Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

New Noise kite

Created by toppleover > 9 months ago, 21 Mar 2012
WA, 3619 posts
23 Mar 2012 6:58PM
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Paul1 said...

puppetonastring said...

Paul1 said...

Couldn't make it any worse I guess....???

That is one stupid comment.

[admin edit: abuse removed] I didn't like the 10m BWS I tried that YOU sell and it makes you upset. So I am not entitled to my opinion of it?

Love to have your opinion Paul and no Im not upset.
If you dont like it (or any other kite) then give the readers something to go on rather than simply "couldnt make it any worse". Thats what I was saying was stupid & it is.
And if its that bad and then why would you want to demo the latest one with the latest tweaks? Its still an upgrade of the NOISE.
Perhaps you should try a rebel - someone around here somewhere says they are quite different

WA, 9499 posts
23 Mar 2012 7:53PM
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Yeh try the rebel then you can generate a fantastic wait on let me help you, you will either write

It is a good kite and I like it


It is not a good kite and I don't like it.

Let me save you the trouble.

WA, 2119 posts
23 Mar 2012 8:00PM
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The new noise kite.... its a refinement on the old noise kite, just like any other model of kite like the fuel, rebel, torch etc. It changes canopy shape slightly and changes bridal positions, or line setups (C-kites) based on team rider feedback.

Wave riding is something quite new. 2002 Lou was showing wakestyle beyond belief on a 2 line kite, and Mark shinn was wave riding, not at the hightest level, Mutu was.... High depower kites that dont pull you off your board when arcing them across the wind window were the future. Riding a wave with a kite is like playing drums, It you cant use the snare, kick drum and the high hat and get it right its not the kits fault.

Wave riding in anything besides cross, cross/offshore aint easy and requires the rider to understand the biggest variable.... THE WAVE. "Only a surfer would know" a marketing quote.

To say a kite is crap s saying you are crap, most kites can drift without hindenburging, yet specific wave kites drift better than others. The issue is in high/low aspect and projected area of a specific brand, the wind it is flown in going downwind, in low wind a kite with high projected area will not stall, yet the same shape on a smaller kite, with more wind will rip you off your board given the same input.

to truly surf on a wave you need 2 techniques.... 1) use the kite to get around sections... whip it in low wind. 2) actually learn how to surf and drif the kite and if it falls in the water, blame yourself, not the board or the kite

WA, 2119 posts
23 Mar 2012 8:06PM
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Eppo, honestly you are a PIMP, yet your brother rides BEST???? you have so much to say after kitesurfing for "25 years". why are you not on the PKRA or the KPT? You test f all yet know everything..... try testing the ego (fluid)

WA, 9499 posts
23 Mar 2012 8:48PM
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Never said I know everything Dave. I was asking the guy for an informed opinion just like puppet on a string was. Not sure what your beef is with me, nor why you are being so aggressive. Your last post called me an elitist cocksucker. Where the hell did you get that from.

Yet you seem to think it is alright with your little lessons like above.

When we met I assumed you were a decent bloke with a good sense of humor and I am still trying to stay that way. But you are making it really hard.

Again not sure why you choose to adopt such an aggressive tone, infact I am quite perplexed.

Also what the hell have I been pimping on this thread. I actually want to hear a decent review as a friend has asked me about them to start kitesurfing with. I haven't said a bad thing about them.

Mate you need a reality check buddy, your attitude towards me has very little basis. Nor the verbal attacks are warranted.

What exactly am I pimping, what is gods name has gotten into you?.

Why the fluid? Thought you were onto best ts. Love to try the Peter Lynn's.

WA, 2119 posts
23 Mar 2012 9:08PM
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eppo said...

Never said I know everything Dave. I was asking the guy for an informed opinion just like puppet on a string was. Not sure what your beef is with me, nor why you are being so aggressive. Your last post called me an elitist cocksucker. Where the hell did you get that from.

Yet you seem to think it is alright with your little lessons like above.

When we met I assumed you were a decent bloke with a good sense of humor and I am still trying to stay that way. But you are making it really hard.

Again not sure why you choose to adopt such an aggressive tone, infact I am quite perplexed.

Also what the hell have I been pimping on this thread. I actually want to hear a decent review as a friend has asked me about them to start kitesurfing with. I haven't said a bad thing about them.

Mate you need a reality check buddy, your attitude towards me has very little basis. Nor the verbal attacks are warranted.

What exactly am I pimping, what is gods name has gotten into you?.

Why the fluid? Thought you were onto best ts. Love to try the Peter Lynn's.

A right to reply: First of all everybody knows you love the rebel, and you have every right to your opinion. Yet dont pimp it at every opportunity you see fit. I GAVE you a bar and lines complete for a $15 bottle of wine for your brother after you bagged BEST on this forum.....

Where did I call you an "elitist cocksucker",?????

On this thread I dont know but 47-50 replys on the BWS thread Vs Rebel borders on insanity. Let it go....

So What you have a gripe with me on the internet??? You said PM people that you consider un-biased, I get at least 5-10 a week as I can test any brand and give an honest (mabe biased review), at least I have the credentials to back it up, from a sports science and acquisition of motor skills background. And Yes I fly the Bet TS (taboo Series V2).

As far as being agressive, get a grip. If I was agressive to you verbally, Im sorry....

WA, 2119 posts
23 Mar 2012 9:26PM
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An "elitist cocksucker" is a dog..... I can t do it and Ive tried, Im not that flexible, are you Branding youself as eletistly flexible

WA, 4263 posts
23 Mar 2012 9:56PM
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Saffer said...

waveslave said...

The pump is sold as an add-on.
That sucks.

Its the same as buying a kite without a bar.

No it's not. ^^^

Many kiters have their own custom bars so they just buy a kite (only).
They don't need a factory bar with all the sh1tty widgets on it.
Pumps are standard issue.
Kiters like pumps.
BWS should think wisely about customer-relations.

WA, 2119 posts
23 Mar 2012 10:44PM
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^^^^^^ So whats about the deflate part on any kite pump???? It only adds to connfusion. has anyone purposely put it on deflate and deflated their kite, what a waste to an extra bit of plastic.

WA, 9499 posts
23 Mar 2012 11:07PM
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dave...... said...

An "elitist cocksucker" is a dog..... I can t do it and Ive tried, Im not that flexible, are you Branding youself as eletistly flexible

If I could I would my friend.

QLD, 3615 posts
24 Mar 2012 8:02AM
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I'd like to be referred to as Elitist as well. It sounds important.

Berg K1t3r
QLD, 106 posts
24 Mar 2012 10:26AM
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dave...... said...

^^^^^^ So whats about the deflate part on any kite pump???? It only adds to connfusion. has anyone purposely put it on deflate and deflated their kite, what a waste to an extra bit of plastic.

Yeah and really annoying when you forget to tie your boardies up.....and the string gets sucked down into the pump, becoming permanently attached to the pump

poor relative
WA, 9089 posts
24 Mar 2012 11:00AM
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eppo said...

Your last post called me an elitist cocksucker.

That is brilliant. By the end of the day i'm gonna call someone an elitist cocksucker.

QLD, 80 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:13PM
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GREAT WORK SEABREEZE--- logging onto Seabreeze these days is what I imagine a mothers group chat page to sound like,, full of awesome feed back and information that all can use !!!!,this thread got side tracked after the 2nd post- awesome work girls !

WA, 4485 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:07PM
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troytam said...

GREAT WORK SEABREEZE--- logging onto Seabreeze these days is what I imagine a mothers group chat page to sound like,, full of awesome feed back and information that all can use !!!!,this thread got side tracked after the 2nd post- awesome work girls !

Yeh - you laydies should have left this thread entirely to the pimps so it would remain ALL positive.

Shame on you for having your own opinions or experiance.. I don't know how you live with yourselves.

What a bunch of elitist cocksuckers.. catchy innit.

WA, 4485 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:13PM
Thumbs Up


Toppleover and Trotam both from Buderim Qld.. Now where does Ben and his loyal band of payrolled positive vibe spreaders run from again?

If you are on the payroll guys (and you may well not be) or getting free/discount stuff from the company in question - put it out there and be honest. Others here on SB do.

The opinions that don't go in BWS favour are (usually) from punters on no-one's payolla but sooo many pro BWS posted are by/about/asking rhetorical Qs from fellow BWS employees.

Good way to pizz ya cred away. You can fool some people some times..

WA, 685 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:26PM
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Funky before you go making accusations like that I think you should do a bit more research.

I know Toppleover is a Reo rider and before that Fuses and if I were him I'd be pissed with your post..

WA, 9499 posts
24 Mar 2012 1:50PM
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dave...... said...

eppo said...

Never said I know everything Dave. I was asking the guy for an informed opinion just like puppet on a string was. Not sure what your beef is with me, nor why you are being so aggressive. Your last post called me an elitist cocksucker. Where the hell did you get that from.

Yet you seem to think it is alright with your little lessons like above.

When we met I assumed you were a decent bloke with a good sense of humor and I am still trying to stay that way. But you are making it really hard.

Again not sure why you choose to adopt such an aggressive tone, infact I am quite perplexed.

Also what the hell have I been pimping on this thread. I actually want to hear a decent review as a friend has asked me about them to start kitesurfing with. I haven't said a bad thing about them.

Mate you need a reality check buddy, your attitude towards me has very little basis. Nor the verbal attacks are warranted.

What exactly am I pimping, what is gods name has gotten into you?.

Why the fluid? Thought you were onto best ts. Love to try the Peter Lynn's.

A right to reply: First of all everybody knows you love the rebel, and you have every right to your opinion. Yet dont pimp it at every opportunity you see fit. I GAVE you a bar and lines complete for a $15 bottle of wine for your brother after you bagged BEST on this forum.....

Where did I call you an "elitist cocksucker",?????

On this thread I dont know but 47-50 replys on the BWS thread Vs Rebel borders on insanity. Let it go....

So What you have a gripe with me on the internet??? You said PM people that you consider un-biased, I get at least 5-10 a week as I can test any brand and give an honest (mabe biased review), at least I have the credentials to back it up, from a sports science and acquisition of motor skills background. And Yes I fly the Bet TS (taboo Series V2).

As far as being agressive, get a grip. If I was agressive to you verbally, Im sorry....

You called be a elitist cocksucker the last time you mentioned the best bar you cheaply gave away to my bro, which was much appreciated by the way. I tried to find it but couldn't.

When have I ever knocked best?. When did I do it on this thread? Infact after your positive review of the TS I have also mentioned this kite is worth trying. Also what do I gain to pimp a kite? Not affiliated in any way to anyone, I have nothing to gain.

If you read my last review I gave a much more positive spin on the C4, mentioned the limitations of the rebel, and ended up getting a Vegas for farq sake and yet making the point next year I will be demoing the C4 again as it was such a great experience riding with one.

If you look At the comments on the review people were very happy with it, it was useful to them. I thought it gave an opinion that was backed by some technical but pragmatic flying detail. What started your rant earlier was puppet was asking the guy for an informed review rather than " I don't like it". I was supporting this idea.

As far as 47 posts the thread meandered all over the place so the posts were not just about the rebel, all sorts of stuff came out. Infact that is how I found out about the Vegas in the surf and also led to testing the C4. I have been clear on the limitations of the rebel and given a balanced view I thought.

As far as your credentials, know one is arguing about that, and I haven't said you know FCk all, which you said to me. Maybe I don't have a sport science background, maybe I don't get to demo as many kites as you, but I've been around since the two line foils. I have watched and flown all the major evolutions of the kite and there are a number of others. Surely this gives me some practical comparitive credentials.

True though in the early days I rode everything I could, last three years have not ridden s many as I would have liked, not as many as you.

But for you to imply that I don't have the credentials to back it up, is indeed elitist in nature.

Maybe you are the elitist cocksucker after all, I shouldn't give an opinion because you have got a university degree! Well I have 4 of them, just not in sports science! I have taught physical education for a number of years, does that help with your credential measurement.

Your post that started this most would agree was aggressive in nature and so was the the one I couldn't find or bother to spend time to find when you produced a very similar tone.

Maybe that is just your style, if so, that's cool.

For the record I do love the rebel, but I also think there are manyu brilliant kites out there.

Also I do enjoy your technical posts, they are well thought out and informative. More of this and less attacking posts would be appreciated by me anyway.

When can I demo the best TS?.

WA, 1549 posts
24 Mar 2012 2:35PM
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u do dribble on non stop about your rebels and contribute pretty much nonsense here on SB Eppo..

An aquaintance told me that your part of a semi scamming multi level marketing scheme?

is this untrue?

84 posts
24 Mar 2012 2:35PM
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And Eppo calls me a "time waster" for referring him to his own post referring to biased opinions, it appears that this is eppo's little "blow me " session and it would be remiss of me not to draw some conclusion to the previous (quote) elitist cocksucker comment ha fkn ha

WA, 1549 posts
24 Mar 2012 2:38PM
Thumbs Up

eppo said...

dave...... said...

eppo said...

Never said I know everything Dave. I was asking the guy for an informed opinion just like puppet on a string was. Not sure what your beef is with me, nor why you are being so aggressive. Your last post called me an elitist cocksucker. Where the hell did you get that from.

Yet you seem to think it is alright with your little lessons like above.

When we met I assumed you were a decent bloke with a good sense of humor and I am still trying to stay that way. But you are making it really hard.

Again not sure why you choose to adopt such an aggressive tone, infact I am quite perplexed.

Also what the hell have I been pimping on this thread. I actually want to hear a decent review as a friend has asked me about them to start kitesurfing with. I haven't said a bad thing about them.

Mate you need a reality check buddy, your attitude towards me has very little basis. Nor the verbal attacks are warranted.

What exactly am I pimping, what is gods name has gotten into you?.

Why the fluid? Thought you were onto best ts. Love to try the Peter Lynn's.

A right to reply: First of all everybody knows you love the rebel, and you have every right to your opinion. Yet dont pimp it at every opportunity you see fit. I GAVE you a bar and lines complete for a $15 bottle of wine for your brother after you bagged BEST on this forum.....

Where did I call you an "elitist cocksucker",?????

On this thread I dont know but 47-50 replys on the BWS thread Vs Rebel borders on insanity. Let it go....

So What you have a gripe with me on the internet??? You said PM people that you consider un-biased, I get at least 5-10 a week as I can test any brand and give an honest (mabe biased review), at least I have the credentials to back it up, from a sports science and acquisition of motor skills background. And Yes I fly the Bet TS (taboo Series V2).

As far as being agressive, get a grip. If I was agressive to you verbally, Im sorry....

You called be a elitist cocksucker the last time you mentioned the best bar you cheaply gave away to my bro, which was much appreciated by the way. I tried to find it but couldn't.

When have I ever knocked best?. When did I do it on this thread? Infact after your positive review of the TS I have also mentioned this kite is worth trying. Also what do I gain to pimp a kite? Not affiliated in any way to anyone, I have nothing to gain.

If you read my last review I gave a much more positive spin on the C4, mentioned the limitations of the rebel, and ended up getting a Vegas for farq sake and yet making the point next year I will be demoing the C4 again as it was such a great experience riding with one.

If you look At the comments on the review people were very happy with it, it was useful to them. I thought it gave an opinion that was backed by some technical but pragmatic flying detail. What started your rant earlier was puppet was asking the guy for an informed review rather than " I don't like it". I was supporting this idea.

As far as 47 posts the thread meandered all over the place so the posts were not just about the rebel, all sorts of stuff came out. Infact that is how I found out about the Vegas in the surf and also led to testing the C4. I have been clear on the limitations of the rebel and given a balanced view I thought.

As far as your credentials, know one is arguing about that, and I haven't said you know FCk all, which you said to me. Maybe I don't have a sport science background, maybe I don't get to demo as many kites as you, but I've been around since the two line foils. I have watched and flown all the major evolutions of the kite and there are a number of others. Surely this gives me some practical comparitive credentials.

True though in the early days I rode everything I could, last three years have not ridden s many as I would have liked, not as many as you.

But for you to imply that I don't have the credentials to back it up, is indeed elitist in nature.

Maybe you are the elitist cocksucker after all, I shouldn't give an opinion because you have got a university degree! Well I have 4 of them, just not in sports science! I have taught physical education for a number of years, does that help with your credential measurement.

Your post that started this most would agree was aggressive in nature and so was the the one I couldn't find or bother to spend time to find when you produced a very similar tone.

Maybe that is just your style, if so, that's cool.

For the record I do love the rebel, but I also think there are manyu brilliant kites out there.

Also I do enjoy your technical posts, they are well thought out and informative. More of this and less attacking posts would be appreciated by me anyway.

When can I demo the best TS?.

Written by a definite school teacher I bet.

the walks
WA, 448 posts
24 Mar 2012 3:00PM
Thumbs Up

RPM said...

eppo said...

dave...... said...

eppo said...

Never said I know everything Dave. I was asking the guy for an informed opinion just like puppet on a string was. Not sure what your beef is with me, nor why you are being so aggressive. Your last post called me an elitist cocksucker. Where the hell did you get that from.

Yet you seem to think it is alright with your little lessons like above.

When we met I assumed you were a decent bloke with a good sense of humor and I am still trying to stay that way. But you are making it really hard.

Again not sure why you choose to adopt such an aggressive tone, infact I am quite perplexed.

Also what the hell have I been pimping on this thread. I actually want to hear a decent review as a friend has asked me about them to start kitesurfing with. I haven't said a bad thing about them.

Mate you need a reality check buddy, your attitude towards me has very little basis. Nor the verbal attacks are warranted.

What exactly am I pimping, what is gods name has gotten into you?.

Why the fluid? Thought you were onto best ts. Love to try the Peter Lynn's.

A right to reply: First of all everybody knows you love the rebel, and you have every right to your opinion. Yet dont pimp it at every opportunity you see fit. I GAVE you a bar and lines complete for a $15 bottle of wine for your brother after you bagged BEST on this forum.....

Where did I call you an "elitist cocksucker",?????

On this thread I dont know but 47-50 replys on the BWS thread Vs Rebel borders on insanity. Let it go....

So What you have a gripe with me on the internet??? You said PM people that you consider un-biased, I get at least 5-10 a week as I can test any brand and give an honest (mabe biased review), at least I have the credentials to back it up, from a sports science and acquisition of motor skills background. And Yes I fly the Bet TS (taboo Series V2).

As far as being agressive, get a grip. If I was agressive to you verbally, Im sorry....

You called be a elitist cocksucker the last time you mentioned the best bar you cheaply gave away to my bro, which was much appreciated by the way. I tried to find it but couldn't.

When have I ever knocked best?. When did I do it on this thread? Infact after your positive review of the TS I have also mentioned this kite is worth trying. Also what do I gain to pimp a kite? Not affiliated in any way to anyone, I have nothing to gain.

If you read my last review I gave a much more positive spin on the C4, mentioned the limitations of the rebel, and ended up getting a Vegas for farq sake and yet making the point next year I will be demoing the C4 again as it was such a great experience riding with one.

If you look At the comments on the review people were very happy with it, it was useful to them. I thought it gave an opinion that was backed by some technical but pragmatic flying detail. What started your rant earlier was puppet was asking the guy for an informed review rather than " I don't like it". I was supporting this idea.

As far as 47 posts the thread meandered all over the place so the posts were not just about the rebel, all sorts of stuff came out. Infact that is how I found out about the Vegas in the surf and also led to testing the C4. I have been clear on the limitations of the rebel and given a balanced view I thought.

As far as your credentials, know one is arguing about that, and I haven't said you know FCk all, which you said to me. Maybe I don't have a sport science background, maybe I don't get to demo as many kites as you, but I've been around since the two line foils. I have watched and flown all the major evolutions of the kite and there are a number of others. Surely this gives me some practical comparitive credentials.

True though in the early days I rode everything I could, last three years have not ridden s many as I would have liked, not as many as you.

But for you to imply that I don't have the credentials to back it up, is indeed elitist in nature.

Maybe you are the elitist cocksucker after all, I shouldn't give an opinion because you have got a university degree! Well I have 4 of them, just not in sports science! I have taught physical education for a number of years, does that help with your credential measurement.

Your post that started this most would agree was aggressive in nature and so was the the one I couldn't find or bother to spend time to find when you produced a very similar tone.

Maybe that is just your style, if so, that's cool.

For the record I do love the rebel, but I also think there are manyu brilliant kites out there.

Also I do enjoy your technical posts, they are well thought out and informative. More of this and less attacking posts would be appreciated by me anyway.

When can I demo the best TS?.

Written by a definite school teacher I bet.

seems to me there are lots of school teachers involved in kiteing

WA, 9499 posts
24 Mar 2012 3:16PM
Thumbs Up

Why do you think I cut my salary by 2 3rds from extractive metallurgy?. Oh sorry it was because of the love of teenage kids and I thought I could make a difference. Lol.

WA, 1549 posts
24 Mar 2012 3:26PM
Thumbs Up

whatever flips your burger.

QLD, 2043 posts
24 Mar 2012 6:19PM
Thumbs Up

getfunky said...


Toppleover and Trotam both from Buderim Qld.. Now where does Ben and his loyal band of payrolled positive vibe spreaders run from again?

If you are on the payroll guys (and you may well not be) or getting free/discount stuff from the company in question - put it out there and be honest. Others here on SB do.

The opinions that don't go in BWS favour are (usually) from punters on no-one's payolla but sooo many pro BWS posted are by/about/asking rhetorical Qs from fellow BWS employees.

Good way to pizz ya cred away. You can fool some people some times..

For the record as Slack mentioned I ride Reo,s, there is no conspiracy here getfunky.
What was this thread about again ??? You guys crack me up.

WA, 4485 posts
25 Mar 2012 10:57AM
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LOL, fair nuff - my error.

There has been quite a record of blokes from Qld (and Perf) firing off rhetrical questions to each other and talking up BWS but somehow forgetting to mention they get paid/sposored to comment on BWS (and also forgetting they were all together at the team cam0p the week before trying out the gear tthey are asking each other questions about ). Forgetful bunch it seems.

Hard to know what is genuine when so many threads and contributers have been full of pimp juice in the past.

QLD, 1011 posts
25 Mar 2012 4:29PM
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So, let me get this right. If you like a BWS kite you can just say the kite was FULLY SICK!!!! and that's cool, but if you dare to say you don't like it you have to write a 10 page essay on the technical reasons of your experience with said kite, only to be shot down in flames by all the BWS retailers and mates rates crew because you are clearly wrong, what a croc of sh1t. I really don't get all the protection for the brand, yes Ben is a cool Australian and a sick wave kiter, but his kites are still made by small underpaid Asian workers......

WA, 1222 posts
25 Mar 2012 2:32PM
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few pics of the new kites for those interested, they look sweet and the built quality is great- now for some wind! different colour graphics for each size.

QLD, 1011 posts
25 Mar 2012 5:43PM
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They look pretty sweet, where can you demo in SEQLD?

QLD, 3615 posts
25 Mar 2012 5:51PM
Thumbs Up

Paul1 said...

So, let me get this right. If you like a BWS kite you can just say the kite was FULLY SICK!!!! and that's cool, but if you dare to say you don't like it you have to write a 10 page essay on the technical reasons of your experience with said kite,

but his kites are still made by small underpaid Asian workers......

who said they didn't like the new kite?

Is that keyboard you're typing on made by overpaid asian workers?

good pics. I cant argue with photos.


Forums > Kitesurfing Gear Reviews

"New Noise kite" started by toppleover