What a difference a little less width and more length made. The board is really positive rail to rail very secure when driving a turn but still snaps hard off the top. Very confident in the bigger stuff now even manage a few decent turns, all good.

The unexpected bonus is the board is great in smaller waves especially toeside. Having a ball on it. Thoroughly recommend you give Marty a call

Coral Sea
QLD, 476 posts
11 Feb 2010 10:49AM
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Beautiful lines on that board.....double overhead you've got me daydreaming!

NSW, 387 posts
11 Feb 2010 2:38PM
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Awesome looking board ,looks solid, good size stringer, is it epoxy? Do you jump your boards, while riding the waves.

11 Feb 2010 4:12PM
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Anyone got a phone number for Marty?

Anyone got a phone number for a kiteshop in Margaret River??

WA, 3477 posts
11 Feb 2010 2:07PM
Thumbs Up - ph (08) 9757 2682


@ Hilly looks sweet what sort of width?
I'm guessing around 17 3/4 -18"

WA, 7319 posts
11 Feb 2010 9:30PM
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green menace said...

Awesome looking board ,looks solid, good size stringer, is it epoxy? Do you jump your boards, while riding the waves.

Try not to jump, arials down the line are sic

WA, 7319 posts
11 Feb 2010 9:32PM
Thumbs Up

tightlines said... - ph (08) 9757 2682


@ Hilly looks sweet what sort of width?
I'm guessing around 17 3/4 -18"

Close did not want to put the specs up as Marty has already been stung. He has a magic formula that works and deserves the credit. Give him a call worth the effort.

WA, 7319 posts
11 Feb 2010 9:33PM
Thumbs Up

neoniphon said...

Beautiful lines on that board.....double overhead you've got me daydreaming!

Me too

NSW, 387 posts
16 Feb 2010 8:17AM
Thumbs Up

Have you ridden the litewave quad 5'8 ?, solid board yet to get it on big waves, sometimes this happens on the sunny coast. Very stable heads upwind hard, rail sits well in the water, likes to be aired, bulletproof.

WA, 881 posts
19 Feb 2010 10:02AM
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have got most of my kiting and surfing boards off marty over the years

only good stuff to say

try eps foam and epoxy boards = very strong and light and good feel - not tuflite plasticky
not bagging tuflite have had afew goodies but eps similar benefits but more old style feel

WA, 7319 posts
21 Feb 2010 5:46PM
Thumbs Up

green menace said...

Have you ridden the litewave quad 5'8 ?, solid board yet to get it on big waves, sometimes this happens on the sunny coast. Very stable heads upwind hard, rail sits well in the water, likes to be aired, bulletproof.

I like a bit of rail to drive that is why I went 6 4. I think short boards are better in smaller waves. I am 6 2 105kg.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"Kite board for serious waves - Deltadesigns" started by hilly